Chapter 9-No one likes goodbyes
#9 of Spyro and Cynder
Hey, i hope you are enjoying this series, i may take a short break to write some other stuff about Spyro and Cynder but this is just such a fun series that i can't help but want to continue.
Under 18= get out, over 18=read, review, 5 star rating
chapter 9-no one likes goodbyes
Spyro and Cynder hadn't left their rooms since it had happened, everyone went about making preparations for the double funerals, sending out invitations, making food, decorating, and getting the ceremony in order. Spyro and Cynder simply didn't have the heart to do anything. Maverick often checked in on them but left them to their own thoughts other than that. They had lost two of their best friends, the day for the funeral was to be held was exactly a week from their deaths, they were to be buried as the sun set, underneath th balcony so as to help protect them from th rain, despite the fact Spells had already been put in place to stop weathering.
When the time came for the funeral to start there were hundreds of dragons and close friends of the deceased, including Mole-yair, Kane and of course, Spyro and Sparx parents, along with a few other dragonflies.
As the ceremony began nobody could help but sniffle as the guardians and Sparx parents all made their tearful statements, Spyro and Cynder just sat their staring at he coffin that held Ryan and Sparx, whom was in a smaller coffin on Ryan's chest (somehow when he was hit it simply killed him and reverted him back to his original form), both of the top half's were open and they looked so perfect that if you touched them they could have jumped up to life. Soon every body was lining up and paying their respects. Lastly,it was Spyro and Cynders turn, as they walked up to the coffins they had the only dry faces in the entire place, but as they looked down upon to people that were so loved by them they both cried a single tear, as they rolled down off they're noses they joined together in mid air, everything seemed to slow down as the single tear fell slowly. As it land on Ryan's heart the coffin closed and was lowered down into the shallow grave, and a large marble stone slid into place at Spyros feet everyone turned and walked away, heads down. So none noticed the gathering storm over head, as it started to rain Spyro and Cynder lay down at the bottom of the tablet, and gave a roar of despair so loud that the earth shook, and the air around them became as hot as fire, despite the frozen water drops that fell in front of them and only in front of them, then out of the sky a lightning bolt of the purest energy and it struck directly in front of Spyro and Cynder, blinding them.
Down in the coffin a light slowly flickered into existence as the tear over Ryan's heart glowed, and he slowly opened his eyes as he heard two roars shook the earth, he looked around him slowly as his strength ebbed back to him and then he felt a massive surge of energy above him. Then the cover was wretched off the coffin and he felt rain upon his face, he slowly sat up and felt something fall onto his lap, it was a tiny coffin, he opened it and a small golden dragonfly opened his eyes.
"wha, who's there?" he said groggily, Ryan chuckled as he stood up and jumped out of the hole, he looked up at the temple and smiled, but before he could do anything else he was tackled from behind by a black and purple streak, then it was all he could do to breath as he was hugged so tightly that even a mountain would be in pain.
"it's good to see you to" said Ryan when they finally let go of him, Spyro and Cynder were speechless as were the other guests, everyone was silent except for one person.
"sure, a dragon comes back to life and it's a miracle, but a dragonfly comes back and no one even notices" said Sparx as he struggled out of a slightly crushed coffin, he had been in Ryan's hand when he was tackled and now had a bruise where he had been hit by the wood as it had crushed.
"Sparx!" shouted Spyro and Cynder in unison as they looked down at him. But before Sparx could get away Cynder reached down, picked him up and gave him kiss, then she let go of him,
"oh come on, i died, isn't that enough, but now the queen of darkness over here decides she likes me all of a sudden" he said angrily, but this just made Spyro and Cynder laugh at him. "fine, be like that then, I'm going home" he said as he stared to head towards his parents but was caught in mid-air by Ryan.
"first" said Ryan kindly, but forcefully "maybe you should tell us how you came to be under the shadow lords control".
"i don't know, the last thing i remember as myself is sitting on the beach relaxing, then i woke up in front of the shadow lord, but i couldn't control myself, it was like i was just watching it all happen but i could feel everything to." said Sparx quickly, not wanting to dwell on it "can i go to my mom and dad now". He indicated them as they flew over to them as did the guardians and the rest of the group slowly walked back,curious of what just happened. Ryan nodded and let go of Sparx, like a flash he was with his parents, where he was covered in many kisses by his mom, making the three chuckle, Cynder and Spyro turned back to Ryan and smiled.
"thank you" said Cynder unexpectedly.
"for what?"asked Ryan in confusion "shouldn't i thank you for bringing me back?" Cynder shook her head and gave him a huge smile.
"when you released that final blast of light into the air i felt a searing pain and then i could no longer feel the presence of the shadow lord, Spyro never killed him, he just separated him from Maverick, but you did kill him, you sacrificed yourself to stop Sparx and to kill the shadow lord." Ryan was stunned when he heard this and slowly shook his head in disbelief.
