Riku: Chapter 2
#2 of Riku
Ok as before I am not a professional writer so there will most likely be grammar errors, and my spellchecker may have failed in spots so BE nice with comments please. I don't need lots of those "you screwed this and that up" comment.. All parts of the story are mine and mine alone. Don't use without permission.
Ther is a bit of brief NON sexual nudity in this one, and will be others similar to this in future chapters. There will be no sex at all in them, so if thats what your looking for in this story move along :p
That said enjoy
Chapter 2: New life, and a new hope.
It had been about a month since I had woke to this new life. I keep trying to think back as to how I got here since I couldn't seem to understand anyone here. Sure I was picking up on key things they seem to be repeating lie telling me to get up, sit down, go, stop, etc, but nothing anywhere near what I needed for explanations. The last thing I remember before waking up like this was being in the hospital haven fallen very sick very fast. I fell asleep one day, and woke up the next time like this. So far though I have tried to remain calm about things knowing first of all that THIS hospital both was filled with creatures I had no idea about, and was definitely not the one I fell asleep in. The only thing I could do is wait and see what happened. This first month had become a routine of waking up, getting poked at, wandering around the areas that I had been permitted on this level which was pretty much the big rectangle I discovered the first day, eating, sitting with the nurses even if I could not understand them, and sleeping. Then there was of course the matter of those diapers I had to wear too. Though during the day I seem to gain more and more control of myself night time was a different matter. Seemed that I couldn't remember a morning I didn't wakeup to a wet bottom. They soon gave me a little bit of privacy with that though when the taped ones were replaced with two kinds of pull up kinds. The really thick night time, and a thinner daytime one.
My routine was finally broken though one day when all my stuff was gathered, and I was lead by the paw to those elevators I kept staring at. I looked up at one of the nurses I had grown accustomed to seeing here and then back at the door as it slid open. It took us up two flights from the flash of the lights on the display before the doors opened again. I was lead into a hallway with a nice short, and comfortable on my bare paws carpet to a door. She opened the door, and pulled me inside. It looked like a child's bedroom to me, and though I seem to be a child to them my adult mind got a bit embarrassed about it. Multy colored furniture including a desk, and chair, small table and chair I would guess would be for eating, lounging chair with what I would guess was some kind of flat screen tv, and bookshelf. The bed though made me give it a sideways look that I guess the nurse thought was funny. It was identical to what you would know as a baby crib except the sides were only half height. To keep me from rolling out of bed...again no doubt, but they could have at least made it look a bit less....babyish.
What caught my eye next though was along the wall near the door we just came in. It was a full height mirror running from floor to almost the ceiling. For the first time since I had awoke I was able to see more than just bits and parts of myself, and standing there staring at my reflection of me in nothing but that diaper let me see it all. I looked like a fox, but not the normal white, black, and orange colors you would normally see. Instead my socks, paws, and tail tip were a light blue, my main fur was white with a bit of blue mixed in giving it a kind of frosted look, and then the solid white that ran from under my chin, down my tummy, and between my thighs. I also had hair that was just below my shoulders, and of just a bit darker blue. Forgetting modesty for a moment there was one more thing I needed to see. Not caring that the nurse was still there and watching me I dropped the thin diaper I was wearing and got a look at myself down there. I was both relieved that I was still a boy, but also disappointed in finding out what I had been thinking every since I started changing myself with the pullups. I was small. A tiny canine sheath about the size of my thumb sat there, but a bit low, and there was nothing else. No hanging sack to indicate that I was completely intact. I sighed a little and pulled the padded undies back up again.
"Bit of a surprise I guess" came a males voice from somewhere behind me as I continued to stare at the unusual colorings of the fur I had.
"You can say that again" I responded without even thinking about it, but it took only a moment for my brain to register the fact that someone had just spoken to me in english, and not what passes for the local language. I turned my head first to the side, then looked up at what appeared to be a hyena morph in a suit.
"I'm Kinar. It seems your a rather interesting little fox" he says reaching out his paw. I shook it out of reflex. "mind if I sit down" he asks pointing at my small table.
"Umm I don't think they provided anything for your size in this room" I said a little sheepishly as I look around.
"Oh thats alright. I can make do" he says as he moves over to the table and surprises me by sitting japanese style with his legs under him next to it and places a thick folder onto the table. He motions for me to sit in the little seat across from him before opening the folder and looking threw it.
