Red's Adventure (2) - Route 1

Red walked slowly down Route 1, lost in thought, the images of what had occurred playing themselves over and over in his head, like a nightmare he couldn't escape. After the disastrous battle between him and Blue, Professor Oak had come back in a...

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Red's Adventure (1) - Pallet Town

Pallet town was a small, seashore town on the western side of kanto. trainers would sometimes pass through on their way to the pokémon league from cinnabar island, but this was rare.

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 3

My higher 'self' or my lower 'self'" kanto returned, making firus have to cover his muzzle to hide his silent laughter.

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 5

Tabol looked at her, and then looked at kanto again. "kanto, i hope you got on your knees and thanked her profusely." hatako spoke before kanto could open his mouth. "oh, he did." she looked out of the corner of her eyes at kanto.

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 2

"she's not my ma--" firus started to answer, but was cut off mid-sentence by an elbow firmly lodged in his ribs, causing him to drop kanto who landed lightly on his feet. "sorry, hold habit from the academy. kanto, this is sayuri.

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The Journey Chapter 8: The Season Opening Ceremony

#8 of the journey book 1: kanto leon and the gang, accompanied by pierce and scythe, finally go through the viridian forest and arrive at the northern pokemon center. at dinner, they watch the kanto pokemon league season opening ceremony. but then...

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 7

"kanto," he called over his shoulder. "come up here and look at this." kanto who had been busily studying a small totem looked up to see his brother two nooks above him. "just a second."

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Pokepuppet Trio

This shocked and confused the kanto fire starter, as he didn't expect the organization those idiots belong to to be anywhere near here.

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I Caught God Ch3: In Which I Am Tripping Balls

I say as i hold my head gingerly, "how on earth do you get between kanto and sinnoh?" "i sneak aboard cargo ships bound for sinnoh, kanto, or wherever i want to go." zero says, looking up at the sky.

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Pokemon Kanto League chapter 1

#1 of pokemon kanto league this is my first story so they maybe short sophia and blake are my personal characters i shall post her soon as soon as i find the pic of her i made with a trainer doll maker on da \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

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Of course, the humans of kanto had other names for the guyi. they called them by the noises of their cries, "cubone" for the smaller and "marowak" for the bigger, but this was not what they called themselves.

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Red's Adventure (3) - Viridian City

"if you make it around kanto and decide to give the pokémon league a shot, remember to stop by here and say hi. i'd love to wish you luck on the final part of your journey!" around kanto? all the way to the pokémon league? red shifted. wow!

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