Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#10 of Spyro and Cynder

Heya, hope that your enjoying this, if you haven't already then i command that you read the stories by yiff dragon, frostdragon and Kroqgar. Couldn't decide between the two titles

Plz be 18 or over to read and have fun ^o^/

Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war


Ryan breathed heavily as he sat down on the balcony edge , he looked to the other end and saw Spyro and Cynder talking quietly and watching the scene below, he had been training by himself all day and tomorrow he would be able to show them what he had been doing. He watched as Rocky and Spike practiced their fighting skills with Theodore, Rocky was already quite big and he was doing well at this, his scales had turned from the color of mud to a rather nice light brown with a golden under belly, just like his dad, and the fact that he was larger than Spyro had been at his age by several inches helped him quite allot. Spike however was about the size Cynder had been but wasn't nearly as quick as her, his breath attacks however were twice as powerful as Rocky's were and he was now learning how to control it into even stronger attacks and how to combine them to make water, his red scales were now tinted with white and his under belly was a light blue that resembled the sky on clear days. Ryan smiled as Rocky again pinned Spike but was quickly thrown off by a jet of water, they were always competing for their parents, Ryan's and the guardians attention by trying to be the best in physical and breath training, it was an excellent thing to, because it meant their progress was quite fast and they were well ahead of their time. Then he started to think about himself and the fact that he had grown about a fifth of what he thought he should have.

"they should really learn to get along better" said Ember, Ryan had been so lost in his thoughts that she had managed to sit down next to him without Ryan noticing, as he looked at her he realized how much she had changed in two years. When she was two she had been a cute little dragon with black/purple scales and an orange under belly, now her scales shone brilliantly and her underbelly had become a beautiful sunset orange, she was about the same size as Spike but unlike him, she was quick and lithe in battle and her control of elements was fantastic even though the strength of them wasn't quite as high as Spikes. He smiled as he looked at her and she gave him a questioning look.


"oh, nothing" said Ryan as he looked back at Rocky and Spike "i was just thinking, you kids have changed quite a lot. Rocky's bigger and stronger, while Spikes become a lot smarter and better at controlling breath."

"oh" said Ember "what about me, have i changed?"

"yes, your a lot quicker and your getting stronger with the elements, not to mention how beautiful you've become", Ryan laughed as Ember blushed slightly and turned away from him, Ryan thought it extremely funny that the dragoness that had been so confident around him all the time, the one that he had watched grow to be a brave and competent fighter, was so embarrassed.

"so, um, any news from maverick?" asked Ember, who was obviously trying to change the subject.

"no" answered Ryan, they hadn't heard from Maverick in nearly 3 years, he had gone off by himself to find an old friend and to tell dragons everywhere that the dark master was gone, although he would take care not to reveal himself as the dark master and would deny any accusations, if anything went wrong he was to come back to, but so far they hadn't heard from him and hoped for the best.

"hey Ryan" asked Ember hesitantly, "want to go for a walk with me?"

"sure, lets go down next to the river" said Ryan as he stood up and stretched, he and ember jumped into the air and started to glide down to the river, it was a beautiful day and the river was sparkling as it slowly continued to move, Ryan landed before Ember and as she came into land he reached out and caught her in mid flight, making her yelp, and him laugh. He gently put her down and grinned as he started to walk along next to the river, she caught up to him and they silently walked, looking at all the beauty around them, the birds flew through the air and chirped to each other. Ryan soon started to feel the heat as the sun bore down on his back, he looked slyly at Ember, who was completely lost in her own thoughts, so it came as a huge surprise when she was tackled into the water, the water was cold and it took her breath away, the river bed was half a meter down and she could easily stand here, though it got deeper near the middle she spluttered as she stood up and gasped for air and glared at Ryan who had sat down in the shallow part, his head and shoulders were all that showed above the water, he wasn't half a meter away.

