Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 5

Story by AnthroLover on SoFurry

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#6 of Beast Guardians

Part 5 of episode 1. Hope you like it ^^

Rose was making her own affairs, taking care of the house and getting the place clean. She was, besides a successful accountant, also a traditional house-wife. She knew how to clean and take care of the place with great skill, and found time also to take care of her own job. She was used to take care of the house and that was what she liked. It was a hard work, almost as having two jobs, but she was very much used to it, and it was the way she enjoyed doing things.

She was just cooking up something for dinner when the phone rang.

She was able to let the oven for a moment to pick on the phone, and putting it next to her face she said "Speckman house, who is talking?"

As the person in the phone talked, she answered "My husband is at work, here who talks is Rose Speckman."


"Yes, they are my children, why?"


When Rose heard the next words, her world seemed to stop for a moment. Horror coated her features and she almost dropped the phone "Oh my god..."

Speckman was just finishing the last adjustments into the equipment. The test of the Omega Radiation Emissor would be in two days. He was making sure that the equipment was working right and in perfect order.

In his checking in the computer, he noticed quite a strange thing. It seemed to be some record about a previous activation. But this could not be, the thing was not yet be used. It's activation was yet to be made. It could not have been activated. Could it?

The record seemed to be confuse, like whatever had happened had scrambled the sensors and confused the system. Maybe it had been that drop of power... he stopped for a moment.

In the models they ran, an activation of the beacon could suck so much energy that it could possibly make the power in the rest of the station fall for a few moments, just like it did yesterday. Could it be that yesterday...

His cell phone rang in his pocket, diverging his attention. He picked it up, and saw that it was a call from home, he put it on his ear and said "Rose?"

He heard his wife on the other line, she seemed to be talking in a hurry, and seemed almost to be crying.

"Woah, woah, Rose! Calm down! Breathe and tell me slowly what happened!" he said, and he started hearing what his wife was saying "The school?"


"Bernie and Penny?"



After hearing this, Speckman quickly got out of the room in a hurry, almost bumping in a lot of people on his way. But he was too busy to mind or even to notice. The only thought on his mind was to arrive in the school as quickly as he could.

Speckman had just picked up his wife at home, and now he was driving straight to the school. His wife was with bloodshot eyes and seemed still at the point of crying. He too was worried. Why he wouldn't be!? He they had received the news that both of their children had gotten involved into a car crash! There was any way of them not being in the state they were?

The news they received were vague, and they didn't had the exact condition, but it seemed that Bernie and Penny had got directly involved into the crash of a car, and the medics were already in there. More than that was just speculation, the person who talked in the phone also didn't seemed to know very much.

And, of course, this opened doors to all kind of grin possibilities, since they ddin't knew either if their children were okay or if they had gotten hurt, or even if they... Speckman shuttered NO he said in his own mind No, I can't assume the worse! He said to himself, he had to keep strong, and he had to arrive in there soon and see how they were, he had to talk someone and see in which condition they were. Why was the road so full of slow cars!?

After minutes that felt like an eternity, they finally arrived in front of them school. And they were not the first in there.

There were other cards already in there, there were some police cars, with police men around, talking to people and taking notes, and there were also the cars of other parents, that had come in there to check on their own children.

Jeff and Rose got out of the car, and started looking around, as if to search for any clues of their children.

"Bernie!" Called Rose "Penny!"

Jefferson stopped with a few people, asking about his daughter and adopt4ed son, but it seemed that no one knew about them.

After a while, they met together, and they had just arrived in a place with a horrid scene. A destroyed car, that seemed to have crashed against a corner of granite. The car seemed crushed and destroyed.

Rose was at the point of tears, and Jeff had to comfort her, and them, his eyes fixed into a nearby vehicle, an ambulance. And in there, being attended by a few paramedics...

"Penny! Bernie!" Jeff called, making Rose look at him, ad them in the direction he was looking at. And she saw them there, Penny and her foster brother, both being attended by medics, and none of them seemed to be hurt!

"Penny! Bernie!" she called out as she ran to her children. She passed by the medics, almost making them fall to the ground, and hugged Bernie and Penny tight. "Oh, I heard you two had an accident, and I thought- I got so worried!" she said as she hugged both of them tight, and Penny said "Mom... too tight."

