Chapter 1

Hey all, I know it's been awhile but I have been busy, this is the start of hopefully another great series, enjoy NOTE: This series has nothing to do with any of my other series thus far. 18+ only * * * Chapter 1 Cynder shivered in the chill...

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true feelings

Hey everyone, hope you all enjoy this here story, it's only short but I put a lot of feeling into it. Just remember to R&R plz, thnx. NOTE: after my comment at the bottom there's another little line from the story that I left out, didn't want it...

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great music=great stories

Sup guys, sorry I've been a bit absent, I've been out viewing other stories and trying to get myself a defined writing style, any who I think I will get to writing the second half of chapter 11 after I do a few songfics. This one takes place after the...

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chapter 10 alternate ending- too late

Hey guys, here's an alternate ending that just popped into my head, i don't take any owner ship of the song, Never to Late by Three days grace, also i did get the idea of Spyro singing from Kroqgar so don't go on about it. You might want to load...

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Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war

Heya, hope that your enjoying this, if you haven't already then i command that you read the stories by yiff dragon, frostdragon and Kroqgar. Couldn't decide between the two titles Plz be 18 or over to read and have fun ^o^/ Chapter 10-...

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Hi, this first ones gonna be quite different to the ones i've done so far, hope you find it entertaining NOTE: all these stories that i write are done while i listen to Metalicia's Nothing Else Matters, The Unforgiven and Savin me by Nickle back,...

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Chapter 9-No one likes goodbyes

Hey, i hope you are enjoying this series, i may take a short break to write some other stuff about Spyro and Cynder but this is just such a fun series that i can't help but want to continue. Under 18= get out, over 18=read, review, 5 star rating ...

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chapter 8- one friends betrayal, one friends love, one enemies end

Hello my friends, tis great to see so many people that enjoy my work, i just wish that my tale was more gripping from the side of things that i haven't really got a plot going have i?. Well thats about to change, i think. You + under 18= fail at...

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chapter 6-Mavericks guilt

Hey everyone, how is you all, good? Good. Because I have absolutely no idea what I'm about to write, let's all just hope it end well again. If you're under 18 then legally you ‘could' read my stories for awhile. I don't know when or if I'm gonna...

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chapter 5-getting to know ryan

Hello people, how are you all doin, if your wondering what happens in the end don't ask me, I don't even have a plan for what I'm about to write right now, I just make it up as I go along. (My new character will be very based on me, though a few things...

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chapter 4-homecoming surprise

Hey people, if you've read this far either you like it, your reading this one first, or your obsessive, any one of which are totally probable. Any way heres the fourth chapter and my second brand new character that I totally didn't rip off the base...

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