"what?" asked Ryan innocently, only to be answered by a huge jet of water in his face. He retaliated by bringing his tail around and hitting it down into the water in such a way that the water splashed over Cynder like a mini tidal wave, she sent another jet of water at him to blind him, he rubbed his eyes only to see that ember had jumped at him and he raised his arms protectively as she barreled into him and they started to wrestle. They continued for another ten minutes, constantly coming up for breath before diving back down to keep on fighting, until they agreed to a truce and walked up onto the soft grass of the river bank in a small clearing, they lay there in silence, except for their breathing and the sound of the river nothing made a noise, which was the first thing that made Ryan sit up, he motioned for Ember to be silent and listened intently for the sound of birds that usually filled the air but not even a chirp could be heard. He then used his ability for sensing intention and was shocked to find an over whelming ass somewhere near them, through all the different things he felt, he felt one that overwhelmed the rest and that made him sweat, he jumped up and started back to the temple, Ember raced after him, struggling to keep pace and talk at the same time.

"" she panted as she drew along side him "whats *pant* wrong?" he looked at her and she saw worry and urgency in his eyes, as well as a strong determination, ten he said something that chilled her to the core.

"apes are attacking, tonight"

the sun was setting outside and everyone was about to start their dinner, they had all seen Ryan and Ember go off together earlier and weren't worrying for there safety as they knew that both of them were very capable in battle, but they were still wondering what they had gotten up to. So when they landed on the balcony at full speed and nearly crashed into Spyro their curiosity was aroused and they all rushed over to them, their meals forgotten on the floor. When Spyro told the what he had sensed their was a moment of shocked silence and then a lot of talking and questions.

"everyone shut up" yelled ryan, instantly they all quietened down "now then, lets all get the armor me and Ember made and we'll suit up so that we don't get killed by a stray sword, then we all need to get out side, lets go!".

By the time everyone had gotten their things together it became apparent to Ryan that he would need to help them all put on some of their armor and he proceeded around to each of them and help them where necessary. When he had finished he looked over them all and grinned, he had made the armor to adjust to fit the wearers size almost instantly and it had done so quite well, the armor was extremely light and wouldn't hamper their movements in the least, but the way that ryan had made them (thanks to his breath powers and some differences in molecular make up) the Armor was as strong as diamonds and would not easily be damaged or pierced. All of the armor matched their intended user in color and also resisted all four elements quite well, when he had started the helmets were of basic design and covered the top half of their heads with two holes (or more, depending on the amount of horns) for the horns and two large holes that stretched back just far enough to allow the wearer to have completely normal vision. The armor for their backs had been made in halves so that they joined along their spine and the only spaces were for their spines and wing joints, which were large enough to allow normal movement while offering maximum protection. This had been the most simple part of all his work and it was then that it had gotten hard, he had made the armor for utmost movement but it was still to confining, so he had tampered with it a bit and finally came across the perfect solution. Through many refining procedures he had gotten the armor to keep it's original strength and when it wasn't worn it would be stiff, but when it was worn the metal became almost like a fabric and bent and moved like the shirts he had back in his world. He had then decided to join the body part to the head and then make it a full body suit, covering all but their claws which needed no protection, and the only holes were for vision, their mouths and their wing joints, but then came his most ingenious piece of work and the thing he was most proud of on the suits, he wanted to protect the wings so that they would not be damaged but wanted them to be able to fly. So he constructed the same material but applied to it a salve in the final refining process that would make it stick to their wings when it sensed that it was wanted to stay on by the wearer vis versa for coming off, all this he did in 6 months and each suit was less than 100 grams in weight. Ryan looked outside and was alarmed to see that the moon had begun its accent, the attack would come any second and he wasn't ready, he turned back to them and quickly gave them orders.

