chapter 8- one friends betrayal, one friends love, one enemies end

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#8 of Spyro and Cynder

Hello my friends, tis great to see so many people that enjoy my work, i just wish that my tale was more gripping from the side of things that i haven't really got a plot going have i?. Well thats about to change, i think. You + under 18= fail at reading this story Chapter 8-one friends betrayal, one friends love, one enemies end "is that all? Come on now, i know thats not your best" said Spyro as he taunted Cynder. She smiled evilly at him, he was so gonna die, she ran straight at him in a charge, a tactic that had proven useless , Spyro could easily stop her in her tracks with no problem, what he didn't expect was Cynder to breath fire mid-charge, normal it would billow forward but she was moving at speer, if there were any onlookers they would've sworn that Spyro had gotten hit by a fire ball. The resulting blast sent Cynder and Spyro flying in opposite directions, Spyro got up and slowly and moved over to where Cynder was. "alright Cynder i think thats enough for today" he said to Cynder, who was still lying on the ground, Spyro sighed, he knew only one way to get her up. He reached around to her ribs and started tickling her, Cynder, who had wanted to jump up at him, was caught totally unexpected and let out a small gasp, followed by hysterical laughter as his nimble but strong claws raced up and down her body. "S-Spyro hahaha, p-p-please, gasp, stop it, get off" she yelled at him but no matter how she twisted, no matter how she turned, she couldn't escape her attackers fingers as she continued laughing and gasping for air. Little did they know they were being watched from both sides. Just as Cynder thought that she couldn't take it anymore they were jumped, first on the far side of the clearing, by a group of apes that numbered to be about two dozen. As they raced across the short distance between them Spyro and Cynder, who were completely surprised by their appearance, would have been overwhelmed almost instantly, but fate smiled upon them as Ryan jumped into the air, arching over the apes, and simultaneously burning half of the apes to death, then twisted to land facing the remaining apes,ready to fight, and with a smile on his face. the rest of the apes looked back at him then they raced towards him, he quickly dispatched the remaining warriors without even breaking a sweat, then he walked over and sat down next to Spyro and Cynder, who had watched the whole thing. "thank you, Ryan, for saving us" said Spyro quietly, And Ryan could tell right away he was angry, "i should've been paying more attention, if it weren't for you Cynder and i would probably be dead". Ryan looked at him comfortingly, he hated seeing his friend so upset. "hey" said Ryan, he was angry now to "don't go blaming yourself, you can't do everything right. I hate it when people blame themselves for something that wasn't their fault especially when they think of what could have happened instead of what did." Spyro sighed "your right, again, I'm sorry" he said, a bit embarrassed that he was given such deep advice from someone that was actually two years younger than him in front of Cynder. But he managed a smile as Cynder snuggled against his chest. They sat there for a while longer before deciding to report back to the temple. As they were flying back a thought popped into Cynders and and she looked over was already looking at her, when he blushed slightly she guessed that he had been looking at her body and she smirked at him, luckily for them Spyro had not really been paying attention so he missed this silent exchange but then Cynder remembered that same thought. "hey Ryan, can i ask you something?" she asked him sweetly, almost making him blush, but he managed to hold it in because he saw Spyro turning his head to themselves "sure Cynder, whats up?"he said back to her, speaking as if nothing had happened, but she saw through his calmness, and smiled. "it was really good that you saved us and all but, what were you doing spying on us from a bush?" she had expected him to have an embarrassed reaction or something like it, but he sighed gratefully, obviously he had had a different question in mind and was glad she hadn't asked him it in front of Spyro. "well, you see, because you two had gone off and Malefor was busy with the elders i got bored and went for a walk. When i saw that blast i went to check t out, i thought it would be you guys but better safe than sorry, any way, so i crept on the spot you two were at and looked in to see what was there, i got there bout the time Spyro told Cynder to get up and had started tickling her, i was trying not to laugh and was about to leave, without disturbing you, of course, when i felt a strange darkness. I noticed it was coming from across the clearing in the shadows and bushes,it was then i realized what i felt were the intentions of whatever was hiding, when they attacked i just sorta reacted to them, you two know the rest." when he had finished Spyro looked across to Cynder. "you said you could feel their intentions" he asked nervously "can you feel mine?" ryan concentrated for a bit and then his face lit up with a smile, and he saw Spyro blush. "how long?" he said with a smile as he looked at Spyro for an answer, and he obliged. "i don't have a clue, it could be next week or next year, but i will eventually"he said with a shy smile, Ryan was happy for him but he was quick to change the subject before Cynder could ask any