Aftermath - Mysteries

As far as i know, all equipment and personnel were dispersed and sworn to secrecy on pain of death. the five man team had their memories erased as well as the civilian in charge of the program's development."

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Troubles (Jo)

I hate to be ironic, but i was the one who insisted no secrecy to our friendship, and what's this? typh seems to accept the answer as he just nods before continuing to talk about schoolwork.

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The Raiders

"your secrecy and monitoring plan, remember? here's proof it doesn't work. anyway, this is tech work for you." "pssh, i have to dig through the lard... ok clear. what now?" "mench, get over here and carry him to our hideout."

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 27

Their secrecy and stealth was necessary for their survival; if their ship was disable behind the main creeper wave, there'd be no way they'd get back. they'd have to be rescued, if they were able to survive.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 12

"i've been sworn to secrecy!" he replied as he fired up a propane camping heater. "oh and sorry it's not a real fire but the smoke would be a dead giveaway. this little guy heats up the place pretty fast though."

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Slightly Foxed, But Still Desirable

He was actually fond of displaying his tails, although he could also crave his secrecy from time to time. when he let me, i took fond care of those tails, all four. but i digress.

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Ch.9 -- Knock Knock

I cannot prove that my own chain of command has not been compromised, so my need for secrecy is not for illicit gain, it is to avoid the eyes of the guilds, and my own bosses."

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Picking a gift for AK

"why all this secrecy?" asked the mink, awkwardly climbing off of his friend's taur back. "you'll see." achaius replied. before ak knew what was happening, achaius pulled the top of the mink's head off.

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Clawless - Chapter 1

The poorest denizens live in the subterranean tunnels and sewers of the lowers, where the last of the fabled dragons--highly prized for the youth-preserving properties of their claws, bones, and blood--live in secrecy and fear, fighting each other for scant

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Mew's Christmas Carol

In all this secrecy, she was quite surprised to sense that someone was in there... it made her tense... could it be her friend, master of the flora?

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Time of War Chpt 2

It was a cardinal rule in shadow squadron, if a soldier didn't want to explain the details of a mission, either due to secrecy given by a general, or a matter of national security, mission would not be discussed or forced to be discussed.

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The Feral Four File

If provided with secrecy and a suitable victim he might choose to feed, allowing for charges to be brought.

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