The Path Less Traveled, Part 3

Three days after Rekir's burial, we had our first good caravan come by. Brekish and I were standing near the entrance to the tower when we heard the wheels of the horse-drawn cart rolling up the road, and I left the tower to look down the road. Two...


The Path Less Traveled, Part 2

"something like running a gang of bandits," i said with a smirk. brekish gave me a low laugh, and said, "i think my simple nature is what makes this group here different from the rest. were better thinkers than some of the gangs out there.


The Path Less Traveled, Part 5

I woke up a day later in the dungeons of Whiterun, in a jail cell in the back of the small prison. As I groaned and rolled off of the thin bedroll to sit up, the reminder of the fight came back to my mind. I groaned again and pushed my hands to my...

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The path Less Traveled, Part 4

Or are you nords only good at figuring at what kind of a blade can kill bandits with the best efficiency?" now the jarl scowled at brekish, and moved his hand in the air. the guards drew their swords now, and the uniforms in front of us stepped forward.

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The Bandit Problem

But, in the end, they'd finally driven the bandits away. giorgio, his mansion, and all the valuables in town were finally safe from the bandits.

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Bandit Attack

Then starburst will stand on the highest point to distract the bandits so the boy can take the shot safely. jose nods in agreement and we start.

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The group looked at each other then looked back at jack and said simultaneously, "were bandits!" the end

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Final Notes

They made it by the way. Anyway guys, after two long years, this story has FINALLY come to a close, much like Cameron and Raf's journey. As always, thanks to the people who read, liked and commented. Especially you Ashley, I hope you can come back to...

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Pandemic-Day 51 3:39 PM 1/12/2023-The Final Hours

"Ricky?", I asked again, 'who were those guys?" Ricky sighed, "I couldn't tell you exactly, all I know for sure is that their rich fuckers who consider themselves to be in charge of the remaining survivors. When I split off, I remember they were...

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Pandemic-Day 51 11:59 AM 1/12/2023-Black Ford

The next two days were spent pretty much upstairs and packing bags. Ricky's condition had improved over those two days, going from yellow skinned and dangerously skinny to regaining his color and putting on a few pounds. Abbie, Raf and I got to...

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Pandemic-Day 49 1:15 AM 1/10/2023-Ricky

I looked at her for a moment before replying. "You want the truth?", I asked, "or what you wanna hear?" "The truth", Abbie said. "Yeah", I nodded, 'we are, as soon as Raf is better." Abbie sighed and muttered, "figures, as quickly as would...

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Little Grove 2

"madam redhearth we need bandits are in town" the girl told her. "damn it!" millicent blurted out as she grabbed her spear and jumped out of the window of her room. devin followed her but ran through the door.

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