Rose was still holding them when Jefferson come over "Kids, are you okay?"

Rose let go of them, and Bernie and Penny shared a look, and after a few moments of silence, Penny said "Yeah... we are fine."

"Juts what happened?" their father asked, looking at them. Penny looked into Bernie's eyes, as one doctor checked his heartbeats. The dog looked at her, and his look said everything. He was worried, and it was better not to say anything that would make the situation complicated. Penny turned to her father, and started saying. "I was walking and, the car lost control."

Both Speckman and his wife looked at her "I could barely react when it came over me. And Bernie..." she stopped, looking at Bernie again, who looked back at her. She turned back to her parents, who were waiting for the answer, and she said "He ran to me and pushed me out of the way. The car crashed near us, but we didn't got hurt."

"Oh, thank god!" said Rose as she hugged both cat and dog again, and Jefferson said "But what caused the car to lose control?"

"A lot of things." Said a paramedic who just finished attending Bernie "It could have been a problem with the car or with the driver. Well, these two seem to be perfectly fine, not hurt at all." He said, placing a hand in Bernie's shoulder and smiling "Is amazing that, is really rare to someone escape a crash like that unscratched. Is something you don't see every day."

Bernie and Penny shared another look, luckily, their parents nor the medics noticed that they both seemed worried, as if they knew something that they didn't.

And they did, Bernie and Penny could not let the others knew what really happened. How would them explain that Bernie had stopped the car with his own body, and that he damaged the car by doing so!?

There was not a possible way of explaining something like that. And if they tried, at least they were going to be considered with a concussion, ot tops were going to be considered crazy. And if someone even believed what they said, there was no telling how people were going to react to something like that.

Penny and Bernie both knew that they had to keep it low, at least until they themselves knew what had transpired exactly. For it was so strange and mysterious even for them.

"Guys!" a voice called, making people turn, and they saw someone being carried in a paramedic bed. It was a young jaguar, around the same age of Bernie and Penny, who had black fur all over his body and blue colored eyes. He was wearing white and green colored shirt and long jeans pants, and he seemed to be threated by the medics as they passed. Bernie and Penny recognized this feline almost immediately.

"Guimore!" Bernie said. Guilmore was a friend of theirs. They didn't knew very much each other, but they used to talk a lot in the lunch break and sometimes between the classes. Guilmore always seemed a good guy, sympathetic, good in sports, and a nice guy altogether.

"Guys! A-are you okay?" he asked desperate at them, and them Penny suddenly had a light "Is your car!" she said, and the others looked at her, and Bernie too recognized the vehicle. It was Guilmore's car! Man, in the moment of the situation he barely had time to take a good look at it and to light some bulb.

"I hit you two!" Guilmore said, looking completely mortified "I'm so sorry! I-I was driving to take the way back home when the car slipped! I-I could barely take control when I saw Penny in my way and I...I... I'm so sorry!" he cried out as he buried his face in his hands. Bernie and Penny shared a look as they saw just how much he was affected by this.

"We are fine" said Bernie "But and you? Didn't you got hurt when the car crashed?"

The answer came form a paramedic, who said "He had a light concussion, and is still a bit disoriented, but it seems to be nothing serious. It really seems to be one of these rare occasions where no one gets seriously hurt."

"I'm so sorry!" Guilmore said once more, still with his hands on his face, and Penny said "Okay, okay, don't need to cry, we are fine, the both of us."

This seemed to tranquilize Guilmore as little, as he raised his head, and looked to them, and then he said "B-but... Bernie..." he looked to the dog "Where did you came from?"

This made both the dog and the cat freeze for a moment as Guilmore continued "I-I'm sure I didn't saw you there... only Penny... And then I turned the car, and then.... There was that... that blur... and then-AHCK! My head!" he said as he held his head with his hands, and the paramedic said "We need to take you to the hospital to make a few more exams."

And with that said, they took Guilmore to the ambulance, but not before he could give Bernie and Penny a last "I'm sorry!" And with that, after a few more questions and worries of their parents, soon Bernie and Penny where in the car, being drove back home.

Rose was just saying how happy she was that none of them had got hurt, and Speckman was saying something about Guilmore having his driver card taken. But the two teens behind were barely hearing, they both too deep into thinking of what had transpired back in the school.

