7even Towers: Chapter Three
About 12000 BC Enivid (Then known as Resiyk and translated from a Nostratic language) The old Rabbit appeared worried when he said "You are a black lion given the gift of the Caelestis. When did your ability first appear?" The voice in my mind...
7even Towers: Chapter One
Chapter One 1984 Looking over the guns being sold at the latest vendor she had found at the gun show she noticed an odd pair of hand guns. Asking if she could pick them up and getting the go ahead she gently picked them up. She began to check the...
7even Towers: Chapter Two
Chapter Two 1998 Sitting on the couch she looked over the pamphlet and said "You'll help me learn why I can see other people dying and know what they're wearing before I see them and know where they lost something?" Smiling the man who had...
Simulation realities: The start of the second day
Simulation realities: The start of the second day Emergency Transmission from the Blue Giant: The crew are dead, killed by radiation. The only survivors are Vashna Cole, Lucas Michael, Roy Beatty, Riley Bell, and Rachel Bell who were...
Simulation realities: This was only the first day?
Simulation realities: This was only the first day? Walking out of the lift I said "Whatever is out there,if you understand me, please come out and surrender or I will be forced to hunt you down." From above me and to my left...
Simulation realities: Mechological time constaints
Simulation realities: Mechological time constaints Grabbing a seat I let out a deep sigh and said "Shel, sis gave you permission to speak right?" "Correct, though I have no more permissions than usual besides...
Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude
Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar magnitude Emergency Transmission from the Blue Giant: The crew are dead, killed by radiation. The only survivors are Vashna Cole, Lucas Michael, Roy Beatty, Riley Bell, and Rachel Bell who were...
Simulation Realities: Beginning of Blue Giant
Simulation Realities: Beginning of Blue Giant After paying we were escorted to our suite, the sim already loaded. We had decided to go with the fur...
Genetic Institute: Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Averis Waiting in an empty room for the heads to come back I took out my laptop and began hacking the school network to get on the internet and check on Ric. It didn't take me long to guess the password for basic internet...
My Destiny: The Giant Hornet
My Destiny addendum The Giant Hornet Waking I performed my morning meditation and released all thoughts from my mind to purify it before getting up and dressing. Since master had said this was my last day I...
**Hunger** Hearing the knocking on the wall she knew it was time for dinner, ignoring it she continued to work. Not long after she heard it again and so she got up and yelled out the door "I'm working, I'll be out in a minute." "Then don't...