"wow, i guess i tried to hurt the shadow lord a bit when i did that but i never thought that i could kill him". He shook his head again and then smiled at them "oh well, I'm alive again and so is Sparx, let us not dwell on such things.". They were then overwhelmed with shouts of joy and many hugs as the crowds gathered round them and a great party began.
As the moon sat in the sky the three friends sat on the balcony together in silence, they were tired from a long day of partying. Everyone had gone home including Sparx, he went back to the swamps to catch up with some old friends and to spend some time with his and Spyros parents. Spyro shifted nervously, making Ryan look up at him, he quickly used his ability and stood up.
"uh, hey Spyro, can i talk with you for a second?" he said as he walked inside, Spyro nodded and followed Ryan inside, leaving Cynder outside alone, she sighed sadly, why did they have to leave?, she loved having them around, especially Spyro. Inside Ryan and Spyro walked towards the raised rock that Ryan slept upon, Spyro wanted to ask him what he had wanted to talk about when Ryan reached into the leaves and withdrew his hand holding something that he placed into Spyros hand, he was about to ask what it was for when Ryan nodded his head towards Cynder, who was still on the balcony, and then nodded towards the object. Spyro realized what he meant and he looked up to Ryan's face which had a huge grin on it, one that was so big that the only one it could be compared to it was the one on Spyros face. Then Ryan jumped up onto his bed and, with a wink and a quiet 'good luck', went to sleep.
"wheres Ryan?" Cynder asked Spyro when he returned to the balcony alone, he sat down next to her and looked at her nervously.
"he went to bed" replied Spyro as he tried to stay calm, but Cynder still picked up on his nervousness, she nuzzled his cheek and looked up into his amethyst eyes.
"whats wrong?"
"Cynder, i have something to ask you." he said, as he prepared himself his heart skipped a beat and so did hers, though she didn't know why, "Cynder, i love you with all my heart and i love you more than life itself, Cynder, would you my mate?". Cynder almost feinted as what he had said finally sunk in after half minute of just sitting there staring at him, and then she was suddenly on top of him giving him a kiss that they both wished could go on for ever, but they had to break for air. They sat their panting, looking into each others eyes for about five minutes before Cynder finally spoke.
"of course i will, Spyro." said Cynder and they once again kissed each other, Cynder felt something close around her arm and looked down to see what it was, and gasped in amazement at what Spyro had given her. On her arm was a bracer that was made from a metal that she had never seen before, it was as black as her scales and seemed to shine even in the faint moonlight, place upon it was a large diamond shaped amethyst with four smaller round ones that were spaced evenly around the rest of the bracer, she also noticed that the amethysts didn't have a blemish on them,they were perfect through and through. She looked up into his eyes and smiled.
"do you like it?" he asked.
"i think its the most beautiful piece of jewelry that I've ever seen" she told Spyro, her eyes gleaming as she looked back down at it. "where did you find it?"
"you'll have to ask Ryan in the morning, he just gave it to me when we went inside before" he said with a smile. Cynder lay her head down on his chest and sighed contently as she closed her eyes.
"yes, i must" said Cynder as she slowly drifted off to sleep, "good night, my love"
"Sweet dreams, my beautiful dragoness" replied Spyro as he let out a huge yawn and fell asleep looking at the dragon that he loved.
Three years later
Cynder chuckled as Ryan wrestled playfully with Rocky and Spike, they ganged up on him and yelled in triumph as they pinned him to the ground amid pleads for mercy by a trapped Ryan, this only made Cynder laugh even more as Ryan was finally released and he knelt to them pretending to praise them for their prowess in battle and their mercy in sparing him. Ember laughed to at the boys silly game as they again began to wrestle, she then went back to examining the many things that Ryan had made for her and Cynder and the many things that she herself, with Ryan's help and guidance, had made.
Cynder had given birth to a very rare litter two years ago, her two boys were both duo elements, Rocky was earth and electricity, while Spike was fire and frost, she had also had Ember who had the elements of fire, frost and earth. Ryan had discovered shortly after his revival that for some reason he had the ability over all four elements as Spyro did, he had also discovered that he could use his control over earth to help find minerals to compress into gems and also to find various metals, he could then use his ability over fire and frost to smelt, heat and cool the metals into various jewelry, which he gave as gifts to Cynder, Spyro or the guardians, he also made various weapons for him and sometimes Spyro and Cynder to use as well as armors.
