Be Careful What You Wish For - Chapter One -
Be careful what you wish for chapter one (c) cederwyn whitefurr may, 2010, all rights reserved raefox wandered aimlessly along the heavily forested path, his young vulpine eyes wide in rapture at the nature beauty that surrounded him.
Wish Come True (Gardevoir TF/TG)
Despite the lack of a solid identity of the entity, steven made a wish upon it, to be closer to servine, to be able to talk to it and have back and fourth conversations.
A Friend's Wish Chapter 3: "The Dawn of Beginnings"
#3 of a friend's wish spring.. it is the season of beginnings. but to one it's the end. _ it is the first time i ever saw the dawn, it's either i slept when it happened or that i never had somebody to see it with.
Poem for Children Wishing to Summon Evil Spirits
On Hallow's Eve, beneath the sky Take the implements described To some obscure, untraveled place, The knife, the flame, the words to say. A pentagram would surely do, But pick which symbol pleases you And draw it out with steady care, Then...
A Love Like Ours- Ch.1: Make a Wish
We closed our eyes and spoke the rhyme riku taught us when we were small: "star light, star bright, first star i see tonight, wish i may, wish i might, have the wish i wish tonight." sora grinned.
Marxima Chapter 1: Careful What You Wish For
**marxima** **chapter 1: careful what you wish for** war is hell. the hunger, the exhaustion, the killing, and the stench of rotting flesh enveloping the entire battlefield.
TwoKinds: Be Careful What You Wish For (Euchre and Roselyn)
"Euchre?" Called out a young female Keidran as she walked in the field close to her home, searching for her cousin who was probably out. All you could see in the winter time was mostly snow for miles; well most of the time. Around the field where her...
Forge of Heroes - The Road None of us Wish to Travel
Tai immediately stiffened, and the wolf wished he could just erase what he said. he didn't mean it like that, but his words had had a further reach than he'd thought. "sorry tai," kyl'e apologized. "i didn't-" "i know," tai smiled tiredly.
A Friend's Wish Chapter 6: "Our Game of Chess"
"i wish you guys luck!" and they waved back. "i hope we bump into him someday." as gero started to walk back to the port. "me too." and suddenly gero spoke up. "hey n, why won't we stay here and train?"
A Friend's Wish Chapter 5: "The Green-haired Trainer"
#5 of a friend's wish little did i know that i will eventually have to meet a person who made me fully understand... what it means to talk to pokemon and also to be a trainer.
Freedom Fire Chapter 2: When a Dragon Wishes for Freedom
This is the only place on earth where you can see the dragons begging for release and wishing for freedom. hard-hearted dragons like you will flatter and die in this forsaken place."
I Wish I Could Go Back to Fur Con
(fur 3) i wish i could go back to fur con! how do i go back to fur con?! (all) ahhhhh... (fur 3) i wish i had talked to more artists...