Penny was looking at Bernie, still trying to understand what she had seen. She knew it was impossible, but yet, it didn't changed the fact that she had actually seen it. That it had actually happened.

And Bernie, was staring at his own hands, gently flexing them. He too knew that what he did, all of what he did, was impossible. But he did. And this made a lot of questions to pop in his head like fireworks.

Just what was going on with him? There was something going on, and it was useless to try to deny it. But what was that that was going on? It was almost unavoidable that his thought wandered to Rick, and to what his friend said.

This made Bernie think. It could be possible that his hamster friend was right? It could be that he was becoming like the heroes of his comic books? It was even possible? It didn't seemed possible. But you could say the same about someone standing in front of a moving car and the car being more damaged than this someone.

Bernie barely noticed the car moving past, until they finally arrived home. As they entered home, their parents kept over them.

"Are you sure you two are okay?" asked their father, still worried, and their mother was still very close, as if they could get sick by any moment. It took a while more of argumentg to convince both of them that they were both okay.

Still, they asked them if they wanted anything or if they could do anything, and both teenagers said that no. Bernie soon went to his room, and in there, he went into deep thinking.

He knew that there was something very strange going on, and he thought about all possible reasons and implications. He thought carefully of what he could do now, and what was going to happen. Bernie came to the conclusion that pretending that everything was alright was useless, and he knew it quite well.

Bernie now thought that he may needed to knew exactly what was happening to him, and that it would be the best thing now before he decided to do anything else. Bernie needed to go out. He quickly changed clothes, and put on brown colored pants, a green colored polo shirt and a jeans jacket with hood, and put his cell phone in his pocket as well as some money, just enough for taxi if there was the need.

He then got out of his room, and went downstairs, as he called out "I'm going out!"

He had arrived home almost half an hour later, and Rose and Jeff, both in the living room, still worried, looked at him as he walked to the door, picking the keys in the drawer, and Rose said "But Bernie, you just arrived."

"Yeah, I need to go to a place. I'm fine, don't worry, I'll be back for lunch." He said, waving goodbye, and barely registering his foster-parents wave back as he closed the door. As the dog went away, Jeff and Rose shared a look, there was definitely something up with Bernie.

Bernie walked through the streets, aiming for a place in particular. Bernie already knew pretty well how to navigate in the big city of DestinyCity, and he knew already what busses he needed to get.

Bernie took the bus, and after ten minutes, he arrived in his destination, a bus stop that was just a few more blocks form walking form where he wanted. Bernie walked these blocks, and finally arrived in the place he wanted.

It was a dumpster. An old dumpster I a recluse part of the city, an old place filled with all kinds of trash that people did not wanted anymore and that waited in there till it could be processed.

Bernie passed by the gates, and by the plank that said "Beware! Angry Dog!" Bernie knew that there was no dog in there, the owner just kept it there to keep teenagers away, though it rarely worked.

Still, almost no one came to that place. Bernie passed by the great piles that made the big columns of the dumpster. It was made out by all kinds of old things, like old couches, ripped out sofas, broken televisions and washing machines, and the skeleton of old cars, many of them rusted by to the long time they had spent in there, almost forgotten by the rest of the world.

It was a good place to come if you wanted to be alone and away from someone's' sight. They said that even the police only went there in doubles, that there were bandits, gang members and drug dealers in that place. Some even said that it was the hideout of a dangerous serial killer, or even that it was haunted.

But Bernie was not afraid, he knew that most of it was exaggerated, and he had already came here regularly with his friends (his parents would kill him if they discovered), and he knew that it was not so dangerous. But still, it was not a place that he would like to be when it was night and he was all alone.

But Bernie was not afraid, there was not even close of the sun setting time. There was far less chance of him getting into a dangerous situation in there during the day. Bernie turned around the last columns, and walked a bit more, before sitting into an old dead car and looked around, it was a god place to think, it was calm and quiet, the sound of the streets being too little, and being muffled by the great amount of old things that were in there.

Bernie sighed as he knew what he was planning to do in there. He knew that he could not be saw, and knew that he could have serious troubles explaining if he was caught. He looked around one last time to all sides, before getting up of the car, turning to face it.

