
Story by Averis on SoFurry

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Hearing the knocking on the wall she knew it was time for dinner, ignoring it she continued to work. Not long after she heard it again and so she got up and yelled out the door "I'm working, I'll be out in a minute."

"Then don't eat anything, you hear me!" her father yelled back at her.

Hearing that she felt it shake her to her core and she started crying because she knew she didn't have the will to go against something he had said, he had trained her well, punishing her when she disobeyed him but never rewarding her beyond a gruff "good" that wasn't even a sentence. Beginning to cry she followed his order without question as she continued working. Not long after she heard him going to his room and watched the door in case he decided to come in but he just walked past. Hours later she finished what she had been working on and began playing a game on her computer to help her ignore the pain and make her tired and went to sleep a couple hours after at 2 AM.

The next day she went to school and spent her lunch in the library working on things she wanted to get finished. After she got home she avoided her father and went to her room finished her homework and began to draw. Days passed and she followed his order and his continual repeats of that order whenever they had dinner and she didn't come. After ten days she was beginning to lose strength to the pain but she carried on with her life, friends worried but she just smiled them off and said she was fine, not once did her stomach growl but she knew that time was an inexorable thing that would win in the end.

Eventually her mother asked "Whats wrong?, you aren't yourself lately."

"I'm fine, don't worry, whats bothering me will end soon." she said before shooing her mother off with laughter.

And it did come, 24 days after her father told her this she dropped to the ground during school and was taken to the Nurse's who rushed her to the hospital, by the time they figured out what was wrong it was already too late, her mother came in and cried over her and she said "I told you it would end soon, I have enough from my work to cover everything, and don't let dad order you around like he did me." she said while she died with a smile on her lips.