chapter 4-homecoming surprise

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#4 of Spyro and Cynder

Hey people, if you've read this far either you like it, your reading this one first, or your obsessive, any one of which are totally probable. Any way heres the fourth chapter and my second brand new character that I totally didn't rip off the base idea from somebody. *cough* frostdragon*cough*.

If you're under 18 get the hell out, I don' really care if you read this or anything else on this site but the government and a lot of other people seem to. Knobs.

Chapter 4- homecoming surprise

"Where the hell are they?" shouted Theodore, he was at the end of his rope.

"I'm sure they'll be along soon" said Ignitus calmly, though he was worried to, they had been looking for them for almost 4 days, and not a sign of them anywhere had indicated that something was wrong.

"You said that the day they went missing" shouted Theodore, "how can you just sit there and do nothing while they could be out there, captured, or worse".

"Easy, I have faith in Spyros power, and he wouldn't let a thing happen to Cynder, I'm sure" stated Ignitus simply, looking straight into Theodore's eyes.

Just as Theodore was about to answer him Cyril raced in, catching both there attention as he skidded to a dead stop.

"I've spotted Spyro and Cynder, their flying towards us, and there's a large dragon with them" said Cyril quickly, and then he disappeared out onto the balcony, closely followed by first Ignitus and then by a furious Theodore. When he got his hands on Spyro he'd ring his neck.

By the time they reached the balcony Volteer was already there and Spyro and Cynder, followed by the mystery dragon, were but 100 metres from them, as they quickly covered the distance Spyro saw them clear a space for him and his companions to land. And he raced forward at full speed, eager to greet his friends, it felt like an eternity since he had seen them last, as he landed his mouth broke into a grin as he looked on his old friends. And fail to noticed Cynder try to land has he had stepped in font of where she was heading for, but it was too late to change course as she barreled into him. Knocking him over as they land in a heap on the floor, her lying on his chest and with her tail wrapped around his torso and hind legs, and him on his back with his wings spread out over the stone, they had ended up at Ignatius's feet. And as he looked down onto him he grinned at them.

"When you two are done together, should we head inside?" he asked happily, causing everyone to burst out laughing, except Theodore, who merely managed a small smile.

"Yes we should indeed go inside" continued Ignitus as Spyro and Cynder carefully disentangled themselves "but first, who is your new friend and what is he carrying".

Spyro hesitantly introduced him.

"Umm, everybody this is Maverick, but you guys sorta already know him, that is, you know him as the dark master".

There was a hushed silence, and Maverick shifted uncomfortably as everyone stared at him.

"Um, hi everyone, uh Spyro what about HIM" asked Maverick, indicating the large cloth secured to his back by ropes, and the bulge within.

"Cynder, can you help me remove him please' asked Spyro as he jumped into the air, closely followed by Cynder. They then proceeded to remove the cloth bulge gently from his back and placed it on the ground as they landed, when they removed the top of the cloth the other guardians gasped.

What was lying before them would appear to us as a rather tall thirteen year old boy human except for a few small details. his once white skin were now tough green scales, and at his shoulder blades projected two large green and yellow wings, the end of his fingers were razor sharp claws and his face projected forward slightly at the mouth to form a small muzzle. While his feet were now more hawk like and overall he was much more muscular.

"Volteer" said Ignitus "is that what I think it is?"

"that depends on what exactly you think it is, but if you think it is a human you'd be correct" said Volteer in his usual long winded manor, "though humans are supposed to be soft skinned and they are either a shade between white and black, and they do not posses, wings nor claws, they're faces are flat and they have much different feet, the only thing I can see that is really human like is that he would appear to walk upright, and his slightly torn garments seem to fit the descriptions in our legends, also , he would appear to be in a coma of some sort".

"Well then Spyro, you seem to have had quite an adventure" said Ignitus "perhaps you should tell us your story, and don't miss a single detailed".

Spyro recounted all that had happened since he had been knocked out. He told them that he had woken up in what he now knew to be a secret basement beneath the well of souls. As he kept going he got to the dark master.

"Then when he hit her I called to her, when she didn't answer I though that she was dead and I kinda lost it a bit" he said a bit embarrassed.

"A bit?" blurted out Cynder "you went nuts! The earth literally shook, and that was when you yelled at him!"

"Really?" said Volteer thoughtfully, "can you tell me what happened next?"

"Well" said Cynder as she tried to remember what happened, "The earth started to shake and crack, then it got really cold, but the rocks got really hot at the same time, and I could almost see the energy in the air, and then it seemed like he took it all in with one breath and then shot it out in a combined spinning beam. But, it seemed like something was lighting it up from the inside".

"What does all that mean?" Theodore asked Volteer.

"what it means, is that Spyros' emotions were so much that they gave him the power to call all 4 elements into the room at once, and the light you saw at the centre, Cynder, was a pure light" he said, calling up all his knowledge on the subject "this light is extremely rare and their have only been 3 cases in history where this has happened. Some dragons can learn to harness a power known as light but a pure light is caused from extreme emotional stress, and is only reached when someone very dear to them is killed, or they believe they have been." Volteer took a deep breath and looked Spyro in the eye "this may be a bit embarrassing to answer Spyro, but we need to know the cause of the light, do you love".

Spyro looked him straight back in the eye and answered him confidently "yes, I love Cynder". At this Cynder came over to Spyro and kissed him on the cheek.

"And I love him to" said Cynder.

Volteer smiled "good, that will makes things a lot less awkward, and we know how Spyro was able to call on the pure light, now on with the story".

As Spyro continued Volteer shifted thoughtful at the mention of the strange energy rift that opened, and the mention of the dragon/human coming through, Spyro had just finished when they heard a groan from the bundle on the floor. As he opened his eyes and saw the dragons gathered there looking down from above him and he blinked in surprise.

"This isn't a dream is it?'