The orphaned Riolu chapter 1
Pokémon trainer) is traveling through route 210 walking through the dense fog holding a lantern with his raichu on his left shoulder, several minutes later a hoothoot flies in front of sparks scaring him and his raichu the hoothoot then flies away, sparks continues
I smile and stretch while jo continues to finish his meal. i turn and look out at the window, spacing out... i wonder what's wrong...
The Continuation
Anyways, this is the continuation of the story. still have no title for the series. sorry for the abrupt ending, i rushed to get this finished. if you see anything wrong, comment please. this isn't really good to me, but, what's your opinion?
Shem tried to silence his mind, silently repeating the truth, lips dancing slowly and carefully, the weight of the words pressing his skin. "Aware or not, the darkness resides. I can push, And in return be pulled. All is quiet. Balance is all...
Tina's Story Chapter 61- Acceptance-Open Hearts
And she continued colleen's practice of always having fresh flowers. otherwise, not much had changed. upon entering the office this morning. she picks up the big envelope of internal mail. looking at the first item, tina's face turns red.
#6 of shorts and one-shots my own continuation after this. best to read that first before this! for how long i've been crying, i don't know. the sky was already painted with shades of purple, orange, and grey by the time i noticed.
Task Force - Prologue
He was a black ops guy early in his career and continued to organize unregistered missions after being moved to intelligence. i think he will do great.
Now Where Were We...
Both boys continue to struggle with their lead. meanwhile, the next four teams arrive and they listen in on the task. chris makes zack stay behind to listen to it a few times while in his head, is secretly counting.
The Battle Continues
Katy continued, looking down at the crash site through the side window of her cockpit. "i can't tell from here if any of the crew survived. can you assist?"
WIP (continued)
She watched the pair as they continued their search for her. they were chatting. she listened closely to hear what they were saying. "so how the hell are we supposed to find this zeva kid in the middle of a forest? weren't her scales green?
Shannon continued..
#2 of words continuation of a scene. please read the first part if you haven't, and reread it if you have. some edits have been made for continuity and fleshing out. this little foray into writing has become a real monster.
The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari
Now it came to pass, when the generations since the Time of the Shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the Gods of Old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways. Dai Yel, He of the Highest...