Bernie looked at the old rusted front of it, and sighed, he place both hands in the bottom of the car, his palms holding up into it. Bernie looked over his shoulder one last time, to be sure that he was completely alone. He breathed, and looked back to the car.

Just see if you can lift it. Bernie thought to himself Just see if you can raise the front of the car from the ground. Bernie breathed one last time, and put strength in his hands and arms. And it was surely more strength than he wanted, for when he did, the car made three complete flips as it raised fifteen feet from the ground, and landed back with a loud thud.

Bernie could just stand in front of it speechless, and look at his own hands.

Penny was back home, Bernie had went out almost half an hour ago. And her parents, after seeing that she was really okay, went back to work, but told her to call them if there was any problem.

Penny was still thinking about Bernie, and about all that happened. It was totally impossible, and yet it had happened. It was driving her nuts as she thought about it, knowing that both she and Bernie were completely okay as they both should be at a dead house waiting to be identify by the legist.

Penny sighed as she walked through her room. It had been more decorated when she was younger, with pink walls and several plushies all over the place. But as she grew, her tastes changed slightly. The room now was of a light-blue color, with several posters of rock bands and actors in the walls. There was a great drawer and a chest. In one end laid one electric guitar, Penny had been learning for over four years now, and she was good, she wanted even to make a band.

Penny opened the window and stuck her head out, looking to the street and breathing the air of the afternoon. It helped ease her troubled mind a bit, but yet, it could not erase all the doubts and worries that she had right them.


The sudden call of her cellphone called her back to reality. She looked at her bed with black sheets, and saw her phone vibrating in it as it sang it's call. Penny walked to it, and she saw an incoming call from Bernie.

Penny wasted no time to answer it, and say "Hi." And Bernie's voice on the other end greeted her.

"Hi, Penny." He seemed to be anxious about something "Look, I want you and Ricky to meet me."

"Bernie, there is something wrong?" Penny asked, and Bernie quickly answer "What? No, nothing! I just want you two to meet me now."


"You will see, call Ricky and you two meet me in the old dumpster. See yah." And Bernie hang out, not even leaving Penny time to answer. She stared at the phone for a few moments, wondering just what was going to happen then.

But Penny did what Bernie asked for, she called Ricky, who was very, VERY happy to hear that they were both okay, and delivered Bernie's messaged, what left the hamster as puzzled as her. And then, she dressed into long white colored pants and blue shirt and leather jacket and went off to the mysterious meeting.

The cat and hamster both arrived in the nod dumpster, and entered in it, searching for any clues of their canine friend.



The called, but there was no answer, and they kept calling.

"Bernie, we are here!"

Bern! We have arrived! And I brought some snacks!"

Ricky shook the chips he had brought in the air, as if the sound of them would lead Bernie to come out. But there was no answer. They both stayed in there, with their backs turned to an old car as they looked around.

"I really hope Bernie had not make us come here for nothing." Said Penny, with her arms crossed over her chest, and Ricky said "Did he told you why we should come here?"

"No, he just said he needed to see us and that it was important."

"I'm losing the super hero marathon of canal 8. I doubt that there is anything more important than that." Said Ricky, with his arms on his waist. That was when they both heard a strange sound behind them, and both turned around.

And their jaws dropped.

In front of them was Bernie, and he was holding a whlle car over his head! With just one hand! And the dog, as it was no big deal, simply looked to them smiling, and said "Hey, wat's up?"

They just stared at him as they saw the own image of impossible in front of them. Penny was still looking completely shocked, while Ricky, well, the best word to describe him would be "stupefied". He stared at Bernie with a thousand yards stare, his mouth so agape that a baseball ball could fit inside without touching the sides, and his arms limp by his sides, the package of chips forgotten in the ground.

Bernie totally understood their reaction. He was expecting something like that. He knew that they would probably think he was crazy if he told, and then he had decided it would be better to already show them. That's why he had a car over his head.

After a few seconds, Penny finally found her voice again, and said "B-B-Bernie?" her voice sounded at pure disbelief. And Bernie could only smile at her, and thrown the car on his back as if it was a soda can. The car hit the ground with a loud "THUD", and it seemed to snap Ricky out, as he suddenly threw his arms to the heavens and said "IN NAME OF THE CAPE OF MIGHTY WOLF!"