questions. "hey guys, before, when i felt the apes intentions it was kind of fuzzy, i new it evolved you two, and i could sense their anger and hatred towards you, so i could put the pieces together myself" he said thoughtfully, "but when i went for Spyros it was almost as if i could see a painting of it, or a written description, and even now i can sense that you intend to have a nap when we get back, Cynder, but I'm not even trying to focus on you, and its the same with Spyro." Cynder gasped at what he had said. "it's like you can read my mind!"she exclaimed, by now they had landed on the balcony and started to walk inside. "Spyro or Ryan?" asked Ignitus as they all jumped "it's a long story" said Ryan. "i'm all ears" "i knew i should've sent something smarter than those damn apes" growled the immense figure sitting before Gaul, the chair was hidden behind him as he radiated the purest of darkness, they were in the throne room of the castle of darkness, it was situated somewhere between dimensions, hideous creatures roamed through it, there was no light and the only thing that was visible was the castle, it's lanterns making it a beacon, though none with brains would dare get near the castle, and for good reason. It's not particularly fun being a head on a stake. "please, master, let me apologize for my troops failure, we did however get a strange piece of information" said Gaul nervously, he did not want to make him angry, but the shadow lord simply nodded for him to continue. "well, one of my men stayed hidden and returned here saying it was not Spyro which destroyed them, but rather something that looked half like a dragon and half like a-a,a human" he said the last word with such disgust and hatred that even the shadow lord raised his eye. "and what, may i ask, did they do to give you such a high opinion of them" asked the Shadow mockingly. "some of them say they are evolved from monkeys, that is their first crime, they're second crime is destroying almost my entire race" and with that he stalked out of the room to find a punching bag, also known as the first minion he saw. "we must do something about Spyro, and the traitor, mustn't we,Sparx" said the shadow lord "yes , we must do something, about my 'bro'" said sparx as he flew out of the shadows and bowed to the shadow lord before he opened a black rift in the faint torch light and disappeared through it. Go away and come back in half an hour to build tension please "that is an unusual thing, but perhaps i can explain why it was so easy for you to read Spyro and Cynder" as he paused for breath he noticed that they were hanging off his every word and allowed himself a small smile before he continued "i think that perhaps it has something to do with the way you feel towards them." all the while Spyro had been looking down at the floor and Ignitus noticed this, he knew that something was bothering him and asked Spyro to voice his thoughts. "well, i think i have something similar to Ryan" he said quietly "since me and Cynder have been together i keep getting feelings, and Cynder is usually the one i think has these feelings, and lately I've had other feelings, and it's been since we got to know Ryan more". When he finished he was looking over at Cynder who blushed and said something that was quite unexpected. "and me makes three, same as Spyro here, i to have been feeling his feelings, and a bit of Ryan's" now it was Ryan's turn to blush, but he managed to keep a straight face and his cheeks only turned slightly pink, making Cynder smile to herself. A loud cough interrupted their awkwardness as Ignitus stood wearily. "i think that is enough for today and i shall talk with you tomorrow about in more depth, now i believe there is on other dragon who would like to see his friends, come on out Malefor" Ignitus chuckled when Malefor stepped awkwardly out from the hall way and walked past Ignitus as he left. then he turned to his friends and smiled. "can we go and eat dinner by the river tonight?" the attack came when they were all in their beds, Spyro awoke to find Cynder shaking him worriedly. "watzup, why are you waking me at this time?" he said as he slowly got up and followed her to the door. "we're under attack Spyro, and you won't believe whose leading it." Cynder said, and with that ran out of the room to return to the fight, closely followed by Spyro. The scene outside was chaotic, dead bodies were everywhere as the dragons fought with all their strength to defend the castle, the only enemies left when a half dozen ogres, sixteen apes, two abominations and their leader. When Spyro saw who it was he gasped in horror, impossible, thought Spyro as the leader turned around, but sure enough before him was Sparx, but he was not the same as he was before, now he was the same size as Spyro. He had sprouted two huge muscular legs that would look more in place on Theodore, his arms to had become muscular and his hands were now terrifying claws and his wings were tied with spikes, he had a tail that was long and powerful, his tail blade a curved scythe that could easily cut through scales, he was completely black except for his claws, which were golden. But the thing that horrified Spyro the most were his eyes, no longer were they care free of happy, they were filled with a powerful anger and hatred, mixed into his eyes was what Spyro thought was jealousy, which confused him greatly. The dragons had finished off every single enemy except for him and now formed a circle around him. They stayed like that for a full ten minutes and eventually