Captain M vs. Doomsday Dan

Story by LittleRaccoonToddler on SoFurry

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Some practice writing on an old story.

The silliest thing I've ever written.

Holding a small bag of spices proudly Mark merrily skipped along the stepping stone path leading to his home's front door. The little raccoon was quite pleased with himself. He was helping his mommy and daddy bring in the groceries like a good boy.

Following closely behind the kit were his parents, carrying the majority of the family's groceries. His father, Daniel, carried a large bag of vegetables that would last the family weeks. His mother, Rose, carried pasta for tonight's dish, as well as seasoning and flour for tomorrow's dinner.

Reaching the locked door to the house Mark began to do a small dance to entertain his approaching parents. His mother gave a slight giggle and approving nod to the kit as she reached the front stoop. She quickly unlocked the door with her free paw and turned the knob. The family hastily scurried inside to put down their groceries.

Clapping her paws together Rose announced. "No reason to wait! I'll get started right now!"

Mark made his way to the living room to sit down in his father's comfortable recliner while his father headed off towards the back of the house. Watching his mother begin working on dinner Mark couldn't help but notice the sizeable amounts of broccoli she was taking from the vegetable bag. "Mommy, are we gonna have broccoli tonight?"

Rose stopped and turned to her kit. "Yep! Noodle soup with a side of broccoli!"

Mark curled his face in disgust and let out a "bleh!" The kit already had a troublesome relationship with vegetables, and broccoli was the worst of them all by far.

Rose sighed, "Mark, broccoli is very good for you! It will help you grow up big and strong!"

Mark conjured the most whiney and pitiful voice he could. "But it's sooooooo yucky!"

"Don't worry kiddo, I'll put we'll put some nice sauce on it to make it yummy!" Rose said, trying to make the dish more appealing.

Mark gave a quick "mrph" followed with. "I don't think that will be enough to make it yummy"

A concerned yet sympathetic look crossed Rose's face. "Honey... you're still going to try to make a happy plate right?"

The raccoon kit didn't directly respond. He turned his gaze down to the floor and began shuffling his feet. "Mark, you want desert right?" Rose asked, her tone growing slightly sterner.

The kit looked up when he heard 'dessert.' He briefly locked eyes with his mother and gave a nod before returning his vision to the floor. Happy that she had some leverage to work with the mother raccoon returned to her normal, cheerful demeanor. "Just remember the rules dear, no dessert unless you make a happy plate!"

Mark let out an audible grumble that he quickly followed up by muttering a disappointed "yes mommy."

Rose couldn't help but sigh to herself. Every time the family had broccoli or any type of vegetable this exact problem came up. She knew that broccoli wasn't the best tasting thing in the world, but it had all the nutrients a growing raccoon needed. Sadly toddlers don't really factor nutrition into their meal plans, and even though she knew what was best for her kit she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about making him do something he didn't want to do.

Several minutes passed and the noodles and broccoli were boiling in their respective pots. Since the food wouldn't need her attention until it was ready to serve Rose decided to spend some time with her son. As the mother raccoon quickly discovered, quality time with her kit wasn't going to be possible.

Mark was currently entranced by a colorful superhero cartoon and Rose knew that breaking him out of the trance prematurely might result in a crying child. Feeling annoyed that her kit was ignoring her Rose focused her attention on the cartoon. She wanted to figure out exactly what the appeal was.

On the screen a masked and caped badger punched down a large metal down. Once the door was down the badger ran with incredibly speed into a dark and foreboding laboratory. Suddenly the cartoon changed to another perspective.

A sinister looking Great Dane scowled towards the badger as he entered the lab. The badger stopped, curled his paws into fists, placed his fists on his side, and then pointed his right index finger at the Great Dane before giving a heroic speech.

Though it wasn't really doing anything for her Rose could see that the cartoon had Mark on the edge of his seat. Without warning inspiration struck the mother raccoon. She realized that if she couldn't make the broccoli palatable to her kit then perhaps she could make it fun.

Swiftly leaving the living room Rose traveled to her bedroom; where her husband was diligently folding and putting away laundry. "Dan! Do you still have that Halloween costume from a few years ago? The one with the black cape?"

His wife's voice caught him off guard; causing Daniel to jump reflexively. The adult male raccoon jerked his head around slightly and shifted his eyes around as he attempted to regain his composure. After several seconds Daniel's mind finally caught up with the situation and he was able to answer his wife. "Yeah, it's in one of those blue boxes in our closet."

Rose clapped her paws together and let out a loud "Perfect!"

Daniel was taken aback by his mate's sudden burst of enthusiasm. Noticing Daniel's reaction Rose quickly moved to explain. "I think I have an idea that should make tonight's dinner much more enjoyable. Are you up for a little acting?" An intrigued Daniel nodded his head before moving to close the bedroom door.

Several minutes later Rose walked back to the kitchen. Mark's superhero show was rolling credits, so the mother raccoon decided it was time to put her plan into action. She walked into the living room and said. "Its dinner time, kiddo!" before picking her son up and carrying to the table.

Rose carefully fastened Mark into his booster seat. Once the kit was secure she loudly proclaimed. "We're ready for dinner now!"

Suddenly a loud, maniacal cackle filled the air. The mother and son looked towards the hallway, just in time to see the source emerging. From around the corner came Daniel with a black cape draped around his shoulders. With an exaggerated march the father raccoon walked to the middle of the living room.

He stuck his nose up in the air before exclaiming. "It is done! My plans have finally come together! In an hour my life's work will be complete! Soon the whole world will kneel before the mighty Doomsday Dan!!!"