This sudden scream seemed to be the signal that his brain had started off again, and then, Ricky was looking at all sides and making gestures at Bernie, as he seemed to have lost the ability to form complete sentences.

"Bernie! What did you- How did you- What is- How it was- When did you- Why did it- And the car- And you did- And then you did- And then you- And then there was- And the chips- And-"

"Do you plan to say a whole phrase?" asked Bernie with a sly smile at him. And Ricky could only stare at him with a slack expression, as well as Penny, who seemed to finally be able to ask.

"Bernie... How?"

Bernie said "Well, I guess that in the end that radiation really did something to me." And with that said, he walked to a nearby pile of cars, his friends still with their eyes on him. He stood in front of the pile, that consisted in three cars, and he grabbed it, and raised it all over his head with what seemed to be very little effort.

"I guess I really have bulk up!" Bernie said with some humor as his friends stared at him, with three cars being carry over his head. After a few more instants of silence. Ricky let out a high pitched squeal, as if a fan girl, what made Penny jump and Bernie stare at him.

The hamster then started circling Bernie, now taking into a non-stop mode. "Thisissoawesome! Justlikeinthecomics! Thisissogreatsososososogreeeeat!"

Bernie was actually able to chuckle at his friend. Bernie actually waited this kind of reaction from him. After all, being the guy Ricky was, it would be strange if he didn't reacted like that at all. It was his dreams of super heroes turning into reality right in front of him through Bernie. It was totally understandable for a guy like him to be so excited about something like that.

"Bernie! You have Turned into a super hero!" Ricky finally squealed as he stopped in front of the dog, who smiled back, and placed the cars back in the ground as if they weight as much as ten pounds.

"Yeah, guess you could say that." Bernie scratched the back of his head, as Ricky was still looking at him as he was the most awesome being in the world.

"This is so cool! You are as strong as Mighty Wolf!" Ricky squealed, and then he asked "Wait, you are invulnerable too?"

Bernie looked at him, and gave his shoulders "Well, considering I am completely unharmed after being hit dead square by a moving car, I guess I am."

Ricky looked at him, and then, he looked around. And as he did, Penny walked forward, and said "Bernie, what is all of this!?"

Bernie looked at her and said "Well, I guess Ricky was right. That Omega Radiation really did something to me. Is like it has changed me or-"


The sudden scream took Bernie by surprise as he heard a metallic thud. Penny cried out as she said "Ricky! What are you doing!?"

Bernie turned around, and saw Ricky with a piece of metal in his hands, it seemed to have bent. He looked at it with a happy expression as he said "Yes! You are indestructible Bernie!" It didn't took a lot of thinking to figure out that Ricky had tested his invulnerability by hitting him with the strongest thing he could find.

He had chosen a piece of metal as a weapon, and not only Bernie didn't felt it, as the piece of metal was more damaged than him.

"What is your problem!?" asked Penny to Rick "Did you just tried to kill Bernie!" But Rick ignored her "This is so coll! You are super strong and indestructible just like Might Wolf! This is aaaaaaawwwweeesoooomeeee."

"Are you even listening to me?" asked Penny, and Rick turned to her "Sorry, did you said something?" And once again, Penny was about to hit him in the face, but Bernie made her let it go.

"What else can you do?" asked an eager Ricky to his now-super-powered friend "Oh! Can you run fast? Might Wolf can move as fast as a bullet!"

Bernie looked at him. Yes, indeed Bernie already knew he could move fast, as he did twice in the school earlier that same day. In fact, Bernie had been spent some time in that dumpster, and he somewhat learned the trigger for that. Once again, he decided that it was better show than talk.

The two animals looked at Bernie as he opened a small smile, and then, with a gust of wind, Bernie was no longer in front of them. The only thing they saw was a blur moving past them at a blinding speed.

They both blinked and looked around confused, and then, Bernie called "In here!"

They both turned, and saw Bernie, on top of a small cliff of trash, and waving at them. They barely had time to scream something back, when Bernie once again moved into a blur, and now, was standing right in front of them, a calm expression and a sly smile on his face.

"This answers your question?" he asked Ricky, who looked like an eight-years boy that just received his biggest dream.

