Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude

Story by Averis on SoFurry

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#2 of Simulation Realities

Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar magnitude

Emergency Transmission from the Blue Giant: The crew are dead, killed by radiation. The only survivors are Vashna Cole, Lucas Michael, Roy Beatty, Riley Bell, and Rachel Bell who were in TS booths. There is one unknown life signature on board in the radiation protected hold. We have enough food to last 30,000 years.

Seeing the lift doors open I ran down the hall and vaulted over the table in the middle of the control room. Pulling up the space coordinates of everything I saw that a sling around the 4th planet would project the ship out of danger and would allow for an all but complete stop. Finishing the math required I input it for the system to activate and felt the changes immediately as the thrusters activated.


Over looking all the digital information I saw a change, the data stream was fluctuating rapidly and I had to reroute it onto several different channels to keep the circuits from blowing. Activating the VI connector I yelled at Shel 'I thought you said there were no problems' while manipulating the transfer lines.

'There weren't, however as soon as Rachel programmed in the flight path the circuits showed how degraded they were, checking the maintenance routines left by the one who replaced Vashna I see that he changed them so they do not run on an automated sequence.'

'Brilliant, great, bloody friggin brilliant. I give you authority, use the comm system, get Vash down here, I need her to fix things with the mini-bots.'


Using said access Shel said over the comm "Vashna, Riley needs you to do maintenance."

Standing up wiping the puke off my face I said "Great, I just get out of TS, so I've got a hangover, and she wants me to do work, she knows me too well." Using the wall to brace myself I walked to the lift.


Opening the door in front of me I felt like the night after shore leave. Seeing Vash moving down the hall I turned and asked Roy "What is going on?"

Answering me he said "I have no idea what's going on."

Over the comm came "We are currently moving out of our course that had us heading towards a nearby star, Rachel is navigating, Riley is making sure none of our systems overload and Vashna is going to direct the mini-bots on rebuilding the systems that have deteriorated. If you would be so good as to go to the C deck and check the cargo hold, I detect a life form there. I recommend that you get subduing rounds and a few safety cuffs."

Sighing I walked to the stairs and ran up them. Not an easy task over 12 decks, each of them with between 60 to 340 levels. Why did the TS booths have to be on deck O I thought as I reviewed the sequence for getting into the armory. Hitting the landing of Deck N I opened the door and used the secondary lift system. It was slow and only useful for getting through a specific deck but better than waiting for the main lift which Vash needed in her state of body.