The Disciplinarian

"Another long day as a grade school teacher..." The cheetah sighed loudly as he closed the front door behind him, loosening his tie. "Well as the kids say, thank god it's the weekend... right, Mr. Arlond?" He said as he looked at himself in a mirror on...

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Hero Academy 1 Rewrite

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Star Haven, a city planned with every intricate detail in mind, built from scratch. The project had started almost two decades ago, architects, construction workers and even a few...

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Ironwolf (Furvengers: Assemble!)

Being a super-hero, which he had to admit he now was, was surprisingly similar to the the comics. he had just come out of his first battle and, already, he was on his way to his next.

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Captain M vs. Doomsday Dan

Holding a small bag of spices proudly Mark merrily skipped along the stepping stone path leading to his home's front door. The little raccoon was quite pleased with himself. He was helping his mommy and daddy bring in the groceries like a good...

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Hypnovember Day 11 - Game

### 11 - Game (Moxas) The deafening cheers and applause were making Bolt Lancer's ears ring. He was coming to find that this was the worst part of this ordeal; the white rat was used to being bound up and strapped to a slab, stripped of his trident...

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Ant-Coon (Furvengers: Assemble!)

It was written as a gift for a friend of mine on furaffinity and combines two of my favorite things: super-heroes and alternate realities. the main character, quinn, is owned by his creator.

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Team Argos, Meanwhile 2

**Team Argos** **Book 1: The Unveiling** **Meanwhile 2...** **By Jear77** **Sasha** Sasha was a white Bengal Tiger. She was supposed to be a perfect little princess: delicate, flawless, and perfectly poised. But it just wasn't her. She was into...

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Fun Shorts and Missing Moments 1

Turning their attention back to the purple menace, they could barely hold in their giggles at the rather feminine bonnet, complete with a pink ribbon, the super-hero was wearing. 'oh no! a brain-sucking alien from outer space!'

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Slow News Day

This one involves his super hero antics and a certain noodle dragon playing the devilish villain.

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Age Away Day Spa

You must be a little super hero. all 6 year olds can be super heroes if they use their imaginations." "super gator!" the soon-to-be pup thinks to himself. "i'm the fastest and strongest ever. almost as strong as daddy."

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