Renatus Chapter 3
#3 of Renatus
As the car left the city I sat in the back because Ember had called shotgun and happened to possess the will and the means to kick my ass. So there I was sprawled out on the back seat dozing off to old time rock n roll. Getting lost in the music was easy and giving into sleep came before I knew it.
I woke up slightly stiff with ember shaking me awake. "We're making a pit stop." I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking at my surroundings. We were out of the city on a large divided highway. There was forest on both sides of the highway. With the relatively light traffic compared to the city we were moving fast.
"How long was I out for" I ask with no real concern stretching as best as I could in the car. Looking to the front for an answer
Ember looked back at me with a very unimpressed expression "five hours or so" she said holding up her hand with five fingers spread out for me to see. "all this running must have tuckered your ass out rich kid." She smiled. Luke laughed with abandon. I grin and looked at Ember for a moment. Then I turned away as we exited to a rest stop.
Needing to stretch my legs i looked around. honestly there wasn't much to see. The building was small with some vending machines and picnic tables around. The other two followed and exited the car to stretch and walk around a bit. Safe to say we were all a bit stiff and cramped up. Five minutes later we were back Ember spoke "You're in front Jack my turn to nap."
"Yeah ok" I walk up and open the door and climbed back in. Mostly I just felt more cramped and even less comfortable than I was in the back. Our impromptu road trip was turning into a pain in the neck. Literally. I was turning into a chiropractor's best client. It wasn't long before Ember passed out in the back. Glancing at Luke I saw him still singing along to his music I couldn't help but wonder. I had a thousand questions, it's not every day you find a brand new tattoo on your arm unless of course you were extremely drunk the day before. Nor do you usually see fire come flying out of nowhere. If I had been dragged into a new world where 'magic' was about to ruin life as I know it I wanted to know quickly. Details would also be great what the hell had Moe thrown me into.
Apparently I had been staring as I was pulled out of my thoughts by an irritated Luke. "Stop staring and spit it out kid. You're pissing me off staring at me like that I mean I know I'm damn sexy but i don't swing that way and I've got a feeling neither do you so spill it."
"Well I guess I just want to know what's happening to me. I've got this weird tattoo thing going on, and even weirder people chasing me all over God's green earth. You seem to know what's going on. Do you feel like enlightening me?"
"Why exactly did you think I was dragging you along? Of course I'm gonna tell you. It's just a complicated story that isn't going to sound very logical or even possible. I sure as hell didn't believe it at first. God only knows how things might have turned out if I had just listened." He paused it appeared he was being pulled into a far away memory. After a moment he seemed to shake it off and glanced at me. "First off have you heard of a group called the 'Knights Templar'?"
"I've heard of them yes but i don't know too much about them. Why?"
"Well basically it all starts with them. The knights templar was a group of knights that protected the road between Europe and Jerusalem. they weren't just any run of the mill knights however. They were hand picked by God. Literally."
"Ok now I know you're crazy. Pull over, My folks taught me never to allow a crazed lunatic drive me God only knows where." I gawfed at him. Hand picked by God? Who the hell did he think we were anointed disciples?
"Just shut up and listen will you. You can believe me or not but when shit hits the fan there is no way you can say I didn't tell you. Besides I am not pulling this car over just yet and unless you feel like tucking and rolling your way out of this car your gonna sit there and shut up. Got it?" glancing at the speedometer I quickly decided that his suggested exit plan was not a great one. So I nodded at him to continue. "Good. Now God didn't actually manifest and pull them out of a line up. He sent his greatest warrior the archangel Michael. Now Michael was sent to the knights with a gift from God. A gift he had specifically chosen this group to receive. He bestowed upon them a the gift of strength, The gift of speed, predatory reflexes, enhanced senses, and some even had the power of telepathy. The powers mortal men only dream of obtaining. They were the epitome of 'men of God'. Hand picked to do his will."
"So if they were such important men how come I haven't heard of any of this before. Not even stories. their basically thought of as a myth."
"Thats easy. In the time of Prince Philip IV rule over France he found himself in a bind. He was deeply indebted to the order and didn't feel the need to repay them as honor should have demanded he do. So he took advantage of the situation. Friday, 13 October 1307 many of the Order's members in France were arrested. Each was tortured into giving false confessions to trumped up and false accusations. They were then burned at the stake for their alleged crimes. Those that managed to escape basically vanished and were never seen again. Thier gifts passed on generation to generation the same way they were given to you. Of course the new members all had a whole hell of a lot more training than you, anyway now here we are. Two of this generation's remaining members. Welcome to the club kid."
