Aftermath - Mysteries

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#4 of Aftermath


"What is it Captain?"

"I think you need to look at this report sir. I think we may have a problem with project Task Force."

"Project Task Force! That program was shut down years ago."

"I know sir."

"Then how can it be a problem. As far as I know, all equipment and personnel were dispersed and sworn to secrecy on pain of death. The five man team had their memories erased as well as the civilian in charge of the program's development."

"Yes, the problem is with the memory isolator. The chemical they used was only a prototype, not nearly as effective as what we use now. The report suggests that the increased brain activity of the soldiers is wearing through the chemical coating. In simple terms sir, they are getting their memories back."

"So let them. Congratulations on beating flawed science."

"That's the problem sir. During the final days of the Task Force, the team was misused and mistreated by a discharged army general. The soldiers felt betrayed and used by the bureaucrats who split them to the point where two of them committed a major act of insubordination and murder. The general in question ordered the project shut down with the threat of killing everyone involved if his orders weren't followed."


"Sir, if they get those memories back, they're going to want to get payback for what has been done to them."

"What are five special ops personnel going to do to us? We can take care of them easily."

"Sir, this is their service record."

"Phoenix in heaven!"

"We're talking about the five most efficient killers in the world with a personal vendetta against our government."

"I think it's time to activate Project Katana."

"Project Katana sir? Are you sure?"

"Captain, I need this taken care of quickly and quietly. Short of a full air strike, nothing's going to take these five down without a fight. Katana is our only option, plus, once he succeeds, we'll finally get the government funding to expand the program like I planned."

"Maybe we could work something out with them."

"Do you honestly believe that?"

"No sir."

"Then give the order."



"Look, I don't know who you are, or who Kirian is. I have to pick someone up and take them home. I hope you find whoever you are looking for."

I turned and propelled myself at top speed away from the doors where I was sure she was still standing. That had been strange. Obviously I looked like someone who had died a while back and she was still in denial that they were dead. But something else was strange about that meeting. I couldn't help shaking the feeling that I did actually know her. Something seemed familiar about her appearance, but I wasn't able to place it. Something about her face or hair. I turned a corner and arrived back at the visitor center lobby. Ryan was standing there talking to Mr. Grantham.

"Well, let us know what you decide. We'd love to have you."

"Yes sir. I'll be in contact with you soon."

They shook hands and the panther turned and left.

"Ready to go?"


Ryan talked a lot on the ride back about what he and Larry had discussed. He was very excited about the whole experience. By the sound of things, he was probably going to join, and I couldn't blame him. Opportunities like this don't come about twice. For my part, I mostly sat in silence, only giving my opinion or comment when Ryan asked. I was still lost, deep in thought about my strange meeting with the otter. I still felt like I knew her from something in my past, and now I worried that I had lost an opportunity to find out part of who I was.

I hadn't worried about my old life for close to two years. I had taken the stance that it didn't really matter and I needed to focus on my new one. Now however, all the old questions came back. Between the increase of flashbacks, the packages from Dr. Easterling, and now this, I was wondering if who I was wasn't who they told me I was. On top of that, I had a head ache again. That was the worst part about all this, anytime I tried to think about my past, I got these stupid migraines.

I closed my eyes and kneed my forehead trying to relieve some of the pain. I began to drift asleep. I was laying on a beach at a reservoir on a sunny day. I looked up and shielded my eyes from the blinding reflection from the water to get a better look at the attractive female otter who just walked out of the lake. She shook out her short red hair and walked over to me before laying down on the towel to my left. I rolled over and kissed her gently.

I sat bolt upright in the bus.

"Is everything alright coach?"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."

This was, of course, a lie. I was anything but fine as I realized my mistake. Now I knew why I had recognized the girl from the athletic center. She was one of the two girls I had seen constantly while in my coma. For the life of me, I couldn't remember her name though. I had to go back and find her. A voice crackled over the bus's speakers.

"Next stop, Leavenworth."

The bus slowed and came to a stop at the Leavenworth Downtown bus stop. I rolled to the lift and waited while it lowered me to ground level before departing.

"Hey coach, I'm going to head home."

"Alright, see you later Ryan. Let me know what you decide. I might need a professional shooter to come and talk to the team some time."

He laughed. "Alright coach, but from what I've seen, you could shoot the pants off me if we went head to head."

Ryan walked off leaving me alone at the stop. I went to my car and hurried home. I wanted to see if I couldn't look up who the girl was before heading back to find her. I couldn't believe I hadn't recognized her sooner. A car behind me appeared to be following me. I looked at it and though it looked like a car which had been behind the bus for the whole trip. Just what I needed, someone stalking me. This weekend just kept getting better. As I turned down my street, I bent over and reached for the Special Forces issue, GWS R300 9mm pistol I kept under the seat of my car. I laid it in my lap and pulled to the side of the road half a block away from my house. The car behind me pulled over as well. I picked up the gun, and watched the car in my rear view mirror. The driver door opened, I flicked off the safety and cocked the weapon, preparing to shoot if they became hostile. The otter stepped out. I slid my finger from the trigger and watched as she walked up. Well, at least this saves me a two hour trip.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but I want to find out. If you're this determined to talk to me, you'd better come to my house."

I rolled my window back up before she could respond and pulled into my driveway. I got out, grabbing the weapon before shutting my car door. I placed the pistol in a hidden holster beneath the seat of my wheelchair and went to the front door. I watched from the corner of my eye as the otter got out of her car and walked up the drive. I left the door open behind me and rolled into the living room where I sat waiting for her. Eventually I heard the sound of the door shutting and she walked into the living room.

"Have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you, I'm fine. Kirian I..."

I held up a paw and cut her off.

"Let's stick with Eryn for now. I still don't know who Kirian is."

"Alright, Eryn."

She spoke the word reluctantly, distain in her voice.

"And you are?"

"You don't remember me?"

"I have had a few visions of you. Mostly just your face while I was lying in a coma though recently I have had another. Let's just say... I know of you, and of me. I don't know any details, reasons, or feelings though."

"They really did mess you up then."

"We'll get to this 'they' later. For now, I'd like to start with you. A name would be helpful since yours is eluding me about as much as the function to use my legs."

"My name is Traci."

"Who was I?"

"You were Kirian Harper, son of Bruce and Deborah Harper. We went to high school together and dated for two years. You competed on the school biathlon team where you won state your senior year. You were offered a slot on the national team, but turned it down to attend The Academy. You when through Cadet Basic Training but after that, disappeared. You were reported dead in a helicopter crash during a training exercise. That's as much as I know, greatly summed up. I can give you a more detailed explanation if you like, but that should give you a basic answer to your question. One more thing. At the funeral, you put together an elaborate plan to let me know that you were still alive which ended with you giving me one of these."

She tossed something through the air. My hand shot out and caught it. I examined the object. It was a single flower with petals so black that they seemed to absorb the light around them. On the petals were pinpricks of brilliant white, reminiscent of stars on a moonless night. It was a celestial, a flower I hadn't seen for years. Just then, like a dam bursting, every memory I had of Traci flooded back to me. The force felt almost like physical pressure, turning to pain as I blacked out.

A series of memories rushed through my mind. The first time I met her, awkwardly asking her to homecoming freshman year, staying close friends though junior year, our first kiss surrounded by black flowers, watching her win a swim meet, prom, sunny days on the beach of the reservoir, letters of support while at BCT, a passionate kiss at The Academy, her tear filled face at my funeral, leaving a single flower on her pillow.

"Kirian. Eryn. Kirian, wake up!"

I opened my eyes to find that I had fallen to the floor and Traci was standing over me, shaking me. My head still hurt, but less so. Better yet, unlike many of the time I was hit by my flashbacks, I still had the memories. I sat up. My chair was on its side behind me.

"Are you okay Eryn?"

"My name isn't Eryn. It's Kirian."

I said it more to reassure myself than Traci.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm great."

She started helping me up.

"Don't, I've got this."

I righted the chair and hoisted myself in. Traci was staring at me with a look of concern on her face.

"Trust me, I'm fine. I've never been hit with that much memory at once before."

"What did they do to you?"

"I have no clue. I still don't even know who they is. Why did I leave The Academy, and why did they have to fake my death."

"I don't know, I thought you could tell me. I never saw you after that night we spent together until today. Don't you have..."

I silenced her quickly.

"Quiet for a moment, I have the strange feeling that we're being..."

I drew my pistol faster than the eye could track, spun my chair and pointed it at the black clad figure who had just crouched below the bottom step.


Aftermath - Opportunity

"Hello? May I speak to Mr. Eryn Snow?" "This is him." "Good afternoon sir. My name is Larry...

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Aftermath - Intermission

I was crouched behind a rock, bullets flying past my position and chipping the stone. I spun out and opened fire on blurry figures below me, taking single shots from a long barreled...

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Aftermath - The Quiet Life

This is the final part of the Kirian Harper Trilogy beginning with The Academy and Task Force. It's hard to believe where this story has ended up. I would never have made it without the...

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