Slow News Day
#3 of Story Commissions
Another short story commission, this one for KingDead @ FA. This one involves his super hero antics and a certain noodle dragon playing the devilish villain.
One wouldn't expect a garden festival to be bustling with people, but whoever would turn on the news and see it be dominated with nothing but green would be wrong. For the past week, people were chatting and discussing this gardening festival in the middle of their tiny town because the contest staff had a bit of a surprise. Frankly, he didn't care one damn bit. Ricardo sighed, adjusting his headset as he looked around the park, camera in tow. He didn't know why they were sending him to cover this event. It was just a bunch of prissy flowers, what did it matter? His boss sent him here on the silly notion that this event may have more to the naked eye, but the lynx didn't care.
"Ugh, can this stupid thing be over already? I'd rather cover something like a bank robbery or something." He muttered.
"Come on, at least it's something small and we can relax while doing this. And we still get paid so suck it up."
One of Ricardo's co-workers responded as he came over to make sure the complaining feline was up to par. He was the only reporter out on the scene, so while they had the ability to relax, they actually had to do their jobs. Ricardo scowled, handing his canine co-worker the camera and grabbing his microphone as he glanced around the park once more. He could spy the wooden stage holding the prized flower assortments for the contest while the place was littered with stands containing games, drinks and even flowers for the festival goers to buy.
Rolling his eyes in aggravation, he coaxed his co-worker to go near the stage for a better look. Maybe he could see what these guys had tight locked to whet his curiosity and boredom. Sadly, he couldn't get much out of the staff, nor the security and was forced to stay near the seats at the back for the remainder of the festival. Ricardo slumped into the nearest seat, the canine patting him on the back.
"What the hell do they have that's keeping them so tight lipped?"
Exasperated, Ricardo righted himself, his ears flicking as he caught a nearby conversation.
"I can't wait for the winner to be picked!"
"Are you really excited for the contest? I just wanna see someone ruin it so we can see King show up!"
"But didn't he ruin..."
Ricardo stopped paying attention at the mention of a 'king'. Just who was he? He wasn't exactly a local, so any important figures were completely lost on him. He looked to his co-worker and he seemed just as confused.
Then the trembles came. The ground shook and trembled unevenly, everyone falling to the ground. The chairs shook loudly as the trembles grew stronger and stronger. Ricardo rolled to the ground, plucking the camera from the canine's hands and turning it on. While he wasn't exactly worried about ratings, catching what seemed like an earthquake on film was a good idea in case something went wrong. For Ricardo, everything seemed to go wrong and right at the same time. Through the expanse of trees, Ricardo could spy much more green than the trees possessed. Edges of black seemed to cut through the bark as he continued pointing the camera, looking up and up and up. Massive toes poked through the foliage which led up to large, muscled legs concealed in what looked like black spandex stocking that occasionally flexed with every movement. The stocking stopped at his thighs, leading up to a pair of spandex underwear keeping the giant decent. He noted his face, a cross between dragon and snake like muzzle wearing a mask over his face, two long black whiskers with a flowing black mane along with what seemed to be wooden horns. Wearing nothing else but a pair of black stockings on his arms as well along with a giant green emerald around his neck, Ricardo stared at the green dragon as he was...making his way over here!
"Shit! Run!"
The lynx made a break for it as soon as he yelled out, hoping anyone else heard him. While he was sure the giant (he still had to come to terms with the fact there was a giant stomping around) didn't see him, he had to get out of his way lest he become a casualty. As he ran, he continued filming with the camera pointed behind him in a haphazard run. The dragon continued stomping through, leaving enormous foot prints as he made his way towards the stands with an uproar of laughter.
"Ahh, I gotta thank you for making this super fertilizer so easy to nab. Not even a hint of security!" the green whiskered dragon bellowed.
Ricardo gritted his teeth. Fertilizer? He was after some stupid plant food! As much as he wanted to yell, it would have been pointless. The lynx just decided to keep filming as the dragon casually lifted anyone in his way off into the trees or punting them with his toes, kicking up the dirt and causing large chunks of it to be ripped from the ground. Ricardo had decided to run near the closest cluster of trees in hopes he wouldn't be seen. The dragon had to be close to a few stories tall as he glanced at the foot prints he made and the fact the trees barely reached his knees.
Just what the hell was going on here? The fact that literal giants existed was one thing, but the fact that he was after some stupid fertilizer was another. What could he even do with the stuff? He noticed the titanic creature pick up what seemed to be a large tanker behind the torn and destroyed stage with a grin on his face.
"Whatever he's gonna do, guess we're about to find out. Oh, yeah, this is Ricardo, so if I don't manage to make it..." he spoke, pointing the camera towards himself for a few moments before turning it back to the scene at hand. The enormous green dragon let out what seemed to be a villainous laugh that only made the lynx roll his eyes. Before he could do anything else, the trembles started up once more. Ricardo leaned back onto the tree for support, as silly as the idea was once the tree itself started shaking.