"This is so great! What else can you do? Can you hear a whisper miles away? Can you see the flag they put on the moon?"

Bernie chuckled "Well, I already know I can hear better than normal." He said "But, as for hearing a whisper in the other side of the city... I'm not sure if I can do that." He admitted as he scratched the back of his head.

Ricky then asked "Do you have X-Ray vision? Can you see through solid objects?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe?"

"Try it out!" Ricky said, try to see through my clothes!" he said as he opened his arms and legs. Bernie and Penny just stared at him, both with a "you can't be serious" expression, and a little disgusted.

"I guess I'll pass this one." Bernie said, and Ricky than said "Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait! Can you fly?" he asked looking with very much expectation at Bernie.

This question took the dog by surprise. The thought of being able to fly was somethgin that had not gone through Bernie's head. He could? Well, he could run really fast, he was super strong and he could survive a car crash without a single scratch.

But fly?

Could he do it? It was even possible?

Bernie took a moment, before finally answering "Wel, maybe? I haven't really thought about it."

"Oh!" said Rick "So what about we find out if you can?" he suggested happily, and that's was when Penny chimed in again "Woah, woah, woah!" she said, putting herself between them and looking at Rick right dead in the eyes. "First you make Bernie goes inside a room that is bombarded by radiation! Then you hit him in the head with a metal pipe! And now you want to push him off a building so you can see if he can fly!? Are you trying to kill him!?"

Rick flinched as Penny talked to him like that, and when she was over, he said "No, of coruse not! I'm not crazy." He said "We could push him off that bridge over the road. The fall is smaller and the chances of him getting hurt are less."


"OUCH!" Rick cried out as Penny hit him in the head, and Bernie only looked at his two freidns, and he was still thinking about what Rick said. Not the part of jumping form a bridge, but about the part of flying.

It could really be that he could do that?

Well, Bernie was willing to give it a try.

"What if I do like they do in the comics?" he asked, granting his two friends to look at him "I try get off the ground and fly?"

"Bernie, for the last time, this is NOT a comic book." Penny said, sounding annoyed, and Benrie looked back at her, and answered "Yeah, and still I can do almost everything that they do in comics books, and you saw it."

Penny could not answer that. So, she just looked to the ground and remained silent, while Rick said "I liked your idea!"

Soon after, Penny and Rick were at a certain distance from Bernie, as he stood into an open field in the dumpster. Rick then called out "Okay, remember now: do as Might Wolf does. Flex your legs and propel yourself to the sky!"

Bernie nodded at him, and looked at his own legs, they were already tense form the expectation of flying. Bernie inhaled the air and sighed deeply before raising his snout and face to the skies above, skies that he aimed to be in soon enough.

Both of his friends looked at him. Rick was hopping from leg to leg, almost dancing in place from sheer expectation and Penny, she was there, with her arms crossed, and still unsure if it was really going to happen, but she was ready if it really happened. After all, in that day, the line between possible and impossible seemed to have been lost long ago.

Bernie was still looking to the sky above, and he slowly flexed his legs, as he did the hero Might Wolf do a lot of times in the comic books he read when younger. Bernie didn't knew how much strength he put in the legs to propel himself, but Bernie thought that he might need one good amount to take flight.

So, with a deep breath, Bernie finally propelled himself with his legs, and felt his body being propelled away from the ground. His eyes widened when he saw the sky coming closer, and looking down, he saw that he had left the ground, and was now moving upwards, his friends were looking at him as he raised in the sky, Rick cheering, and Penny looking impressed.

Bernie smiled. He was actually flying, he tried to stop and stand still in the air. But it did not happened.

Bernie then tried moving backwards in the fly. But it didn't happened.

Bernie soon noticed that he seemed not to have so much control of it. It was not like in the comic books, where Might Wolf could move around and stand still in the fly whenever he wanted. Bernie soon was realizing that it actually did not seemed like he was flying.

"I told you he could do that!" Rick cheered as he saw Bernie high in the air, and Penny by his side, looking up at the dog that moved across the sky. "He is flying just like Might Wolf! This is just like in the comics! He is... He is stopping, why he is stopping?"

In truth, Bernie seemed to be reducing speed as he was "flying", and now, he seemed to be trying to take control or something. But soon, he stopped going up, and started going down. And just like a rock.

