7even Towers: Chapter Two
#2 of 7even Towers
Chapter Two
Sitting on the couch she looked over the pamphlet and said "You'll help me learn why I can see other people dying and know what they're wearing before I see them and know where they lost something?"
Smiling the man who had introduced himself as Beatus said "Yes, we'll help you learn to control it, now your dad is about to walk in because he's worried about leaving his only daughter alone with a strange man, even if he is offering to help her with her gifts."
Immediately after he finished the door from the kitchen opened and her father, the tall Doberman, said "Hon, are you alright, I don't feel comfortable about leaving you alone with this man considering this is a closed room."
Looking at Beatus the girl said "I'll go to your school, it seems like a place I'd like, my name is Karen, nice to have you as my Headmaster sir."
Watching Railyn as she trained the advanced combat class I envied her but didn't want to be in her shoes all the same. Her Grandfather, he adopted her as his daughter before she knew about magic being real, was the Headmaster of the school, and she was a Black-Learner, the last Black ever according to prophecy, one that I had as well immediately upon meeting her. She had replaced her father as the White teacher while he found a permanent replacement.
Noticing them signaling me I willed my foresight and moved to the left. Hearing the wind move past my ear I knew someone had dodged one of Railyn's more powerful attacks from her guns. Everyone in the room except for me had extremely high level shields put around them by Railyn herself. We no longer shielded me because we found that interfered with my natural gift that brought me here. They were playing a 'Juggernaught' match, anyone who lost their shields had to stay out until the end of the round, and the round ended when the person who was currently the 'Juggernaught' eliminated everyone. Railyn had made a spell to track who landed hits and her newest teleport spell immediately brought them out to the sidelines.
The only times I was allowed to join the game were when Railyn was 'Juggernaught' since my abilities gave me an extreme advantage over everyone else. So did Railyn's but she was the instructor, she was doing everything she could to hold back, including not using any spells that got more powerful based on the amount of Magic the user had. Hopping down I said "I take it Railyn is the target."
Nodding at me she said "Feel free to use any spells you like, everyone but you has been eliminated."
Speaking up behind me someone said "I haven't."
Not even needing my foresight I ducked to the left and felt a firebolt fly over my head and then watched as Railyn teleported behind him and fired off two rounds from each of her guns in different directions, the first hit him as he dodged left and teleported him directly into the next round which then put him at the cross section for her other two rounds which burst into a fireball upon combining with each other's flames. Coughing he said "That wasn't fair," before he got teleported away.
Laughing I said "You really are in a good mood aren't you, that wasn't your normal teleportation either, the energy felt different."
Turning around and raising her shirt she showed me a new ritual tattoo. "It allows me to use teleport without distortion and mass teleport with but a single word."
Sighing I said "Which means you don't need to use the rituals for either of those now, can I also assume you are finally allowed into the instructors library?"
Nodding she said "Please use that spell you've been hiding from the others, I'm not sure how well I can hold back considering how little time it took me to knockout the others."
Nodding I murmured under my breath "Fullara Trusia Timesight" and immediately dodged back and to the left before saying "Your dad wants you within the next 10 minutes, you're about to get the message, we'll have to finish this quickly in that case."
Nodding she disappeared and I heard her murmuring from several different directions. I knew she had stepped into the astral to prepare. Jumping I felt a round pass under me and I grabbed the one about to hit me by it's side and let it's force push me back before I whispered "Force" and sent it where she was about to appear.
The round hit her and she fell into her own trap, as was her custom she had set up two teleportation rounds for the starting point. With the second one hitting her she fell into her own trap. A second later she was in the middle of 8 double rounds flying towards her. Seeing her realize what was going on I used her own spell against her by making the signs and yelling "Deeps". She tried to take action slowly but the arms of time were already bringing her into their grasp, the first rounds began hitting her and passing through the Deeps spell since it wasn't her own.
I remember the specifics of the spell well. It interfered with the caster's own spells hitting the target by giving them a shield which she had later learned to cast without slowing down the target. The first hits struck her shield and disintegrated it. She was right about not being able to hold back, she had accidentally increased all of her spells into a version of themselves that was affected by her magic amount from the looks of it.
Teleporting next to me she said "Very nicely done, I'm glad I erected my time dome before starting this, can you dodge what's next?"
Jumping back I realized it had been my mistake, time is given to changing rapidly, I could see the flow of time with my spell but she herself was now riding time like a wave as she continued to stand next to me no matter what I did to dodge, she even strode right through my anti-magic field like it wasn't there.
Sighing I said "You're very good with your teleportation spells, you made another new one at the same time you figured out that tattoo didn't you." During this I began enacting a spell I hadn't even practiced once in her presence.
Nodding she said "Temporal wave. Your spell can't predict this one due to the fact that your spell relies on time."
Finishing the motions and willpower preparations needed I said "Then I'll stop using time." And I said the chant for my spell that would use something different from time, it would use the dimensions to predict her, for other dimensions were accelerated from ours, so she was already making those decisions. The spell was designed to only show those that the decisions she was making in the fight were identical.
Ducking I grabbed the bullet and said "Force" and put it right where her temporal wave would put her next, time was predictable, so I knew from the fact that she was appearing where my time reader was currently searching that I could direct where she would be.
As her fireball hit her square on she was teleported out of the room and I said "Your dad also wants to see me, give me a sec before you teleport though to deactivate my spells."
Teleporting back into the room she nodded and waited until I was done.
Whispering the word to fill in the holes in my ritual I felt the ink play out over my back and write the coordinates while I pictured my Da. The chaos coordinates in the spell allowed me to target a specific person so long as I was able to picture them and the texture of their magic, Da's was rough and powerful but yielding due to his Grey nature.