Mark raised an eyebrow at his father's behavior, but Rose jumped right into it. "Oh no! Doomsday Dan finished the device! Were doomed!" she cried out in a feign-distressed tone.

"Mommy? What's goin' on?" A hopelessly confused Mark asked.

Rose turned to her son and conjured her most dramatic sounding voice. "Oh Mark, I didn't want you to learn this way. Your father; he has a super villain alter ego!"

The statement did nothing to help the kit. "What's an altered ego?" Mark asked.

Daniel quickly moved in to answer. "It means sometimes I turn into a super bad guy!"

Rose let out a quick cough, returning Mark's attention to her. With the kit's eyes on her again she re-summoned her dramatic voice. "Oh, if only a hero would come and save the day! If only Captain M was here!"

Mark gasped at that name. He was Captain M! He could save the day! Before Mark had a chance to respond further Daniel preemptively interrupted him with another maniacal cackle. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Not even Captain M can save the world now! I've made the defenses around the device too powerful! Not even one of his amazing super punches could break it!"

Daniel gave Mark and Rose a sinister smile before continuing with his gloating. "The device is neigh impenetrable now! The only way my great plan could fail is if Captain M received some sort of super boost! But to get that he would need to eat a helping of broccoli, and you'll never get broccoli cooked before the device activates!"

Rose perked up at the last comment. "Not so fast Doomsday Dan! As it just so happens, I just finished cooking some broccoli!" As she spoke she grabbed the now simmering pot of broccoli and showed it to Daniel.

The adult male let out a frightened gasp and recoiled with a menacing hiss. The two adults took a quick glance towards their kit. Mark was sitting in his booster seat with his eyes wide and his jaw dropping. Feeling that a real victory was near Daniel pushed just a little more.

"Well, you may have some broccoli on hand, but it is useless if Captain M doesn't eat any!" Following that comment from Daniel; Rose turned to her kit with pleading eyes.

Mark's eyes darted around the dining room for a few seconds before he spoke. "Do I hafta eat the broccoli to get super boosted? Can I just hold it instead?"

Rose was quick with her response. "I wish you could Captain M, but eating broccoli is the only way to unlock its true power!"

In response to Mark's reluctance his father decided to up the ante one more time with a super villain gloat. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Since captain M won't eat his broccoli can stop me! Evil and injustice have won the day!

The little kit wasn't about to let evil win the day! "Mommy! Put the broccoli on my plate! Hurry!"

With a huge grin on her face Rose spooned a helping of broccoli onto Mark's plate. The kit picked up the colorful plastic spoon lying next to his plate and began rapidly putting the little vegetables in his mouth.

Daniel stepped back with a loud gasp, before letting out a mournful. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

Every time Mark chewed, every time he put another piece of broccoli in his mouth; his daddy would let out a pained grunt. Whenever Mark turned to look at his daddy he was met with an indignant stare. After a few seconds Rose had to step in and slow her kit down. "We still have time before the device activates dear, you don't want to give yourself a tummy ache!"

Finally, after several minutes of eating Mark reached the last piece of broccoli. The kit stuffed it in his mouth before proudly holding up his little plate, showing his mom and dad that it was all clean. "This can't be happening!" Daniel let out in a sad tone.

Rose quickly unfastened the restraints on the booster seat and helped Mark off the chair. The kit ran towards his parent's bedroom. Upon entering the room Mark was greeted by a strange sight. An old camera sitting on top of a soda can which had been carefully placed on top of an empty shoebox. With all his might Mark raised his paw into the air, curled his digits into a fist, and punched the soda can, causing it and the camera to fall over.

Mark's father, who had followed closely behind his son, saw the camera fall and let out another mournful, "NOOOOOO!" followed by a lamentation of, "This cannot be! All my carefully laid plans! All my time preparing! My evil schemes have been foiled by Captain M!"

The kit turned around and gave his daddy a big grin. As he did Rose came up behind her husband and spoke. "You've been defeated Doomsday Dan! Now turn back into regular Dan and come eat your dinner!"

A moping Dan gave a quick "yes dear," and the family returned to the dining room to finish their meal.

An hour later after everyone had finished eating Mark sat in his room, happily playing with his toy trucks. Suddenly the kit heard a loud knock on his bedroom door. He turned around to see Doomsday Dan standing at the entrance of his bedroom! The older raccoon began to slowly step forward, trying to look as intimidating as possible without actually scaring the kit. Stopping a few feet away from Mark the adult raccoon flicked his black cape back before putting his paws in his pockets.

"Well...Well...Well... I bet the great Captain M thinks Doomsday Dan is defeated. But Doomsday Dan can never truly be defeated! Don't think I don't know! Captain M doesn't think broccoli or any vegetable tastes very yummy. And if Captain M doesn't eat his vegetables at dinner like a good kit he won't be strong enough to stop my next plan! Evil will win!"

Being a good superhero Mark knew he needed to say something heroic in response. The kit extended his right arm out as far as it would go and pointed his index finger. Conjuring up the most heroic sounding tone he could Mark proclaimed. "Then I'll always eat my vegetables! Evil will never win!

Dan threw his head back and let out an exaggerated laugh. "Well spoke Captain M! But even with the power of vegetables I bet you can't withstand my ultimate attack!"

Without missing a beat Dan struck a dramatic pose. "SUPER. RASPBERRY. BELLY BLASTER!!!" Afterwards he took a deep breath.

Before Mark had time to react his daddy grabbed his shirt and lifted it up. Hastily moving forward Dan placed his lips on Mark's belly button and blew as hard as he could. The sudden tickling sensation caused the kit to fall over onto his bed, laughing the entire time.

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