Bernie flayed his legs and arms as he dropped to the ground bellow him, and Penny and Rick watched as he was falling, both immobilized. Finally, Bernie hit the ground, a little far form them, behind a great pile of trash, and a loud sound was heard as Bernie had fallen voer something.

"BERNIE!" Penny cried out as she ran in his direction, and Rick followed soon behind. They made the turn on the big pile, and they saw a car completely screwed, as if something had hit it from above. And they knew it had been Bernie, even because the dog was just coming out from it, and without a single scratch on his body.

Penny ran in his direction, and soon was asking "Bernie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

Rick came soon after, and said "Yeah, that was not the best first flight ever. Next time try to keep a pose, this helps keeping the balance while you fly."

"I think I can't fly, Rick." Said Bernie as he looked at his friend, who said "How can you say that, you got more than ten stores off the ground!"

"I don't think I flied." Bernie said "I think I just jumped. It didn't felt like flying to me."

"Oh." Said Rick, realizing what he had said, and that Bernie could probably not fly "Well, it was still awesome."

"Shouldn't we stop doing these dangerous things?" Penny said "Before someone ends up killed?" she looked to both of them, and they both looked to her and both looked just slightly embarrassed.

"I'm okay." Said Bernie, assuring his sister, who seemed to relax. After this event, they talked a bit more, and Bernie said "Think we should tell mom and dad?"

"No!" Rick said "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Both looked at him, a bit surprised by the way he acted so suddenly, and Bernie asked "Rick, why no, twelve times?"

"Don't you read comic books?" the hamster asked to his friend as it was something he should do, like eating or breathing "In them a super being is almost always persecuted or taken to a lab to serve on experiments and dissected. I don't want to see you end up into a operation table with your guts all in the outside."

Bernie made a face at this image, and he said "I doubt dad would let it." He was trying to assure his friend, and Rick quickly said "The guys who he work for will probably have him, to lead your dissection! They are going to make him record what your cells do and how your internal organs work!"

"You are being paranoid." Said Bernie but, much to his surprise, Penny said "Bernie, I can't believe in actually saying that, but I think that Rick is right."

Both males stared at her as she had grow two more tails.

"He is?"

"I am?"

Penny sighed "Bernie, we can't let other people know about this." She looked to her adoptive brother in the eye "Bernie, this is very strange, and I'm sure you know this. You may not have noticed, but till now I'm making be best not to freak out here."

She took a deep breath, and continued "Other people may not take this well, they may be scared, I know I am. We can't let anyone discover about this, not even mom and dad. We may keep this as a secret until we can fix things up."

Bernie nodded, in fact, Penny was right, she normally was the most sensate of them. She normally was right and made the best to keep them out of trouble. Penny could not show, most of the time, but she cared very much about the ones close to her, and she always did the best for them, Bernie learned this by growing up by her side.

"Yeah, you are right." Bernie said finally, and Rick said too "Of course! We must stay low and out of the radar of these government guys. After all, every superhero needs his secret identity!" he finished rather dramatically.

"Huh?" both animals looked at him, and he looked back at them "Of course! That's what you do when you got super powers! You become a super hero!" he said to them, as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

Both animals stared at him, Bernie with slightly surprise, and Penny with her famous "you can't be serious" look. "Have you been breathing some gas from here?" she as ked "I think the smell is making bad for your tiny brain."

"Owh, come on!" Rick said "Bernie would make a great hero! He has the powers, the hero code; he can do all of that!" Rick said, punching the air "He will be a super hero and fight of the bad guys!"

"Rick, juts shut up. Lets go home." Penny said, gesturing for the guys to follow her. Bernie looked at Rick, and then started following her, and Rick was soon behind "Ow, come on!" he said as he followed them.

The sun was almost setting, and was casting an orange glow over the city as they walked. They had to walk to the bus stop so they can catch the bus and go to their respective homes. And Rick had not dropped his idea of Bernie becoming a super hero, he seemed to have taken it really serious.

"Come on!" he said to them "BGernie would make a great hero! We could call him 'Might Dog'!"

"No." said Penny bluntly, and Rick looked at her as he and Bernie followed, and said "Wonder Hound?"


"Mega Canine?"


"Super Pup?"


