A Love Like Ours- Ch.1: Make a Wish
#1 of Literature
I love the Kingdom Hearts video games so a while back, I wrote a few fanfics supporting SoraxKairi. Be gentle with the comments, I wrote this years ago!~
"God, I love Neverland!", I shouted, spinning around in the night sky.
**"You just like making googly-eyes at Peter"
I turned to see my childhood friend, Sora, floating behind me. "Oh, like you didn't drool when you saw Ariel last time we went to Atlantica" I teased, sticking my tongue out. Me and Sora have been friends for about 11 years, since we were four. I've actually kinda had...you know..."those feelings" for him...but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him so.
Sora grinned and put his arms behind his head, a signature pose for him.
"What can I say? There's just something about mermaids that turns me on."
"Whatever", I said, rolling my eyes. "Come on, we have to go meet Riku at Star Gazer, remember?"
"Oh, right, something about...Cid, right?"
"Yeees, very good, Sora!", I said in a sarcastic tone. Man, I know he's the Keybearer and the "Chosen One" and all that, but he can be so dense! I rolled my eyes again and started flying towards where Riku had told us to meet, pulling Sora by his hood along with me.
When we reached the meeting spot, Big Ben clock tower, Riku was leaning against Star Gazer.
"Riku! We're here!", I yelled, running to him and giving him a giant hug. Riku is my other childhood friend. I've known him just as long as Sora, and we go pretty much everywhere together.
"Hey Kairi...you guys ready to go?", Riku asked.
"Yep!", Sora and I said together as we climbed into Star Gazer, our trusty Gummi Ship. Once onboard, we all nestled into our seats at the controls.
"Sooo where exactly are we headed?", Sora asked, staring blankly at Riku and I.
"Honestly Sora, how do you get anything done by yourself?" I asked.
"We're headed to Traverse Town", Riku said with a smile. "Cid called and told me there are some errands he'd like us to run."
Sora slumped in his chair, groaning. "Errands? Laaame."
I elbowed him in the ribs. "Hey! Be glad you're not out risking your life, battling Heartless, evil demon creatures, and who knows what else!"
"Hey, calm down, lovebirds", Riku said.
I bolted straight up. "We are NOT lovebirds!!", I shouted, blushing deeply. I stopped immedietly after I had spoken and looked next to me at Sora, who was also standing. I then realized that he had said and done the exact same thing I had. He was even blushing the same deep shade of crimson as me. Sora? Blushing? Wow...I've never seen him do that before. I wonder why he got so defensive? He turned and caught me staring at him. We held each other's gaze for a moment, then I quickly averted my eyes, blushing again.
"Hey, Riku? I uh...I-I'm gonna go to the rear hanger. I'm pretty beat so I might try to take a nap."
Riku looked away from the ship monitors. "Sure Kairi. I need to drive slow since there's so many meteor showers showing up on the monitor so we probably won't reach Traverse Town until tomorrow."
"Ok", I said, walking back into the hanger, trying not to make eye contact with Sora. I walked to the giant plexi-glass window in the very back of the hanger. I sat on my bunk and stared out at the night sky, seeing the glowing silohuette of the clock tower in the distance. "Why do I need to feel this way about him?", I whispered. "Why can't I just want him as a friend like always? I mean, it's just Sora. Same Sora as always..." I began to get a dreamy look on my face. "With his...georgous brown hair, deep blue eyes, a crooked smile..." I blinked. "Oh God, what am I saying?!" I groaned, falling back onto the bed. As I stared up at the ceiling, I heard the door creak open. "...R-Riku?", I asked, sitting up.
Sora poked his head around the door and looked at me. "Hey"
"Hey..." Just stay cool and things will go just fine...I thought.
"I thought you might need some company. You didn't seem like you were feeling very well in the control room", Sora explained.
I turned my attention back to the window. "Thanks. I'm fine."
Sora walked over and sat next to me on my bed, looking out the window. "The second star to the right", he said.
"That's how I remember where Neverland is." He took my hand and pointed my finger towards a bright, flickering star. "Look, the star you're pointing at now is the North Star." He then pushed my hand to the right a bit. "And two starts over to the right of the North Star is Neverland", Sora said with a smile. I pulled my hand away and looked down at the bed sheets. "I see..."
Sora paused for a secon, then looked back at the window. "The North Star is also called the Wishing Star", he said quietly. That got my attention.
Hmmm...what would I wish for..."Sora?" I asked.
"Yeah, Kairi?"
"Could you...make a wish with me?", I asked, blushing lightly.
Sora smiled. "Sure I will." He scooted closer to me on my bed. So close, I could feel his body heat. We both looked at each other for a second, then we turned our attention to the window. We closed our eyes and spoke the rhyme Riku taught us when we were small:
"Star light, star bright,
first star I see tonight,
wish I may, wish I might,
have the wish I wish tonight."
Sora grinned. "Make a wish"
_I wish I understood my feelings for him, I said in my head. I wish I knew what I wanted.
When I opened my eyes and looked at the Wishing Star, I could swear it was shining a little brighter._**