true feelings

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#3 of the closest of friends

Hey everyone, hope you all enjoy this here story, it's only short but I put a lot of feeling into it. Just remember to R&R plz, thnx.

NOTE: after my comment at the bottom there's another little line from the story that I left out, didn't want it to ruin the moment = )

under 18s either get out or R&R once you've read it, then get out.

Chapter three- true feelings

Since the incident a little over two and a half weeks earlier in Quakes shop school had changed dramatically, people no longer teased or pranked Spyro. Everyone had started to acknowledge him and some of the girls even started to pay him attention in that way, he was quite flustered by all the attention but enjoyed it nonetheless. Cynder had made a friend or two herself but she remained as close as ever to Spyro at all times, everyone could see how close they were and no one had dared to get in the way of it.

It was the day before mating season officially began and Spyro was walking with Cynder through the markets towards Quakes shop, it was about time he called in that offer of a free item from his shop. All around were advertisements of gifts and beauty treatments in preparation for the mating season, Cynder looked at the ground sadly, no one had even given her a hint of being asked as a mate. They arrived at the shop and Spyro turned to Cynder with a smile.

"Wait here a second, I need to go get something", Cynder returned the smile but the second he turned away it fell from her face like a leaf from an autumn tree. He was only gone for a minute or two at the most, and when he returned he had richly embroidered red velvet back hanging from his neck.

"What did you get?" she asked, her usually cheery voice seemed sad and disheartened to Spyro, he started to walk towards the centre of the city but pretended not to notice her unhappiness.

"I got a gift for a lovely dragoness I met a little while ago. She's smart, funny, kind, caring and so beautiful" he said eagerly, Cynder however just slumped even more, even her best friend had found someone to love, how could it get any worse? Cynder hadn't even noticed that the light had faded into early night and that they walked through the City Central Garden, a massive area of thick and beautiful woods with many isolated clearings hidden from prying eyes by thick under bush and a loose leaf canopy in the trees, he led her through one such patch into a clearing full of soft grass and sat down beside her.

"okay, what's wrong?" he asked gently, Cynder looked up into his eyes, his strong eyes, his intelligent eyes, his caring eyes, his loving eyes, She started to cry and turned away from him.

"I'm wrong" she said finally, though she couldn't see Spyro she could almost feel the look of worry and confusion staring at her back, "your such a nice person, you always think of others before yourself, protect your friends. You don't get angry when people tease and even attack you, you forgive them when they do, your smart, honest and a million other things. Everything that I'm not. For some girls all they have going is their beauty, and I don't even have that. No one's even hinted at liking me or choosing me as their mate, and, and" she was cut of as a sob escaped her. She felt Spyro's familiar arms wrap around her and he pulled her into his chest as his wings engulfed them, making her shudder as she felt his body warmth flow into her, he turned her around in his arms and made her look into his eyes.

"First of all" he whispered gently "there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are smart, you are funny, you are kind, you are caring and don't think for a second that your anything less than the most beautiful thing I've seen." Cynder blushed and he smiled as a light blush came over his face too. "And secondly, I may not have let it show but that doesn't mean I don't like you", Cynders eyes grew wide as he pulled a claw back from holding her to remove the velvet bag from around his neck, he set it on the ground and pulled from it the two necklaces they had been looking at a while back, in Quakes shop. He slipped one over his head and held the other before Cynder, "I was saving this for tomorrow night but I couldn't wait, Cynder, would you be my mate?" Cynder froze for a second, too stunned to even think, then she thrust her head through the offered necklace and continued up until she overbalanced Spyro and he fell onto his back with Cynder sitting atop his chest. He gazed up at her beautiful face in the dim light and she smiled as she leaned down to him and they shared a long passionate kiss, when they pulled apart Cynder looked down lovingly into Spyro's eyes.

"Of course I will be, forever" Spyro's heart soared at those simple words, and together they lay there for the rest of the night.

AWWWWWWWWWW. I love a happy ending for these two. Every time I write about them I can't help but wish them the best (and because I'm the author I can do that, such a satisfying feeling). And I may sound like a million other people who say this but here goes. When I start stories I usually have some sort of a plan but they usually end up off track a bit, mine was WAAYY off. I just wish it was longer, meh; I'll try for a bigger series next time. Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

Cynder giggled to herself on Spyro's chest.

"What?" said Spyro Dumbly.

"I just thought of fun it's going to be, seeing just how much of a bigger man you really are" she replied, fixing him with an evil grin. Spyro gulped, what HAD he done?

Lol =)