Chapter 1
I smoothed my silk dress down against my fur and sucked my stomach in. hmm... not too much better. i turned to get a look from the side. i knew i looked thinner from the side.
Inferno High - Chapter 6
"yeah, that sucks. does it hurt normally?" [me] he typed something up again and showed me. " 'no, but that's because i have powerful pain killers.' " i handed his phone back, and he typed up something else and showed zane.
Piece of Glass
As the candy cane had the night before ... ... when the mouse, pacing, pacing, had been sucking, sucking on the candy cane. unable to keep himself from biting, biting. crunch-crunch ... the blast of mint. the sugar ... but not so sweet.
Paradise Redefined
She reached out with her head and sucked a few last drops from her mother's breast before she fell asleep.
Orange (Intro)
I am done now sorry for the crappy "into" chapter i know it sucks but... (i am a downer.) blah.
Red's Adventure (2) - Route 1
"nooo . . ." he wailed, as his head was next to be sucked into that cavernous maw; his hands were now grasped by the muscles of the throat.
Hope and Dreams part 12
"you suck remember that." "and your adorable remember that." nathan whispered in issac ear. "almost there, relax." issac heard a door open, and a bell ring.
Aberration, Part 4 - Received
My captor tilts her head, imitating me by sucking air through her teeth as well. "i could change that, right here and now." "can we not do th--whoa, hey!"
And lips, moist, ready ... sucking. he sucked her lower lip. the moistness of it. the feel of her exhale. her breath. her panting. and he kissed her fully. her eyes went to a close. as did his, and ... ... she mouthed his muzzle.
Gotta Catch 'Em All...? (Vore)
You could only laugh with a grin as her lips sealed your fate, slowly sucking you down; she was the conqueror; the winner of the crown.
the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)
This is defiantly a work in progress but id love some helpful criticism or positive comments.. if your going to tell me it all around sucks i understand but id still like to know what exactly sucks. if i get helpful comments ill post the second part ^.^ i
The Other Dragon World Prologue
Seraphor felt something different as he felt sucked by a black hole made by the lightning stream. his grip to avila was gone, and he also see her mate got sucked by another black hole.