"okay, we're gonna split into 3 groups and i want you to stick with that group, Spyro and Cynder can go together. Ignitus, Theodore, Cyril and Volteer is the next group. Ember, Rocky and Spike can make up the final group and i will join them when i get suited up, I'll meet you all outside" and with that Ryan dashed ton his room. He, Spyro and the elders had all built an add on to the temple when Cynder announced that she was expecting, they had finished building it half a week before Cynder had laid her eggs, then a week later they were hatched. For the first year or so Ember, Rocky and Spike had stayed with their parents before they moved into the add on, which Ryan had been staying in by himself, he was only to happy to have them as they had already grown very close and was silently recognized as part of the family. They had put up curtains that split the room into four parts, with a half meter walk way in between each segment, the overall size was that of a basket ball court (except round), so everyone still had plenty of room and also some privacy, Ryan himself had made some hidden hollows in the walls of each part for armor or anything else that they needed to hide in case of emergency's. He quickly located it and swung it open to reveal a hidden box about 4 by 4 meters big, he pulled out his own armor and quickly changed into it, he threw off his t-shirt and jeans, he had made these to as he, despite having a sheath, still perfered to wear clothes. It quickly tightened to fit him and he added the wing parts, then he reached in and pulled out to long blades and attached them to the top of his arms, they overhung his hands by 30 centimeters and curved to fit tightly around his arm just as the armor had changed to fit, he had added this compatibility for only his suit as the dragons couldn't use their front arms. He was about to close the hollow when he hesitated and reached in, he pulled out a necklace and looked at it intently, he had found it on his wing and had hidden it soon after he woke up, it was the one that he had found on holidays back on earth, it was a pentagram entwined with a dragon, it was the only thing that he had from home and for some reason he didn't understand he had found another one with it but this one had a much more feminine dragon, when ever he wore the male one his senses seemed sharper then they were now, everything was clearer and he felt like things required less effort, he was stronger, faster and had better breath control, but he hardly ever wore it., afraid it would break. He put it on and tucked it inside his armor for protection, then he placed the other one into a hidden pocket of his suit and ran towards the balcony, he could already hear the sounds of battle.

Ryan quickly scanned the ground as he reached the balcony there were about 150 apes still alive on the ground, the elders were surrounded by dozens of dead apes, Spyro and Cynder too were having no problems with the fight, which was well expected from them and made ryan smile, but then he almost yelled out in fear as he looked upon the younger dragons. Rocky and Spike were fending off the apes back to back without to much hassle but Ember had become separated and was surrounded by 11 apes in a big circle, she was barely holding them back as they jabbed at her with spears, the armor protected her extremely well but a full force stab from a spear could potentially break through the armor. Ryan stepped up onto the balcony railing and jumped high into the air, as he reached his apex he rocked his lower body forward to fall feet first onto the chest of an ape that was attacking Ember from the rear, his arm were outstretched and he caught two apes in the neck with his forearms, making them choke to death, two more were hit with the end of the blades and their throats were ripped open spilling blood and guts everywhere while the ape he had landed on lay dead on the ground, Ryan's feet had crushed through his rib cage and squashed his heart. The rest of the apes attacking Ember were momentarily stunned at Ryan's appearance before they were killed by Ember, who had taken advantage of their surprise and had unleashed a stream of flame onto all of them, before whipping around to face whatever new threat had stunned them, all the remaining apes were busy with the other dragons so she would have a good even fight. When she saw it was Ryan and that he had killed five apes she smiled broadly, he knelt down and hugged her before he took his necklace out of his pocket and placed it around her neck. She instantly felt all the same enhancements as Ryan and gave him a strange look, he smiled as knew that his assumption was correct, stood up swiftly and turned away to look at the battle he used his ability to find any hidden enemies, he was able to locate a leader and was about to run in his direction when he sensed something near by. He spun around and lept at Ember, pushing her out the way as an arrow flew down from above at a tremendous speed and cut through the armor on Ryan's right cheek as he spun around in the air and incinerated the ape in a ball of flame, Ryan landed on all fours before standing up, he was holding his cheek. The arrow had cut straight through his armor (because of it's speed) and had cut him extremely deep, he gritted his teeth and told Ember to follow him.

