The Other Dragon World Prologue

Ernest didn't count since his black electricity he called magnet had different sense.

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Innovation - Prologue, Project Innovate + Chapter 1, Magnetic Sequencing

Chapter 1 \* \* \* magnetic sequencing \* \* \* i entered the shop, hand in hand with penny. greg and casper were already there, playing with magnets and fire. "so, what're we gonna build for the first week of project innovate?"


Invane: Heyday Missing

He placed the magnetic magnet upon the grounds beneath our feet and swiftly turned it on. a low hum emerged from the magnet as it starts its work towards the keys that were behind the bellboy who was looking quiet confuse upon seeing them rattle.

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"the magnetic fields neutralize them. if we turn off the magnet, they will come back." a sigh.


the CAS blazer (details of it not a story)

Antimatter magnet guns: on the forward section these use anti matter containment magnet fields to propel small portions of anti matter toward enemy ships.

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Duel Monsters: Fate of Two Worlds Ch.1

I summon magnet warrior omega minus to the field in attack mode (1900,600) then i activate magnet force plus."

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The Hotel Room

The idea is just like magnets you have on the refrigerator, just much bigger. have you ever been hurt by a refrigerator magnet?" "well...dropped one on my foot," she said with a hint of a smile. dr. herman smiled back.

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Chapter Eleven - A Shocking Discovery

As i ran through the tunnel, magnet in my mouth, i almost ran right by our room. turning, i ran inside, spitting the magnet into my paw and walking up to electra. slowly, i brought it near her wound, then touched it. smiling, i pulled the magnet away.

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Downed Prey (Welded Sunset)

magnetism gets involved. ~ the lumbering bulk of the bear frame bounded up to the treeline heavily, each footfall of the mech's pace seeming to shudder nearby trees from the roots up.

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Marianne's Misty Hike (Part 1) - Intro

Kay rocked back and forth, "the magnets, north is wrong again." marianne mentally reviewed the medical documents and recalled seeing that kaynell had an extreme magnetic sensitivity despite neither of her parent's species possessing such an ability.

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Balloon Boy

The only way that they can possibly allow him to move is magnetic technology that connects between the individual segments so that his movement is normal.


Deep Space - Chapter 1, The Infinatum

It also has gyroscopic magnetic core that allows it to warp it's magnetic read outs to mimic the magnetic activity and patterns of the planet." "yes, we both know how a magnecore works. what's the catch?" "well, i synced it up to the gravicore."
