Simulation realities: Mechological time constaints
#3 of Simulation Realities
Simulation realities: Mechological time constaints
Grabbing a seat I let out a deep sigh and said "Shel, sis gave you permission to speak right?"
"Correct, though I have no more permissions than usual besides that."
"Of course not, no offense but that would be dangerous, full AI like yourself are as smart as Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking with as much stability as the Jack the ripper. Not to mention you've been awake and thinking and watching over us for 5 million years."
"Nya, of course not."
"You just said nya, you're not a cat."
"Of course nyat, at least I wasn't, not according to my database's memory, but some files seem to have become corrupted over the years due to the ones who replaced crewman Riley and crewman Vashna deeming that it better for self repair functions to cease so that if I found a way to kill the crew I would eventually die."
Looking at a display showing the code maintaining Shel just to have something to look at as her I said "And how do you know this?"
"Crewmen logs are within my read capabilities, Riley changed that as soon as she got on the ship and her replacement never noticed."
"Fine, please check our current course for any immediate dangers."
"Nothing that needs to be immediately taken care of to give Riley any more work."
Finally managing to direct all the energy onto safe pathways I used the comm and opened a path to the control room. "Hey Rach, are we on a safe path now?"
Turning to the screen she said "Yeah, sis, are you sweating?"
"Yeah, as I've told you before, when I have to activate the dive chair and use it for more than 2% manipulation within the first 4 minutes it is physically tiring, and my avatar form is identical to the chair's scans of my current form to give me no perception shifts when I dive so that I am working at top efficiency."
"Why do you have to explain everything when I ask a question." she said with an annoyed frown.
Ignoring her I asked "Will you please check the ship's repair status."
Hopping out of her chair Rachel pulled up the ship status on another console and said "It reads as -100%. Why is the computer able to readout a negative as the status?"
"Technically it shouldn't, but Shel is a bit insane and the network and electric circuits are at 1% of their capacity right now, which means that they are all under a 50% load just running the ship." I said while rerouting the comm system through another circuit.
"Is there any way that you could avoid using anything for about an hour, I'm trying to stabilize everything but that will take some time, the control room will be the easiest to finish since it has so many redundancy circuits." I said while closing the comm and going back to work on the redistribution. In the background I heard Vash drag herself in the room.
Finally getting to the top of D deck I got out and signaled the main lift, I signaled it back on E deck a little bit ago and found Vash had just gotten off so by now it was probably at the bottom of E. Deciding that waiting for the main lift here was better than running up to the bottom of C deck I waited patiently. Getting on the lift I typed in the 230th level of C deck and grabbed a few stun grenades and subduing guns before heading to level 137. While on the lift I asked "Hey Shel, anything special about this life form?"
"It is sentient, anything beyond that is unknown due to the radiation lock-down still in effect on cargo hold."
"Wow, that's just great, the hold has a few crates of extra weapons." I told her while the lift stopped and the doors opened on the cargo level.