Only Because I Care ( Part 1 )

* * * Only Because I Care by JaneCat Part I Putting his jacket on as he pushed the exit doors open, Nightwind finally was out of that cramped office building. "Thank God my shift is over", he mumbled to himself. The red fox hated his day job, and...

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Xvmon's Gut Punching Beat Down

Leomon taunts with a grin, the beast savoring the sensation of the dragon digimon's abdominals warmly flattened against his fist. xvmon heaves rhythmically with each compression, _"huhga! oofh, hurk,_- **urk!"

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The gutpunching home - Sidestory 2

#7 of the gutpunching home a grounded bout the abs-olute strength club quickly gained fame of both being a tough place to endure because of how powerful many of the members are, and also a good place for pairs of friends to join in, if they find boxing and

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The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1

Rampardos has very muscular pectorals and arms, but his abs are barely toned. haxorus's pecs and arms are noticeably less muscled than rampardos, but his muscle build is more homogeneous, showing fairly toned abs to go with the rest of his torso.

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Bowser Jr.'s punching bag

In his private chambers in his father's castle, the young Prince of the Koopas, Bowser Jr., is lifting a pair of 10kg dumbbells. For the last two to three weeks, Bowser Jr. has been receiving more and more equipment for physical training in his room,...

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Ricky vs Nate [Inaugural Gut Punching Match]

Ricky grinned wide as he slowly rolled his knuckles along the fox's abs. "better tighten up foxy! oh wait. you already are!" after his little tease, he began hammering away at those abs, infrequent, but hard and solid.

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Draco vs the Claw Vipers

A hard hook to the abs, right when his back meets the wall, puts him in a compromising situation. "i underestimated you," fangskin says, still looking very worn down. "but i won't lose."

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The gutpunching home - Part 2

And lands a strong straight punch on the center of kommo-o's abdominals. he groans and winces in pain, but otherwise his abs don't budge. draco stares at that for a few seconds, clearly looking impressed. "it's indeed a great wall."

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Vore Day '22 Quickie - Pencer

He stared at the weasel's biceps, and then his six-pack; he was well on his way, and gareth subtly licked his lips as his pulse quickened, the idea of bulging out those very worthy abs hitting him them. he ventured "ever had horse meat before?"

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