Simulation realities: This was only the first day?

Story by Averis on SoFurry

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#4 of Simulation Realities

Simulation realities: This was only the first day?

Walking out of the lift I said "Whatever is out there,if you understand me, please come out and surrender or I will be forced to hunt you down."

From above me and to my left on a stack of crates I heard a male voice say "You're not very nice, I'd rather just nap up here."

"You can speak English?" I asked rather surprised.

"Well yeah, it's the only language that computer has on it, kinda hard to learn any other." Grabbing the side of the crates and hanging over the side he said "So do you want to shoot me still?"

"You're a monkey?" I said while watching him hop down the stack of crates.

"Yeah, can I go back to sleep now?" he said once he landed on the ground.

"Is that all you do?" I asked while checking my stun gun and making sure the safety was on.

"Since the others left, yeah, although that's what I did when they were still around too, guess that's why they left me, no drive besides to get some snatch." he said before yawning.

Taken aback I glared at him and said "You're disgusting." Punching the lift comm I said "Shel, whats going on?"

"That monkey evolved from the pet monkey you were put into TS for."


Stumbling onto the chair I braced against one side of the desk and typed in the key code for reactivating the auto repair sequence which the screen was yelling at me about with flashing warnings about how unstable the ship was. Punching up the button for Shel I asked "Will you please get one of the bots to make me a fried egg chili chutney sandwich, and some headache relief." before deactivating the holo board and dropping my head on the desk.

Smelling the chili I grabbed the sandwich and ate it in two bites. Feeling a slight clearing of my head I grabbed the pills from the bot as well, swallowing those I put my head back on my paws. After waiting for the hangover to go away I pulled up the ship status screen dreading what I would see. "Shel, why is there a negative percent for the ship status?"

"Riley said something about my sanity and the degradation of the ship's electric circuits meaning that everything is under a 50% load just with minimal load. It's nyathing to worry about, the bots are working on it now that you've reactivated the auto repair, it should be back to a point where Riley doesn't need to be in the dive chair in another 37 hours."

"Okay, well I'll agree with her on your sanity, and did you say she needs to be in the dive chair for 37 more hours?" I asked astonished at how much work that meant. She is one of, if not the, best dive technicians in the known universe. It took her seconds or minutes to do what should take hours, and some times days. Getting over the shock I asked "Exactly what is she doing?"

"She is recoding the power and network distribution grid for the ship. Considering her usual work rate she very well may finish everything she needs to before that, it is merely that is how long it will take the bots to return the ship to a reasonable state of existence."

Putting my head on my paws I went back to sleep for a while.


Hopping out of the dive chair I saw Vash slumped over her desk with the smell of chili on the plate next to her. Laughing I shook her and when she woke said "Fried egg chili chutney sandwich huh?"

Nodding Vash said "Yeah, I need to thank Rach again for introducing that to me."

Half picking her up I said "Come on, lets get you to bed." Yelling I said "Hey Shel! Get the lift down here, set up Vash's room please."

Mumbling just loud enough that I could hear her Vash asked "How long have I been out anyway?"

Think on it for a sec I said "About 12 hours, you're horrible with hangovers." Getting to the lift I saw Rach inside, handing off Vash just long enough to get in the lift. We put her over each of our shoulders after arriving on L deck and got her into her own bed.

Getting back to the lift I leaned on the wall and asked Rach "So is our current course stable?"

Nodding she said "After Shel gave me the go ahead 4 hours ago I programmed in a general course for the next 2 weeks."

Getting off on our level I said "Shel, give us an alarm for 0800."

Using the comm Shel said "It's 0759." while Rach dropped onto her bed.

Sighing I said "Is everyone asleep right now?"

"Excluding you, yes."

"Then treat this as 2200, give us an alarm for 0800."

"Nya ma'am."

With that dealt with I dropped onto my bed. The first day out of TS and we find out that we're probably the last beings alive in the universe that earth knew and that the ship is horribly in need of repairs. Thoughts about what tomorrow will bring are the only thing on my mind as I fall asleep.