"I'm sorry it took so long to get someone to speak to you after your change, but your english is not a language thats known anymore except to historians such as myself" he says sliding a few papers over to my side spinning them around where I can read the print. Surprisingly like him its in english too, and not what I noticed was the local print.
"What do you mean historian" I asked looking up at him a moment before looking back down at the papers he had given me. It had first a picture of my human face, and then a smaller shot of my whole nude form. You could tell from the pictures that I was quite ill, and these had to have been taken before my blackout.
"Long story short" he says shuffling threw a few more papers "your in a time thats roughly 10,000 years from the time that this file was started on you. You had contracted a then unknown, and quite bad illness that had all but killed you. Anyone else coming in contact with you bare quickly became ill as well. When it was discovered that you were the catalyst for the new virus you were put in cryo sleep to both try to contain the virus, and preserve you so that it and you could be studied to find an antidote. Unfortunately though by that time it was literally too late. The virus had become airborne, and no way was found to combat it. It soon spread to the entire population of the earth killing every last human."
I sat there kind of dumb struck for a few moments staring at the medical reports in front of me. I couldn't believe that whatever had made me sick had literally been the end of the world. I looked up at him quite confused. "Then how am I here, and like this?"
"After the passing of the human race the same virus that had killed the people started affecting the animals. As time went on they evolved very rapidly into what you see today." He took off the odd glasses he was wearing and in typical teacher fashion cleaned one lens then the other before replacing them and continuing. "It was around 300 years after the end of man until the people of today gained the intelligence that we now enjoy. Some such as myself gained exceptional intelligence and took it upon ourselves to both document, and explore the past. A very few of us first learned the written and spoken languages of the past. I am only one of a handful that understands the old english both american and british."
"Where do I fi into all of this" I asked quite confused now though my brain treating it as just another lesson in history.
"Years after the cataclysm, and as we started to explore it was soon discovered that you were only the middleman so to speak, and an unknowing one at that. You see the military of your country was working on a new biological agent that we still don't understand the nature of. You were accidentally exposed to that agent, and either its design, or something with your chemistry when you were infected created the virus that both killed man, and created us"
I sat there in thought, and both laughed at the irony, and cursed the stupidity of the military. Always looking for ways to kill one another. Only this time they did too good of a job of it. "that doesn't explain how I am like this though" I waved my arm over myself.
"Your current form is actually the result of two things. First when you were discovered still frozen in an underground lab you were still ill. Not only from the virus, but other aliments that you had prior to that. We had to both cure the virus which was easy once we knew what it was, and repair your body. The second part was much harder to do though than we first thought. After a bit of research and discussions though it was finally brought up that you could be fixed threw genetics. Since you were the last human in existence it was decided to try and give you features of us morphs so that not only could you live among us , but you could do so perfectly healthy. There were complications though..." he kind of drifted off.
I looked down at my quite feral looking digitigrade legs, and then thought of my small size "that part I can see" only giving a moments thought as to what I was missing below the belt for the moment
"yes" he went on" we were not prepared for the reactions. Due to your own chemistry both from your own past and the repairs not only did it give you a few feral alterations unlike us, but it also gave you the body to match the age that your own measures out to compared to us." At my confused look he explained further. You appear to be a child because to us you are. While man had an average lifespan of around ninety years our lifespan is almost a thousand. So at a mere thirty five in your years it would e like a three year old for us."
Things started to click into place even for my slow brain, and a lot of things made me smile. First off I was well. He had been right in that I was very ill even before the agent was put upon me, and now I felt better than I can ever have thought I would. For that part I had to be thankful. There was one other thing though that bugged me and no matter how much I tried not to think about it it kept coming back.
A little bit embarrassed I looked first at him, and then with a finger pointing down at my diaper I asked him the question that seemed to be the hardest " and what was the reason for messing with my manhood?"
He looked threw more papers, and this time I noticed these looked newer and again written in that strange language that seemed to be common here. "That seems to have been a product of the same genetic mishap that also created the feral legs,, age size, and the shorter fingers ending up in something halfway between a hand and a feral paw."