They ran through the bushes and broke into a small clearing about 50 meters from the battle,

it was occupied by a massive ape, he was three times larger than Ryan and had held in his hand a great broadsword, he growled at them and ran at them yelling.

"you killed my little brother, now I'll kill You!", Ryan and Ember dodged to either side of him and shot flames at him, but they didn't even phase him. He lunged at Ryan whom quickly skipped back and shot electricity at the ape as ember switched to ice and blasted him with an icy cold beam, he didn't even flinch as it hit him and swung once again at a dumbfounded Ryan, he was about to use earth when giant hands made from rocks reached from the earth and grabbed Ryan in mid dodge, he struggled to escape as the ape turned to ember and used the same tactic on her. Once he had ensnared her he advanced towards her and started to raise his sword.

Spyro had been separated from Cynder but she was having no problem with them, he had seen Ember and Ryan run off and he was about to go after them, all he had to do was kill these last two apes. They both lunged at him and he simply froze them with his ice breath. As he ran through the bushes he heard something that made him stop he heard an ear splitting scream, followed by a roar of anger that was thrice as loud, then he looked through the bushes and stood open mouthed at what he was seeing.

Ember screamed as the ape held his sword high above his head and took one more step towards her as he grinned evilly at her, he was about to swing downwards when he heard a roar of anger so loud that the hands that held Ember trembled, and he started his downward swing.

Ryan strained against the hands but couldn't break free, he looked up to see the ape raising his sword above his head, it was then that he felt something deep inside him, it quickly grew and then Ember screamed, it was to much for him and he let out a roar of anger that made the hands holding him crumble to dust, as his foot hit the floor he disappeared in a cloud of dust, then another cloud of dust kicked up next to the ape as ryan appeared in front of him.

Everything slowed and Ember looked up to see Ryan appear in front of her, spinning as the blade came down towards his exposed side, his right arm was drawn back and he threw it forward with all the anger inside of him, his sword arm sliced through the apes forehead and broke through the bone into the brain killing him instantly, but the broadsword continued to fall with tremendous force. It broke through the armor and bit deep into Ryan's side, but his spin and momentum carried him out of further harms way as he landed in one of the few patches of grass, gasping for air and holding his side. The rock hands holding ember had crumbled as soon as the ape had died and she ran over to Ryan as he lay bleeding on the grass, he looked up at her weakly and smiled a her, he made the armor go bigger so that he could take it off his head and breath easier, Ember did the same.

"a, are you, hurt?" he asked her breathing heavily, concern filled his voice as he looked up at her, she looked down at him with a worried frown and lay down beside him, her head at his side she nosed his hands away as she started to lick the wound clean, "don't worry about me, I'll be okay, go and make sure everyone else is all right". She ignored him as she continued to lick until there was no more dust and the bleeding stopped, then she moved up so her head was above his and licked the wound on his cheek, which had started bleeding again, and making Ryan blush, until it to was clean despite protests from Ryan to go and help the others, he was about to open his mouth to tell her to go help the others again but was immensely surprised when she bent forward and kissed him quickly on his mouth.

Spyro turned around and went back to the temple, thinking it best to let them have some privacy together, when he got back Rocky was killing the last ape and the rest of the dragons were resting together on the ground.

"where's Ryan and Ember?" asked Cynder when she saw that he had returned alone, she had seen him leave during her fight and decided to stay behind to help with the fight at the temple, he told them everything that had happened up until just before Ember had cleaned Ryan's wound, he instead told them that she was taking care of him and had bandaged him with leaves.

"i think it would be best to let them come back in their own time" finished Spyro,everyone seemed to accept this story and they all flew up to the balcony and headed to their respective beds. When they had gotten out of their armor Cynder tackled Spyro onto the bed and glared down at him.

"What?" asked Spyro, Cynder brought her head down to touch his nose and she looked deep into his eyes.

"tell me the truth, what really happened", Spyro smiled at her.