I look at him in astonishment "That's it, The whole story just like that? I looked at him with discontent even the smallest amount of disbelief.
He glanced back at me while speeding down the road. "No that's not it you idiot it's been nearly a thousand years since they fell and if you hadn't noticed life isn't very pretty for us. I mean a human girl can outfight you. The amount you need to learn is immense to say the least. Then there is physical training. The real issue is time.
"What" I respond
"Shit" he responded "you think I was in that God forsaken city for no reason. Think about it, Theres something and I feel its way outside any league seen on earth before" his eyes are glued to the road ahead when he finishes his retort. jaw set, knuckles white as snow.
"What are we supposed to do about all this. I'm useless Ember is normal well comparatively, and you, You're fucking psychotic so how are we supposed to fight this big bad evil in New York. I sure as hell have no help to offer in this particular situation"
"Yeah, That's all very true, But nothing is a lost cause, Unfortunately I can't handle all this myself. So you're going to sit back, shut up, and train until you learn everything you need to. There's a reason that a group of men were picked. The order is meant to be a unit, No one mortal man can do it all alone. as far as your little girlfriend there... whatever she does is her business. I'm not a babysitter. I'm your new mentor ish kind of thing. I make sure you don't die before you can stand on you own two feet and that you don't hurt yourself in the process." He looked at me with a grin.
I smiled back with a million questions ran through my head like a freight train. My mind stick on one question in peticular. "So I can move things with my mind. I mean I did once that door when the men were chasing us in the service tunnel I door slid shut without me touching it. I look to Luke for confirmation on my thought.
"What!" A look of astonishment plastered on his face. "You mean to tell me that you perform telekinesis on your first day as a Renatus that's impossible, you should be dead." His voice fades as he gives me a solemn look
I take a long gulp trying to digest my near fatal magic trick. "I did feel exhausted afterward and Ember practically pulled me the rest of the way, but it didn't feel that serious." i looked down at my sneakers avoiding Luke's eyes
Luke's head hits the back of his seat "Well there's nothing for it now just be carfull. Using that power pulls at your sole. It's your sole that shut the door, and if you pull it too far it tears and you cease to exist. Doctors would say you lost your mind, but the truth is you'd become an empty human body and very quickly be possessed by demons or just ghosts."
"Demons, ghosts! What is this the X-Files" I tried to portray my bewilderment as best I could. "I mean really Ghosts?"
Luke had a look of near astonishment on his face "You're kidding me. All the shit you've been through in the last 24 hours and you're stuck on ghosts I can't believe you're this thick skulled. Of course they're real. There bound to Earth till they can move on, Some kind of purgatory. But most of them are safe for the most part,"
I nod with the realization that death was not the end of life just one step like graduating. "I am just trying to cope with this...everything.
"I know Jack your world is upside down right now but it's not going to change. you'll get there with time." time past between us with clasic rock in the background of our omnipotently boring car ride. After some time had passed i glanced at the dash. the fuel gauge was ticking its way toward empty. with no idea where we were going i couldn't be sure but i had a decent idea that the middle of bum fuck nowhere was not our desired destination, or at least i hoped not, and running out of gas at this moment was probably not the most convenient. so getting Luke's attention i nodded my head at the dash and saw him shoot a quick glance at it.
"Shit looks like i should have filled up earlier. ah well we'll make it to the next gas station should be coming up soon enough. relax kid we're fine for awhile yet." he rolled his eyes back to the road. shaking my head i just sat back and listened to the music praying he was right. getting stuck and having people, namely Ember, bitch and rant about what an idiot everyone else was not the least bit appealing. it wasn't to terribly long before we saw a sign giving us the heads up that we would hit the next one shortly. taking another look i saw it was going to be cutting it pretty close. thankfully we came up to it just as the car car started making an unnerving sound. pulling in Luke hopped out and began the process of pumping the gas.
I opened the door to the car and got out stretching and looking around the smell of gas wafting through the air. The gas station was a small privately owned joint called John's Fill Up. It had three gas pumps and a single diesel pump on the end. I went to the back door and opened it. Ember's black hair came flopping out. "ahh!" She turned to look at me green eyes alight with anger. "You son of a bitch I'm gonna kill you." she screamed at me.
