chapter 10 alternate ending- too late

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#11 of Spyro and Cynder

Hey guys, here's an alternate ending that just popped into my head, i don't take any owner ship of the song, Never to Late by Three days grace, also i did get the idea of Spyro singing from Kroqgar so don't go on about it.

You might want to load up the song on you tube, I'll tell you when to start the song

Under 18s get the fuck out.

Foreword: this is an alternate ending to chapter 10, but you have to play the song with it, it's called never too late by Three Days Grace, I'll tell you when to turn it on as before, the same thing is happening as before but Spyro reaches the bushes just as the sword starts to hit Ember.

Ryan strained against the hands but couldn't break free, he looked up to see the ape raising his sword above his head, Embers scream was cut short as the ape brought down his sword, cutting through the armor and deep into her, the whole world stopped for Ryan, when he was with Ember he always happy, he didn't really understand it but he had put it down to them practically being family, now he felt despair fill his heart as the ape turned and approached him, not because of the ape but because of what he could now see. The hands that had held her were gone and she lay on the floor, the gash bleeding profusely, it started above above her wing joint and curved down diagonally to stop near her orange underbelly, without the armor she was wearing she would probably be in two pieces right now, but it was still a deadly wound.

"E, E, Ember?" called Ryan, no response, "no, Ember, NO!", he screamed in pain, he felt as if his heart was being ripped out, his eyes flooded with tears as the ape stood next to him, he raised his sword and was about to deal the death blow when he heard something in the bushes, he slowly turned around.

"EMBER!" screamed Spyro as he finally came to his senses, he rushed out into the clearing next to her and knelt down, her blood was everywhere and he started to sob. Then he stood up slowly and turned to the ape,who was now looking at him, he felt his rage grow as purple energy started to flow across his scales, he then noticed Ryan, and he returned to normal, even he was afraid of what he was seeing, the ape turned to see what had frightened the mighty Spyro so, his eyes grew wide and he started to walk backwards, fear numbing his mind.

Ryan screamed again, his body was convulsing and the very hands that had held him now crumbled to dust, but he simply hovered where he had been, the air around him vibrated and the earth began to shake in fear at the power being unleashed, purple energy flowed across his body as he screamed again, a shock wave from the power was released into the direction of the ape leader, flinging him through a tree, he fell to the ground, dazed and barely conscious, then it all became quiet again. Ryan fell to the floor, he quickly go up and ran to Ember, he knelt next to her and gingerly touched the wound he felt himself weaken slightly as a flash was released and the wound was gone, leaving a faint scar, Ember groaned slightly, she knew she had lost a lot of blood, she was going to die, but she had to tell Ryan how she truly felt, she opened her eyes and used all her strength to focus on ryan.

"Ember" whispered Ryan, he put his head down so that he could look her straight in the eyes.

"Ryan, I'm, going to die" she said weakly, Ryan was still crying as he looked at her.

"no, you won't I'll make sure that you live, i, i couldn't stand to be without you." he said, letting his emotions come to the surface, Ember smiled at him she didn't have much time left.

"i will die, but i have to tell you something"he leaned in closer and she pushed her head forward with her remaining strength, kissing him lightly, "i love you". Ryan was shocked, she loved him? He then realized what his feelings towards her meant.

(start the song)

"i, i love you to, but, wait, don't leave me here, i need you" he said desperately, she simply smiled at him and put her head onto the floor and let the darkness take her, happy that the last thing she would ever see was her love.

This world will never be, what i expected, and if i don't belong, who would've guessed it?

I will not leave alone, everything that i own, to make you feel like it's not to late, it's never to late.

Spyro came and picked her up, maybe if he got her back to the temple they could save her, he flew with all his speed but Ryan stayed behind, she was dead, he had felt it when her heart stopped, his world of happiness came crashing down around him.

Even if i say, it will be alright, still i hear you say, that you want to end your life

now and again, we try just to stay alive, maybe we'll turn around because it's not to late, it's never too late

Ryan walked over to the ape, who begged for mercy, telling him that he was sent by one of the dark masters ex-generals, his base was near here, just at the over the mountains, Ryan crushed the apes head under his foot, then took to the sky's, heading for the base.

No one will ever see, this side reflected, and if theirs something wrong, who would've guessed it?

And i have left alone, everything that i own, to make you feel like it's not to late, it's never to late

it came into view as he came over the mountains, a great black castle, Ryan smashed through the door and was confronted by many apes, he simply walked through them as they attacked, nothing even made him flinch as he kept walking towards the master chamber

Even if i say, it will be alright, still i hear you say, that you want to end your life

now and again, we try just to stay alive, maybe we'll turn around because it's not to late, it's never too late

he smashed through the doors as the apes continued to swing swords and poke him with spears, but nothing touched him, he walked to the end of the chamber where a large black demon was sitting, he was terrified of Ryan, Ryan then looked up at the demon.

The world, we knew won't come back, time, we've lost, can't get back, life, we had won't be the same again

"what do you want?" asked the demon as ryan stood their looking at the floor, tears were still falling but then he looked into the demons eyes with so much hate the demon shuddered

"revenge" said Ryan, and then he released all his pent up emotions in an elemental blast of pure energy, leveling the structure. Only he was left standing

This world will never be, what i expected, and if i don't belong.

Even if i say, it will be alright, still i hear you say, you want to end your life

now and again, we try to just stay alive, maybe we'll turn it around because it's not to late, it's never too late

maybe we'll turn it around because it's not to late, it's never too late

it's not to late, it's never too late

Ryan looked up at the moon, he didn't have anything left he had failed his family, but most of all Ember, he raised his tail blade and placed it to his throat, see you soon, Ember.

wow, that was hard to write, i reckon if you don't even think about crying for that last one you have a cold heart, i nearly couldn't see the screen through tears.