Savannah Blues part 8
And i happen to love sixty-nine!" he said proudly. "i want to bury my muzzle in a groin and have the same done for me and hell if i want i'll sleep like that!"
New Alveri Chronicles: Darzhja (Chapter 1)
"i just turned sixty-five, i'm still an adolescent in the eyes of my betters..." i said with mock despair.
Treatise on Starwalkers
**long youth:** due to the starwalker's unique way of maturing (covered in _life cycle and family structures_), they have youth that lasts well into their sixties.
Another Form of Rebellion - Chapter 3
Remember, it's sixty percent of your grade..." calvin ignored everything else and started to think what he could do to impress her. he thought of many things that he could do and scratched out every possibility.
Around the Bend Part I
#1 of around the bend the otter walked to the edge of the sixty-three floor skyscraper and stretched, breathing in the late afternoon air of the big city.
Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)
Twenty are killed, and sixty-eight are wounded. martial law is declared within the city, but the bombers were long gone.
Planet Empire: Armored Chronicles
"looks like tankers have grouped up a three sixty about three hundred meter's downrange . their holding off what they can... cant tell much from here sargeant."
Silver Lining - 1
The two of you enter into the recessed alcove that runs along the hangar's port side, damp morning wind crashing in waves over the deck not sixty feet from you.
Meaningless Renamon
.** **"son, i****' ****m already sixty and not handsome anymore. sorry, i can****' ****t find a new mother for you," his father answered, smiling.** **"then father, why you married her?" gretel asked carefully.** **"daughter, love is blind.
The Chronicles of Drakken
Happy reading prologue a long time ago, sixty-five millions years to be exact. the land masses we know today were once one single continent called pangaea. it was home to several thousand creatures including mammals, insects, and reptiles.
Bitterwall Storys - Meeting Sally - III
Suddenly a friendly husky on roller skates wearing some sort of yellow sixties dress asked them "hello my darlings, would you like to drink something already?" while handing them the their menus.
The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari
Now it came to pass, when the generations since the time of the shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the gods of old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways.