Sands of Tahamasset - 1

Jarl stood, covering his manhood with one hand. "where am i?" he asked, his voice dry and cracked. "welcome, skylance jarl grafton," the dragonkin replied, her voice lilting and soft as silk. "where..."

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The tan fur of his stomach covered his manhood and then some, sagging down well past his knees only to be dwarfed by the fat of his thighs. rolls upon rolls sagged over his legs, turning the anthro german shepherd into more of a bow-legged blob.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch72

I quickly clasped my hands around my 'manhood' as a blush quickly started to form on my cheeks. "_you should see the look on your face...

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Online Dating Chapter 3: School

I blushed as my eyes ventured farther and i saw his manhood. i quickly looked up at him and blushed deeper. will was blushing too. he squirted the shampoo into his palms and started rubbing it into my chest. i murred in pleasure as he washed me.

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Skyrim Dragonhearth

At first, i tried to tell him that i was a proud nord and this whole bear killing business was not necessary, but i finally accepted his ultimatum when he told me that killing a bear was a rite of passage for manhood.

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The Hunters Gather - 1

The kill was not elegant yet i felt elation, the red liquid spilling from the beast marking my passage into manhood if i could only survive the rest of the hunt."

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Heroic Misadventures

Of course, marcus being marcus, he thought this was an attack on his manhood and he puffed his chest out. "i can teach her... how hard can it be?" those words will follow marcus for a lifetime, especially when it comes to minerva.

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Roo Asked For It [COMMISSION]

At drew's crotch, his manhood slowly "retreated" back into him, leaving nothing but an opening down there. drew's reproductive system had transformed as well to better fit her new kangaroo body.

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My New Best Friend chapter 7: a perfect water pulse and an aroused puppy!

He had seen him without clothing before...but he hadn't seen his entire body...he was fascinated by the size of his master's manhood.

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Riku: Chapter 2

A little bit embarrassed i looked first at him, and then with a finger pointing down at my diaper i asked him the question that seemed to be the hardest " and what was the reason for messing with my manhood?"

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A Very Vinomath Christmas (Various TF/TGs)

Nafster shouted out, as he, or rather she winched in pain as nafster's manhood vanished. "you're smarter than i anticipated! for someone so uncultured that is." kassandra chuckled. "that's not right!"

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Fair Fortune

He huffed and panted as his manhood shriveled away in the front while in the back his rear was rounding out plumper and more pleasing to his eye, a small, short feline tail growing out above it.

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