"What name should he have then? Because if he is going to be a super hero he needs a good name." Rick said, and Penny almost snapped at him, and said "Rick, just because Bernie can do those things it doesn't mean he is going to put out some costume and run around there putting himself in danger. He is not going to be a super hero! This is not one of your stupid comic books!"

"Awwww. Come oooooon. What is the fun of having powers if you can't use them for a greater good?" Rick asked, his arms crossed over his chest, and looking like a child who could not have candy.

Penny groaned and massaged her forehead at it, and Bernie, well, he was thinking about it. Yeah, it did sounded a bit crazy, if you thought about it. But, as you thought a bit more, it seemed a rather interesting idea. Bernie could possibly do all the kinds of things that a comic book super hero could, and Bernie did liked helping people. If he was offered this chance when he was younger, he would have accepted it, put on a cape and a mask and run around fighting crime. Even now, he being almost an adult, the idea seemed somewhat appealing.

As they walked, they all had their attention called by some commotion into a nearby store, it seemed to have people screaming in there. What was that, there was a fight? There was a lot of people in front of the store.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of a gun. Everybody ducked to the ground, even Bernie and his friends, as they passed near and could now see that it was something happening.

"Back off!" said a random guy inside the store "If someone comes near we will kill everyone!" he screamed, giving a few more shots for the sky as he talked it.

They had passed by the store in the same way it was being robbed! Man, as if they luck could not get any better.

"They are bandits!" said Rick, and Penny said "Really, I didn't noticed."

"They are armed!"

"There are many of them!"

"Someone call the police!"

"They will be here soon!"

The crowd moved around the entrance of the store, and the three friends, out of everyone's sight, once they saw it was safe, stood up. They all looked to the store, it was a jewelry, and there was some guys robbing it, and it surely there was hostages.

"A robbery with hostages..." said Rick, near to his friends "...This is... perfect!" he almost cheered, granting his friends to stare at him "This is just the first mission of DestinyCity's new super hero!"

"Rick!" Penny cried out "Cut! This !Out!" she screamed at his face "You really think Bernie is going to go inside a store that is being stolen by crazy thugs with guns!?"

"Yeah!" Was Rick's simple answer, and Penny put herself to discuss with him. Bernie focused on them, until he heard a sound, he looked over, and he could her it. It were voices, coming from inside the store."

"You make her quiet!" said an angry male voice, maybe from one of the criminals in the store, and there was the soft sound of a child crying. Then there was a female's voice "Please, she is scared."

"Make her quiet!"

"She is just a child! Please, just let her out! I can stay here, but let her out!"

"You don't give me orders!" said the male voice, and also a clicking sound, as if a gun being triggered "I give orders, and you two stay quiet!"

Bernie clenched his fists as he heard that. That guy. He was so brave now only because he had a gun! Bernie hated these guys, he hated the ones that did evil to others like that only because they could. These guys that thought they could mistreat the others just because they had power or were important. This made Bernie so angry. And this guy, to add insult to the injury, was also threatening a mother and her child! This made Bernie's blood boil. If only Bernie could do something he would-" Bernie stopped for a moment.

"No, Rick! Forget it!" said Penny, and Rick said "But, Penny, people need a hero!"

"They need the police, and they are already on their way!" she said, turning away from Rick and tugging at Bernie's arm as he stared at the store. "Come on Bernie, let's go home, we can do nothing in here."

Bernie stared at the store for a few more moments, and Bernie turned to her, his face as hard as stone in a fierce look, and he said "There is one thing." He said "There is one thing I can do."

The New Prey of the Forest of Last Laugh

_One whole night circle cycle (one month)_ That was the time that had passed since Littlefoot and Chomper disappeared. The time since they went together to play and explore, and never came back again. Since that time, they were never seem again....

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Dinosaurs and the Snake

The sun was shining high in the Great Valley. The day was beautiful and was not the sigh of a single cloud in the cobalt colored sky. It was a more than perfect day for playing around and, more important, exploring. This was what two young dinosaurs...

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New Pleasures

It was a very beautiful day into the Ornithomimus Corner, it was one special day, in which Valerie Velociraptor and her mother have come to visit the Ornithomimus family, and Valerie was out to play with Ornie and Ollie, the fast twins. "Wait up! The...

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