Since she had turned 1 and a half Ryan would often spend time with Ember,when he wasn't training or playing with the boys, he would take her with him into the forest to tutor her in finding the materials needed and then how to make them. They had all been able to use their elements since they were just 1 year old. The day that she came back with the first thing she had made without any help(except for finding the silver which for some reason was particularly hard to locate, even for Ryan) there was a huge smile on her face, it was a simple silver horn band with small studded rubies all the way round. Cynder had been so proud and the only time that she took it off was for training or for bathing as it was rather delicate. Cynder looked over all the things that Ryan had made and watched how much the quality had increased over time, but her favorite was still the first one he had made, she looked down on it now and it was still as perfect as the day That Spyro had become her mate, it had turned out that the whole thing was even stronger than diamonds were and that Cynder was able to wear it all the time without worrying about damaging it.
"my best work" said Ryan, making her jump, everyone laughed including her, then she looked up at him and smiled, her two boys where standing behind him pushing each other around a bit.
"of course i am, it's the most beautiful thing that you've ever made, and you did it without any of the elements" she said happily.
"well, I'm going to take Ember out for more lessons, but today we will have a bit of an audience, that is, if it's okay with you" said Ryan as he looked back at the two boys who immediately stopped fighting.
"i think i can let you do that, just look after them" said Cynder with a smile. She was a bit afraid to let them all go as they could be quite a handful, but there wasn't much to worry about since the shadow lord had died, the land was at piece and few apes roamed the lands, she watched them go and lay her head own to take a nap, hoping that Spyro would finish with his training soon.
"alright Ember, i think I'll let you show them how it's done." said Ryan with full faith in her, she had been waiting for a long time to prove to her brothers how talented she was, they always teased her because she would never wrestle with them, she was just as competent as them as they had all received basic tutoring from Theodore in fighting. Now was her chance as she reached her mind out to find the things that were needed, she quickly found them and set to work with Ryan giving her little bits of advice now and then, but the rest she did herself while Ryan told the boys what exactly was happening. When Ember was finished she held up the results of her toil, a blade that could be attached to an arm piece, one that Ryan had made a while back, and it was put on the arm so that Ryan could slice with his arms as well as use his hands, the boys looked in awe at it as Ember tested its strength by throwing it at a tree. It hit the tree with a thump and was buried half way into the trunk, the boys raced over to Ember to talk to her about what else she could make while Ryan went to retrieve the blade from the tree with a smile, he was so very happy that she had impressed the boys and had gained some respect. As he went to pull the blade from the tree something above him rustled, before he could get out of the way a net fell onto him that felt extremely light, but that changed as several spheres on the edges of the net glowed and brought him down with crushing force. 30 apes appeared from nowhere and encircled him, Ryan struggled to escape but something above laughed at him as an ape twice as big as the rest jumped out of the tree.
"don't bother, you won't break it" said the ape as Ryan continued to struggle. "it's three times stronger than diamonds, those ten spheres are 500kg each and it contains fire, ice, earth and energy attacks".
"QUICK, BACK TO THE TEMPLE!" yelled Ryan, but before the young dragons could move another five apes appeared from nowhere and encircled the, they had all had some training but only against practice dummies, they had no chance against 5 fully armed and fully trained apes. The leader turned to them and drew a blade, he slowly advanced towards them as they cowered together.
"more dragons, best we kill them before they can grow into fighters". He said with an evil gleam in his eye as he started to lift the blade, but stopped when they heard a roar that was so loud that Chicago had an earthquake. He turned to see Ryan slowly standing up as he lifted the net up and threw it off, crushing 10 of the apes unfortunate enough to be in its way. All the while he was looking down at the ground then he whispered in a voice that was barely audible but that chilled the apes to the very core.
"step away from them" and then he looked up, his pupils had disappeared and all that was left a thin slit of black, "NOW". And then he move so fast that he was behind the leader before anyone could blink, back to back with the ape leader (i may not have mentioned this but his tail blade is like Cynders except the end that meets the tail is slightly curved) and Ryan's tail was protruding from the apes chest. He pulled out his tail and the body fell to the ground as he turned around to look at the rest of the apes, they charged , Ryan snarled at them with hatred, he would meake them pay for threatening his family. he ran at them and turned into a tornado of flying claws and bursts of elemental attacks. when the last ape was finally dead Ryan stood there, surrounded by dead bodies and blood,breathing heavily as he slowly regained his senses and ran over to the small dragons that were still huddled together but thy had their eyes in him, eyes that were the size of the moon. it occoured to Ryan that they had never actually seen him or his parents fight or train, they had also only seen the breaths used for fun or for making things. he knelt down to them and hugged them as they cried silently in his arms, he heard something land behind him and he whipped around, wings outspread to protect the children, but when he saw Cynder running towards him he slowly stepped to the side to let her be there for her babies. after ten minutes of hugging and cofrting she finally looked up into Ryans eyes and was herself almost crying.
"thank you".