The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 8

He's enrolled at glades high school and is not only captain of their football and baseball teams, but he's a member of the academic decathlon team and president of the chess club." "brains and brawn, eh?" said bogo. "damn straight.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 10

The gang member staggered back and slammed into the side of the vehicle before dropping to the ground, unconscious.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 12

Are you perchance a member of our august legion?"_\> _\<"i am attached to a small cohort of centurions from the western provinces.

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Attar of Blue Roses, Part 2

Jeremiah turned toward the voice, finding that it belonged to a liveried member of the hotel staff. the equine smiled automatically, with a level of sincerity reflecting gratitude for being so formally addressed.

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The horse stood nearly a full two meters at the shoulder, huge even for a member of this noble species. emmanuel had noted the horse, in an off-paw way, when the equine was still out in the fields the evening before.

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The Size of Love

The clydesdale took a step back in surprise and brought his head down to peek at the shire's impressive horizontal member that pulsed at full length. suddenly the clyde felt the same thing happening to his own member.

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Food Court

He had that flab in his arms, though, so the equine wasn't going to simply stop unless he was told to.

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Mare Talk

Sighing, the red mare hung her head, nose nearly brushing the dusty ground; they were in dire need of a good rainstorm. though preferably without thunder, solely for the sake of those of the equine persuasion.

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Koji's life 4

She was an equine hybrid, a clydesdale to be exact. i have seen equines before but i never saw one this big. she stood at least 7 foot 7 and had double k cup breasts most likely.

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Ch6 Andante

Knowing equines, rick was pretty sure it would take more than a hearty slap to get the equine to come clean, and pull his load. rick smirked at himself. _already thinking in horsey terms eh? evil canine. keep your mind on track and help dal!

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File #16

"there are computer files for every member of the warrior crew... damn... they are all holograms!" "not holograms..." replied a strange, eerie voice coming from all around them.

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