GoM-Ep27-The New Brother-

#29 of guardians of magic some people like darius...others not so much mathew with ewdward jessie and james elmwood had started to form a relationship with darius, much to brian's coldness to his evil twin.

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The Demonic - Intro Chapter

It describes that this worlds heart died, therefore the people who live here are all evil twins to the people who live in the other world. our world filled with evilness that sleeps within each person.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 19

"or an evil twin," venti muttered, looking over at earl, and almost choking at the expression on the hyena's face. earl was smiling. not the smile of someone who was about to catch someone in a web of lies, or in a trap, but a friendly smile.

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A Nightmare: Chapter 5

Zephilyber, the 'evil twin' i talked about before... i think he found a way to escape, and i think he is trying to take over our world." "if this is all true... why are you telling me this?

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The Vee Diaper Experiment

You've already had three clone uprisings, two evil twin mishaps, and now you nearly caused the spider revolt." the whole time the veemon had to conceal his giggles. atlas rubbed his eyes, "yeah..." he glanced at a clock on the wall, "oh no!

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Five

"are you trying to tell me you have an evil twin?" porter grimaced, and then nodded. "yeah, i guess that pretty much sums it up. just after sarah and i got out of our cell, the elf that testified against me, vesper, caught me in an alleyway.

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Shadow's Hunt, part seven

Before jen could loose the arrow nocked to the string of her bow, shadow had drawn his swords, the runes of the weapons blazing with bright fire in reaction to the presence of their evil twins.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 15: Fury Skies and Fury Road

He knew avila could access a dark dimension she once used to help ray separate from a dangerous side effect of his nanotech-like augmentation give to a dragon, which resulted in the birth of ray's 'evil twin' ernest.

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Lauren's Morning - SHORT STORY

It might come in handy in case any of us are replaced by an evil twin." isabelle pointed towards lauren with a big grin. "an evil twin?" she asked.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Two

Too bad porter's evil twin is kidnapping her and won't give her back unless porter finds him and beats him in mortal combat. but, you know, these things happen. right now, i'm more worried about azkular.

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Faux Fox Follies

So if i do have an evil twin, where would they have come from? and would they have a goatee?" "an excellent question." calex stood up. "assuming that's what we're dealing with. this is quite the conundrum. no wonder you called me...

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