Ryan, covered in the blood dozens of foes, broke the silence with an exasperated sigh. "alright Spyro, Cynder, i can't read you well enough to get through so many things so tell me, who is this?" a tear fell from Spyros eye and Ryan gasped as he saw in his minds eye one name, and this name made Ryan snarl angrily "so you're Sparx, and here i was told you were an annoying little dragonfly, it seems now that you've become a major pain in the a" but ryan was cut off in mid sentence as Sparx turned to look at him, malice in his eyes. "so your the one that Gaul spoke of, interesting" Sparx snapped his fingers and more minions appeared, "keep them busy for a while"and with that Sparx launched himself at Ryan. But Ryan, whom was reading his intentions was two steps ahead, he dodged to the right and fired a ball of flame at Sparx before Sparx had even fired his ball of dark fire. He was hit by the ball of fire and grimaced, how had he done that?, thought Sparx. As the flames died off him a bit he was hit with all the strength he had and all the momentum from falling to the earth in one earth shattering blow to sparx stomach, driving the wind out of him and making him cough up some blood. But he grabbed Ryan's arm and tried to use his remaining momentum to throw him into the ground, Ryan countered by twisting his body to land on his feet and head butt Sparx, as Ryan was released he threw himself at Sparx, they grappled using tooth and claw to rip each other to shreds, as they rolled across the ground Ryan gasped in pain as he felt a long deep cut in his side as he rolled across the sword of a fallen ape. The wound was all Sparx needed to gain an advantage, as he pinned Ryan to the ground and reached forward to slice his throat, but Ryan's hand shot forward to stop his claw, he then did the same with the other as Sparx reached forward with his other hand. Normally Ryan probably could've stopped Sparx but the long battle and the his gash had drained him of his strength and even now he was bleeding to death, Ryan closed his eyes as,despite his best efforts, sparx claws slowly got closer to his throat. So this is how it ends eh? Ryan thought to himself, Sparx had his claws inches from his throat and Ryan sighed, little did he know that the emotion of his thoughts were so great that they sounded in Spyro and Cynders heads as they fought to get to him their new friend in time. I never truly opened up to anyone, i was lucky to have found Spyro and Cynder though. They are my only true friends, the only ones that would put themselves in harms way to try and save me, they took me in and trusted me, i never knew them and they still did it. The elders taught me and treated me the same as the others and even Maverick now tries to come to my aid, but they won't make it. Sparx had his claw only millimeters away from Ryan's neck when Ryan started to cry silently, making Sparx grin as he brought his claw even closer. In his efforts to kill Ryan he had failed to notice how cold his upper body was getting, and the fact that his lower half was drenched in sweat. I never got to feel true love, i envy Spyro and Cynder. but i was never good at anything, i have always been a failure and now i am failing to live, failing to protect my best friends, and the two dragons that i love more than any other. When the two young dragons heard this thought they roared in rage as the minions around them were obliterated with fire and earth, but still more appeared and they couldn't get to him so they fought on crying. Sparx claw touched the scales of Ryan's neck and slowly cut down into Ryan, but before he could do anything more Ryan let out a roar of anguish that echoed through the realms, it even reached he shadow lord in his castle. Ryan's body began to glow and Sparx screamed in pain. I may die here, and i may not live to protect them, but i will die to help save them. And with that final thought he opened his eyes to look past Sparx to the rising sun. he closed his eyes once again as he forced all that he had left in him into his core, all his anger and grieve, his hatred and stress, but most of all his memories of Spyro, Cynder and the other dragons, and all the love and compassion he felt for them, he forced it all into the ball and he put it into his heart, then released it. The resulting out put of energy incinerated everything within 50 square meters in a flash of white light,it would have done the same to the dragons but for some reason the light simply bent around them, as if some force was protecting them. As the light faded the body of Ryan stirred slightly and a small glowing orb of light appeared above his heart and began to spin, Cynder recognized it as the pure light Spyro had used against the dark master. Then the ball unleashed a gigantic beam of pure radiating power and love that shot into the air and ripped through a portal that it seemed to have made. The Shadow lord looked around as the walls of his castle began to shake violently and he felt something tear through into his dimension. "what the fuuuuaagggghhhh" his question turning into a scream of pure pain as a beam of power and love shot into him from underneath, he felt himself once again being incinerated but this time he had no way to escape and with a final roar he disappeared, never to be heard from again well this is a bitter sweet ending. I will make at least one or two more chapters in this series, then i might start over again or just do individual love stories of Spyro and Cynder. But if you would like me to keep writing this series let me know. Thanks