Speaking up Karen said "I noticed that, you're using the old chaos ink spell for the final piece of that tattoo. I trust you found a way to keep it from eating your soul, right."
Shaking my head I said "Nope, I need to do more research, I'm not going to use this tattoo often until I have a better understanding of that, but for a precise location I've got another spell that's completely safe to use for the final piece."
Sighing Karen said "Please just be careful, we really wouldn't want a demonic force to get hold of your body, they wouldn't have your mind but the sheer power you have would be dangerous in anyone else's hands."
Nodding I activated the tattoo and we were immediately next to Da.
Looking over the scorched fur Da said "She forced you to use your dimension read didn't she Karen."
Interrupting I said "What did you want Da?"
From behind us came a voice "He wished to warn ya of us," I remembered the voice and magic texture from 26 years before, it was Enivid the Headmaster of Caelestis.
"Crap, how did he find out, I haven't left the tower since all those years ago."
"Ya didn't hae to leave the tower, your magic, effects of the black magic are occurring across the world. There is a reason beyond the power they had that Blacks were so dangerous."
Turning to Da I said "Is that true?"
Answering Da said "The balance of the world follows which direction the majority of the Blacks choose, you're the only Black in the world so Good presides over Evil, you enjoy teleportation magic so the world is making great strides in transportation, and you're a female so equality presides."
"Aye, and other worlds near this one are following suit, Black magic is na evil or good, it is the weight tha' tips the balance. Tha' is why you must die." The Headmaster of the Caelestis said before raising his hand and pointing at me.
Reacting in an instant I closed my eyes and raised a shield and shot out with both guns to reinforce the shield. I expected to feel feedback but nothing happened. Opening my eyes I saw that Da had done something that stopped the silver fire streaming towards us. "If you're going to fight then two things are going to happen, first I'm going to release her seal and second I'm sending you to the coliseum."
"Seal, what are ya talking about." Enivid looked at me in a rather curious manner.
Looking at him I said "You're the Headmaster of the school with the largest library in existence and are the current master of Divine magic, how do you not know about the ritual you saw the day we met."
Raising his eyebrow he said "Tha wasn't something designed ta fake your death?"
Laughing Da said "It was a Caelestis ritual to bind magic by first killing the person. It's why the effects of the Black magic have been minimal, not the fact that there is only one Black Learner."
Interrupting I asked "So how much has the world changed?"
"Intercontinental flights are commercial, communication happens in seconds without even having to use a traditional phone, you don't need to use cords for phones now, cars can go 70 in a 55 mile an hour zone, oh, were you able to vote by the time you left?" Da answered me with a question.
Thinking on it I said "Not sure, I never voted at the least."
Interrupting Enivid said "Are ya saying that she has only pushed technology forward a small amount because of tha seal?"
Shrugging Da said "You're the one who claims to be god, so why don't you tell me."
Growling Enivid said "I swore I woul take tha' gurls soul to the rivar styx meself."
Nodding Beatus gestured to the side and Bailey walked over and shouted "Disasparrion!" I felt something covering me seem to snap and it felt like energy was pouring from every pore on my body. I could see the others were knocked back, even Da and Enivid stumbled briefly.
After it was all over I collapsed and felt stronger than I had ever thought possible. Standing up I saw that Enivid and Da both looked surprised, in fact I imagine that only Karen wasn't surprised, for even I was surprised at the amount of magic energy I felt flowing through me. Walking over to me Da said "You now have access to your secondary conduit. Use it, use all of your strength and beat him, prove that your heart for good will provide more strength than his so called 'righteous' heart." Hugging me briefly he stepped back and made several complicated gestures before pointing at Enivid and me and saying in a rather lack luster way "Teleportica vastico Collisica"
The amount of space we traveled across felt rather large but it wasn't until I looked up and saw where we were that I realized just how vast an amount of space it was. We were on one of Jupiter's moons in a coliseum that was identical to the ancient roman one, except in better condition and possible bigger. After a few seconds the seats started to fill up, and the stand for the roman emperors was bigger and had 8 seats on it, one for the head of each section of magic.
Standing across the field from me was Enivid, shouting I said "You've probably seen this field once or twice as the oldest magic user in existence."
He didn't respond, he merely shrouded himself in a light silver fog an inch or so thick.
On the platform with the heads of magic I saw Da step up, the current master of the White and Grey schools and Headmaster of the 7even school tower. He should have been the strongest or second strongest here, but that was uncertain due to my existence. The last black for the rest of eternity, stronger than every other to have ever existed due to the sheer weight of the world's population, for that was where they got their magic potential, every living thing increased the magic pool for black magic, and every black magic caster shared that pool. There where theories that multiple black users somehow increased the size of the pool, but none of that mattered.
Drawing my two faithful guns I poured my magic into them and transformed them. I felt them change, but then I felt them change again with the materialization of my new secondary conduit. A pair of glasses with round yellow lenses appeared on my face, a heavy red trench coat formed and I was wearing a pair of boots that went up to my knees with buckles up the side. My pants turned into a pair of semi loose shorts that were barely long enough, and my blank t-shirt turned into a black buckle covered leather corset. Looking over it all I saw it was a combination of my three favorite gun wielding maniac manga characters, Vash the stampede, Revy two hands, and Alucard the vampire. My two guns were now a perfectly balanced pair of staggeringly huge handguns that looked like they had been formed from liquid metal, the barrels on them could easily hold the .950 rounds, but magic never made sense.
I heard the sound of a giant bell and knew the most dangerous fight of my life had started.