"nothing gets past you does it?"

"come on, at least give me a clue" said Cynder, she wanted to know so badly what it was that she failed to notice a gleam in his eye and he threw his weight to the side, making them roll of the bed, but it had the result Spyro wanted, he was now on top of her and he gave her a deep kiss, their tongues ran around each others, playing with each others, and finally the broke away, Spyro smiled down at her.

"oops, i gave you the answer".

Ember was blushing almost as much as Ryan, both their hearts were racing though they didn't know why neither of them spoke as they lay there looking into each others eyes, then Ryan smiled and looked away.

"i, uh, thank you for looking after my cuts"said Ryan as he tried to find words to say, most of them got caught in his throat but he was able to say that at least and Ember giggled at him, she reached down and lightly kissed him again before standing up and running to some near by bushes. The bushes were made up of several large long leaves that met at a central base, the leaves were strong and Ember tore a few off at the base and took them back to Ryan.

"can you sit up?" asked Ember, Ryan gritted his teeth and managed to sit up, the pain was almost unbearable but he did his best to keep still as Ember wound each leaf around him twice (like i said, large leaves) before tiering them off tightly. When she had finished she told him to lie down again as she ran out of sight into the bushes, he was starting to wonder if something had gone wrong when she came back into the clearing carrying a mushroom cap full of berries on her back, she lay down beside Ryan and took a berry out, he was about to sit up again so that he could eat with her but she held the berry in front of his mouth for him, he looked up at her and grinned before he opened his mouth and she lightly placed the berry onto his tounge. They continued this for another couple of minutes before Ryan felt well enough to sit up, as much as he liked being fed by her he thought that he should return the favor, he pushed her onto her back and did the same to her for a few minutes before she sat up and hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder. He started throwing berries into the air and started to catch them on his tounge, Ember joined him until they were down to the last berry, they looked at each other and Ryan threw it into the air, as it came back down they both went for it, their tounges darting out to grab it, but instead of the berry they wrapped around each others tounges. They both blushed furyishly as they hastily parted and looked at the ground, eventually Ryan had the nerve to look up at her, she continued to look down as Ryan stared at her, so many emotions raced through his heart and his head that he thought both would explode. He had always loved her and her brothers and he now felt a similar feeling, it wasn't the protective love he felt for her brothers or the type that he felt for the others, but he had felt it once before. He thought back and inwardly gasped as he realized where, it was when he had used his ability on Spyro, it was true that he could sense intentions but the way he did that was also by sensing emotions, and what he had sensed was the overwhelming love for Cynder, that which Ryan too felt now. He stood up slowly and walked slowly over to the dead apes body, he used his earth power to bury him before returning to Ember, who had watched this with curiosity, she to had been thinking about all the emotions swirling through her own head and just couldn't make sense of it, why did his presence make her feel this way? And why did she act the way she had before? She didn't know why she had kissed him she had just done it, maybe, she thought to herself, maybe this is love, but if it is then I must be stupid, i could never be with him, he thinks of me as a daughter, not a lover, it will never happen. Little did she know Ryan to was struggling with the very same thoughts, but he had come to a conclusion, screw it, i might as well find out, he turned to look at her, Ember was looking down at the ground again, he reached out and lifted her head gently with his hands until they were eye to eye, then he lent forward and gave her a long kiss, their hearts fluttered and Ryan finally broke away and looked deep into her eyes.

"Ember, i..." he hesitated briefly then shook his head set his face with determination, come he'd or high water he was going to tell her how he felt "Ember, i think i love you". He held his breath as he waited to see her response, Embers first reaction was surprise, then her heart was filled with joy and she threw herself onto him, their mouths were melded together and their inexperienced tounges were faltering but they enjoyed it none the less, 5 minutes later they stopped for air and Ember nuzzled Ryan's cheek.

"i love you to, Ryan, and i always will" she kissed him again and they lay their together, faces to face, as they finally fell asleep.