Simulation realities: The start of the second day

Story by Averis on SoFurry

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#5 of Simulation Realities

Simulation realities: The start of the second day

Emergency Transmission from the Blue Giant: The crew are dead, killed by radiation. The only survivors are Vashna Cole, Lucas Michael, Roy Beatty, Riley Bell, and Rachel Bell who were in TS booths. There is one life signature on board in the radiation protected hold. We have enough food to last 30,000 years.

Arriving last in the cafeteria I asked "So anything special happen yet this morning?"

Nodding over his breakfast Roy said "Morning Riley, nothing yet this morning."

Pressing the button I grabbed my lunch and yelled "Hey Shel!" before sitting down at the table the others had picked.


"Has anything remotely important happened?"

"Monkey. Nya."

"I'm going to run a diagnostic on you later, now then, monkey?"

Interrupting Lucas said "A descendent of Ginny, the monkey we got in trouble for, he's living in the hold, I recommend none of you girls go meet him."

Finishing her breakfast Vash asked "Why none of us?"

Snarling Lucas replied "He's disgusting. He's a disgusting womanizing lazy bum."

Popping a sausage in my mouth and swallowing it I said "Sounds like high-school, I'll deal with him the same way I dealt with those guys."

Putting her hand on my shoulder Rach said "Don't forget that you're much stronger than you were then, even being a late bloomer, especially for both being a girl and a jaguar, you were about to trounce members of the football team. Heck, I remember you beat up a senior who was a polar bear that must have weighed half a ton at least."

In between laughs I said "Yeah, that was funny, I guess you have a point though, it's not like I work at it." Swallowing another sausage I said to Lucas "So why exactly do you say that anyway?"

"One of his first sentences involved the phrase get some snatch, you can guess why I don't like him." Lucas replied.

Sighing I said "Hey Shel, where is he now?"

"Still in the cargo bay."

Finishing my breakfast I said "Hey Rach, come with me to check this guy out, stop me if I try to kill him."