Out of nowhere Luke's voice come from across the car. "We've got company!" he came around the car as I turned and saw seven large me if you could call them that. They were large bison like men all of them exact copies of each other.
"What... what are those things?" Ember asked tire iron magicly in her hand. I look at her determined face for a moment then back at Luke for an answer to the question.
"Golems there's a witch on to us, watch your backs" Luke said under his breath standing beside us. The air was thick with a stale scent. It washed over you and overwhelmed the senses. It was dingy and stagnant, I felt as though we had just walked into a swamp. Which definitely made it hard to concentrate with such a thick aroma lingering in the air.
Out of nowhere the pull in my gut came again. I felt like I could wrestle a bear. I walked right up to the closest one and punched it straight in the stomach. 'slerp!' my hand sunk into the things' flesh. It was cold and dead. "crap" I said as i felt a sinking feeling. The Golem looked down at me with a not quite defined face and brought its fist up. My eyes went wide as its blow came down launching me though the air and into the hood of some poor sobs Prius.
My head was spinning as the golem slowly approached. I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. then Luke sprung into action. He intercepted the beast with Ember's tire iron. The Golem's arm swung at Luke and splat the things arm was a pile of mud on the ground. Then Luke swung again right at the damn things head. With a plop the head disintegrated and its body collapsed with a splash.
I sat up head still spinning as Ember runs up and helps me into the small store. "You are officially a moron, You know that right?" Ember stands and runs behind the counter and hit the gas emergency shut off then looks around for something. A boy who looked to be 14 came from the back room holding a shotgun shaking like a leaf. Ember walked up grabbed the barrel in one hand and punched the kid square in the face.
The poor kid let go of the gun in shock. Ember pulls it up cocking it "Fuck my life" she ground as she headed for the door. She pushes her way out and into the lot. As I regain my bearings I look out the window and see Ember blow a golem's head clean off.
I walk out the door and watch Luke dispatch of the last golem. Then out of nowhere he goes flying back. A woman with long mousey unkempt hair walks in our direction. Ember aims the gun but the whole weapon disassembles itself in her hands individual components clanking to the ground in a shower of metallic parts.
"You are all ants to me and I will squash you all" the woman spoke with a smug authority.
Walking up to Luke and with a small hand motion causes Luke to float off the ground facing her. "You have brought my employer a lot of grief... and he wants your head."
Luke glares at her with malice. "Well you better get to work then I bet your employer will give you a nice pat on the head." Luke spat out at her. The woman pulled out a knife and raised it for her death stroke.
"NOOOOOOOO!" something otherworldly took over my mind and I felt something pull on my stomach. The witch went flying like a rag doll. She hit the side of a large suv as Luke hit the ground. Dots appeared in my vision till I could no longer see.
I woke with a start head dinging like I had been hit in the head by a bat. I close my eyes to lean back against the door, but there's something soft. Ember was in the back'
She looked at me with a rigid unimpressed look "Luke wanted me to make sure you kept breathing." she said matter a factly. She liked back out the window. I wanted to say something. I wanted her to know how happy I was she came with me. It was probably for the best that before I could open my mouth she looked back down and spoke like a machinegun "what you did was incredibly stupid, brave as hell, but stupid."
That shut me up real quick. Had she really just complimented me? Her cheeks were scarlet as she looked away. Ember had complimented me. My stomach did a freeing backflip and tried to fly out my mouth. Luke in the driver's seat then spoke up as he turned onto a dirt track "Okay this is a very good old friend of mine. She will be able to help and protect us for now till we can get you trained enough to stand alone. Now she can be a little bit strange at times but you'll love her." he spoke lightheartedly. Then in a more serious tone "Ember you are one crazy bitch, definitely the only regular human to go after a witch and live to tell about it. And Jack I told you never to use telekinesis under any circumstances,"
"But I" I tried to speak but was cut off by his next statement.
"And don't interrupt me. What you did was reckless but it saved my life. As much as it kills me to do this thank you" his smile visible le in the rear view mirror, I was elated. Despite the splitting headache I was in heaven. I couldn't hide the blush even if I tried. I felt like the king of the world.
We round a bend in the road and saw a huge house come into view. This mansion had a steep roof, four floors, and spires that added to the grandeur. As we parked a dark skinned woman came out with a flowing Summer dress and hair in what looked like thousands of tiny braids down past her shoulders
"Who the hell are you, can you not read the signs, No trespassers." I had a bad feeling about this one