The trembles picked up in pace and had an erratic rhythm, as if someone was running. The feline soon got his answer as he saw a massive grey paw cut through the trees near him, a large, and seemingly canine clad in grey fur wearing a red and green suit tackle the black spandex wearing dragon into the nearest section of the park. Ricardo blinked in surprise. There were two of these monsters!?
"Okay, interest piqued." Ricardo told himself.
It was stupid of him to attempt to follow the two titans, but he couldn't help it. He seemed to be the only one still in the area since mostly everyone else; his partner included had left the scene. And considering the festival was mostly trashed by the two, it wasn't like he had much to do here. The lynx ran as fast as he could to try and follow the two giants as they continued their fighting and tussling. From what he could see above the mess of destroyed trees and turned up grass, the two were locked hand in hand combat, the tanker concealed somewhere on the dragon's person.
As he got closer, the booming sounds of their fighting and verbal combat were clear as day to him.
"Again with this, Poison Oak? Why can't you just be a good giant and make your garden somewhere else?" The massive canine grunted as he attempted to toss him over his head by grabbing his waist. The dragon grunted in annoyance as he stood his ground just like his apparent namesake. Ricardo drew closer to the rumbling beasts as the canine was tugged and dragged under his feet by the dragon's tail near the exit of the park and into the streets.
"Because this place is one the best leaders in what I want, Kingdead! Why don't you just be a good dog and play dead?!" the green dragon yelled as he returned the favor and body slammed the masked wolf. He could hear the trembles of their fighting and the aftermath by the destroyed park and the buildings that feel from their battle. So that was King? Judging from the conversation, this was common? Multiple questions flooded Ricardo's head as his feet continued running toward the park exit.
This was like something from a cartoon, he thought. Two giants coming from nowhere, one most likely good and the other evil duking it out in the city. The fact that he was getting some decent footage of this was nothing short of a miracle. Ricardo could do nothing but keep a safe distance as the two went deeper into the streets, colliding with buildings as they threw another around effortlessly. With a reminder that he had to work out and do some cardio, the lynx stopped a few blocks away as the two were just pushing another against a building before the grey canine had managed to get the dragon into a head lock.
As soon as he muttered the word, Kingdead seemed to give the massive whiskered dragon a noogie and cheer. The feline snorted before the dragon attempted to push him off, but to no avail. The canine soon stopped as he hit something and pulled his hand back from the dragon's enormous mane. He plucked the hidden tanker from his hair, accidentally crushing it within his paw, green liquid spray everywhere. Ricardo covered his ears from the sounds of the bending and groaning steel that kept the stuff concealed tight, eyes glued onto the scene.
"You broke it!? You dunce, did you have any idea how much that cost or how concentrated it was!?"
Poison Oak roared and yelled as he tried to wipe off the green substance from his hair, King doing the same as it sprayed onto his suit and arms.
"You were the only trying to steal it, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't!"
"Don't put the blame on me because of your clumsy, brutish hands!"
"I'm not brutish!"
The two giants eventually forgot about the substance itself and didn't even go into a fight. Instead, the two bickered, occasionally shoving each other into the nearest building or kicking another in the shin. Ricardo shook his head, keeping his camera focused on the two. His utter disbelief at the scene unraveling in front of him soon turned to laughter. At first, the concept of giant creatures and possible super heroes blew his mind, now he was seeing them act like children! He couldn't help but laugh before the ground began trembling again.
Ricardo instantly looked around for any other signs of a third giant entering the scene, but found himself staring at nothing. He looked back to the two giants more than a few blocks away, his eyes widening. The two giants were still arguing, but their bodies seemed to be trembling, but not out of anger. Right before his eyes, the two were steadily increasing in size! Their toned and muscular bodies seemed to twitch and flex from his perspective before they pulsed and filled with more bulk, their height skyrocketing. The two were as tall as small buildings before but still able to cause some rather nasty damage. If they got any bigger, it was bound to get much worse.
And that it did. Their shoving match soon accelerated as the lumbering green nature dragon took advantage of the growth and shoved the super hero canine onto the city block with a grunt, the ground shaking tremendously from their weight and the constant growth. Ricardo slowly made his way toward the scene, the ground uneven and still shaking at every step.
"Ugh...the things I do for my curiosity. One of these days I'm gonna get stomped."
Ricardo's traveling soon came to an end as King rose up with a heroic yell, kicking Oak over and patting his elbow for a slam. The two growing giants seemed to constantly trade blows, the sounds of buildings falling at every moment. As Ricardo got closer, he had to crane his head higher and higher along with the camera just to be able to see the guys. He figured he'd be at mere dust mite between their toes since his neck was straining just to see past their knees. At hundreds of feet tall, it was somewhat amazing how easy they were tearing the place apart.
"I wonder if they'll notice they're not even fighting at this point..."
The two bickering titans continued with their squabble, leaving Ricardo sitting and pointing the camera at himself for a few moments.
"Well, I'm sure those fellas haven't finished fighting for a while, and don't think they will. They're pushing close to a mile I think so it may be a good idea to get out of the city."
At that mention, the feline saved the recording, staring at the two arguing and wrestling creatures, then turned back to the camera. "Well, this is Ricardo signing out. See ya next week folks when this hits the air."