My hands had completely slipped my mind, but now that he brought it up I looked back to the little fingers I thought were just to match the body size, and indeed see that they do look to be half way between. That would also explain why I had claws instead of fingernails at the tips. I let out a bit of a sigh as I sat at the table with my hands folded in front of me now staring down at the picture that used to be me. After a few more moments I looked up at him a bit more lost now than when I knew nothing. So what happens to me now:"
"Well there are a few options. First and foremost though you need to be educated on your new world, and taught how to communicate in it" he says shuffling threw a few more papers pulling one out that had a picture of a rather stern looking vixen and under that the appearances of something that looked like a castle wall. "First things first though. One you have to realize that most of the outside world is re evolving, and technology is limited. Both as a need so that we don't make the same mistakes man did with pollutions, and out of preferences since the need for things like wide open spaces. This hospital is way more advanced than you will find in a normal situation."
He handed me the papers, and I looked at each in turn. I couldn't read the text, but the pictures pained the story. It was a school, and by the looks of it one you might find for the high society. I did notice one particular thing looking threw the pictures. I found one picture of what I would guess were students ranging from just a bit bigger than myself to what appeared to be teen looking ones. The odd part was I could only find one picture of the students, and it was all girls in uniforms that looked like something from a proper school except the almost knee length skirts were held out by a fairly thick petticoat, and some having a jacket while others just had a puffy sleeved blouse. I held up the picture of the students for him to see. "where are the male students?"
He didn't look right at me as he replied. "There are none at this school. Due to your uniqueness we couldn't put you into a common boarding school, and this was the only private one that would accept you with your.....unique features." he watched as I made a face at that last part before continuing. "You will be given a private suite similar to this one, and you will be instructed privately. You won't be in with the regular student body."
I could only scowl a bit at the thought. "So your saying that I'd be boxed away in some room with nowhere to go, and my only company would be my instructors? It sounds like a prison to me" I sat there with my arms crossed and a cross look on y face.
"Unfortunately its the best we can do for now. They are the only ones capable of transitioning you into our language, lifestyle, and culture. If another opportunity comes up at a later time to find you suitable male school we will of course transfer you, but for right now this is the best that we can do."
I could only sigh as I handed him the papers back both for the school, and after a last look at my old metal records it too. "So what now" I asked feeling a bit defeated.
He reached to his wrist and slid the sleeve up. Poking a button he said something to it and a mechanical response came a moment later. Pushing his sleeve back down he notices me looking at it. "think of this like you would one of your two way radios or a cell phone" he said patting the device under his sleeve.
A few moments later a nurse came in with a box. Moving at his instructions I would assume she came up to my left side. Placing the box on the table she opened it revealing a device that looked similar to his in style, but smaller. She placed it on my wrist and secured it with the attached wide velcro style wrist band. Then she reached back in and took something else out. It looked like a round metal disk on another velcro band, but this one was long and slender. As she wrapped it around my neck I quickly see why the thin long strap. When she was done it rested tight, but not too tight on my neck kind of like a choker.
"That" he says pointing to the device on my arm "will let you communicate. I noticed that you are starting to understand spoken speech a small bit with simple commands they have been giving you, but that you are not able to repeat them. That device on your arm is a typing speech device with the output being on your neck. You can type your reply's, and it will speak for you."
He hands me over several more papers, and I look at them glancing being enough to tell me that it was a basic translation. All the english letters had the local equivalent under it, then more pages down simple words, phrases, etcetera. I quickly read threw the alphabetized list of phrases, and found what I was looking for. Two key clicks later of my fingers as I looked at the nurse standing there, and a rough metallic voice came out of the speaker at my throat saying the equivalent of thank you. She smiled and nodded before looking at my other company and leaving. For a moment I was like the child I was supposed to be interested in a new toy. After a few moments though I remembered I had someone else her and only after hearing him shuffle a bit did I notice he was getting up.
"Practice with that. Learn whats on those papers, and before long you will be able to use it easily. I will be here each day for the next few weeks teaching you how to understand the spoken language myself. For now though I bid you good day." With that he picked up all his papers leaving me with the new device and my small manual of things to learn.
Things were defiantly going to be interesting I thought to myself as I looked threw the lists first starting with the alphabet learning by doing. Each time I pressed a letter I listened to the sound coming from the speaker. I'm not sure how long I was at it, but I was brought my night time meal, then told it was time to sleep all before I realized the times. Going to sleep that night I traced the outlines of the device a bit just to tell myself it was there as thoughts of the future floated threw my mind. The last thought I had before I drifted off was what in the world was I going to do locked away in a girls school for no telling how long.