Torment and Misery: The First Day
I sigh in defeat as I realize just how helpless I am. "What misery do you have planned for the day?" I ask mockingly. "I was thinking something along the lines of a nice drive through the country side, maybe lunch at a fancy restaurant . I'd like to...
A Night Call from Justice
"Son of a biscuit!" Vanessa's tongue in check cursing went mostly inaudible over a ringing of door chimes. The brown haired woman scrambled out of her bubble bath in frustration at having occupied it only moments prior. It would prove a little too...
Thrilling Heroics: Ofenna's Calamitous Costume Caper
When you're starting out as a superhero, the first thing to worry about once you are committed to your path is how secret are you planning to keep your identity. For should you choose discretion, then you need both a name, and a suitable costume. ...
OT - Chocobe
Omega Tech Records Experiment: #0146: Chocobe The first team was suited up and ready to go. The four sat in the wide open room, not sure what to really expect. Aside from the large door they entered through, there was only one other entrance; a...
Episode 18: Replacement For Now
**Chapter 7: Win Some, Lose Some (3/3) ~ Episode 18: Replacement For Now** * * * The feline heard the sound of the library door opening as he had been hunched over at the front desk, a chunky red panda entered the building. Kiseki looks at the panda...
Angel Eyes and Ocean Tears
Part One: The sleek black sports car pulled to a stop in front of the hotel, the sunlight reflected off the tinted windows suddenly cut off by the shade of the awning. It's low, clean hum turned to a whisper as men who were little older than boys...
Episode 19: Coming For Her Rescue
**Chapter 8: Savior (1/2) ~ Episode 18: Coming For Her Rescue** * * * That very day, George came up to Kiseki before closing time, and scratched behind his neck, "Hey, Kiseki. Can you help me with something?" The feline nodded his head, slipping on...
WITD Part 8: Worried
Tao watched as the now frightened fox paced back and forth across the bedroom. She was currently sitting on the bed, frowning as she thought while her eyes followed Ryn. "What am I going to do...? I can't go back to him, he'll kill me for sure if he...
Episode 4: Stay Here With Me
[First Episode (Series)]( \<\<\< [First Episode (Season)]( \<\<\< [Previous]( | [Next]( \>\>\> [Most Recent...
Mud Wrestling - Writing Prompt from Trevorbluesquirrel
"You're an asshole you know that?" But even as the words left Trevor's mouth he couldn't help but smirk as Logan proceeded to tower over him, flexing triumphantly all the while. "Maybe you should lift more often. Then you'd be swole like me and ass...
Renatus Chapter 3
As the car left the city I sat in the back because Ember had called shotgun and happened to possess the will and the means to kick my ass. So there I was sprawled out on the back seat dozing off to old time rock n roll. Getting lost in the music was...
Dinner & New Friend
Cecil stated, now dressed in his normal tight clothing. "the best part is that, unlike everything else here or outside the island, the food in this building at least is all free. no matter how much you eat."