Ch6 Andante
#6 of Willing Student
A hint of where this is starting to go. Rick and Dal are going to compliment each other in their personalities. Dal's very strong headed, and Rick is very quick witted. A good combo. Where does that leave Ken?
Ch6. Andante
Rick sighed as the notes faded into the false dawn. He'd gotten up early. Dal had still been asleep, and Rick could not sleep to save his life. Too much was going through his head. First Dal and Him, then Ken, then dinner, and the news Val and Seth gave him, it was too much.
As the note died, Rick quickly packed up the guitar. It really was a most beautiful gift. Regardless of where he and Dal went from now on, he would always remember their friendship and their trip to Illonois. _The dark what?_Dal tried to translate. It was an odd word. He though Illinois or Ill Noir was "dark" in French. He'd really have to work on his languages.
The guitar slipped into the case, then into the cloth case that Dal had hefted from the antique hard shell case. Rick sighed. As good as the hard case was, it was ancient. He'd need a custom hard shell case for the beauty that laid within.
Beauty. Such a nice name, and one befitting the situation. Ah well, now I'm acting like a maiden when.... His thoughts turned to the night before....when he'd topped Dalten.
It wasn't what he expected, but it had been wonderful. Being able to take Dal in his mouth while Dal rode him..
Easy boy....
Rick took a few deep breaths caliming himself/
It all went to hell as Dal walked naked into the kitchen, flinging open the fridge, grabbing a hole gallon of milk and dowining it in one go.
"Wow...." Rick muttered.
Dal reminded himself quickly that he had a guest, and stopped as the last of the milk went down his throat. "Uh, sorry. I'm a little flustered from last night."
Dal glanced down. He was nude, and still a little matted from the night before. He walked over and laid down on the couch, eyeing the canine.
Rick blushed, but walked over.
"Listen Dal, I know you're brother is having issues, but last was wonderful."
Dal sat up a bit. This was the moment. THE moment.
"Rick I love you. I don't care how you feel, it's how I feel. Period."
Rick froze at those words. What could he say. He sat for a second and searched within. "Dal....if I'm true to myself, I have to say I do love you, it's growing more every day. Give me time to commit fully. I know....I know you're different than I, but well, I do love you, just give me time to match you.
Rick looked into the deep chestnut eyes of his, yes, lover.
"Of course Rick. Nothing but. I'll give you until the day I give my last breath. I know we're a stubborn folks, but I know what I fell, and I speak plainly."
He chuckled deep in his chest.
"My dad, God, he'd laugh at that as it was so like him."....
Rick canine grinned at his lover.
"I have you heard anything?
Dal sprang up cursing, flicking on his computer, and messaging systems for the video stream. There were two messages.
!!!!!Message 1. RE: Ken Missing: !!!! Begin::
"Dal honey, this is your MOTHER! Your dad found Ken. It's not good. I won't say more until tomorrow. Call me. Say hi to Rick!
Dal groaned. This was not good.
!!!! Message 1. RE: Ken, Andrew Gonzales !!!! Begin:
Dal froze. What the hell? Ken? Andrew!? What - he has kids!?
Rick glared at the screen...the following was displayed:
!!!I took your own advice Dal. In fact, I took mine. Not to look back, not to be afraid, and to be sure I didn't just do what I wanted because it was expected of me. Your Rick's tail is sweet, I think I may have found one for me....hugs, Ken.!!!
Rick's jaw went slack.
"Oh for FUCK'S sake! Dal screamed. The pounding from Mrs. Jacobson was loud. "Oh hush!" Dal shouted. The pounding stopped.
Dal paced, He glanced at Rick.
Ken, Rick, Andrew, that conversation, it all made sense. Ken was jealous!But in the wrong way!
Dal ran his head through his mane as he kept shaking it....
Rick kept quiet, He knew Dal was in a mood. He put three and three together and got six. Ken had taken one look at himself, Rick, gotten jealous, seen what he'd gotten into with his fiance, and her sister, and went for something else, the only thing he could think of....
His brother's ex.
"Oh lord. This is not going to end well will it?" Rick tucked his tail between his legs. He was pretty certain he and Dal were on the same page, but Ken? Ken was now a loose cannon. Knowing equines, Rick was pretty sure it would take more than a hearty slap to get the equine to come clean, and pull his load.
Rick smirked at himself. Already thinking in horsey terms eh? Evil canine. Keep your mind on track and help Dal! He's going to be one minded. Give him something to do!"
"Dal!" Rick called
Dal stopped pacing and looked at Rick. His mind pulled from the moment.
"Uh....yes?" He rumbled confused.
"Dal, lover, why don't you work on your composition? This situation with your brother is not going to be solved by you, no matter how much you want to get involved."
Dal froze. Rick was right!
"Your brother, Meghan, her sister, Andrew, and your father will take care of it, in the mean time, work on your work. I'll practice while you work. My classes, well I'll just skip them today. I want to get to know this sweet lady you gave to me more!"
Rick picked the ancient guitar up and cradled it softly.
Dal softened his look.
"Thanks Rick, you're right. Practice away, I'll compose."
Quickly Dal pulled out his notebook and pencil and began scribbling.
Rick began a series of exercises....
Dal Sr. fumed. Ken had gone off. "Crap!" He yelled as he forcefully shifted the tractor into high gear. He knew what his colt / son was thinking. He'd seen the look on Ken's muzzle. Jealousy. It wasn't the first time, but it, by God, would be the last!
He calmed himself. Ok, so Dal comes home with a real lover. Ken has D, and Meghan. One he's going to marry, the other knocked up. He spies his brother happy. What did _ I think _was going to happen????
Sr. Calmed himself again and drove on. The Gonzolas mining claim was a few hours away by tractor he only wished he'd make it on time.
Dal Sr. Climbed down from the tractor. The claim was silent. No noise came from the mine shaft. No whinnies came from the cabin. Just pure silence. He stood still for a second straining his hears. Finally he heard something....
Dal Sr. made a beeline for the cabin and tore the door off it's hinges. Ken stood above a bed, Andrew laying on it in fear, the smaller equine in pure submission.
"Now what the hell is this!?"
Dalton Sr. rumbled loudly. Ken laid his ears flat. He was naked. Dal Sr. only had time to register that Andrew was only partly clothed.
"And I see You have no respect for your equals!" Dal Sr yelled at his son.
Ken laid his ears back.
"Since when did respect have anything to do with it!?"
Dalton Sr. stared, stammering for a bit. "Just what do you mean by that!?"
Ken snorted and shot forward staring his father eye to eye.
"You let Dal do what he wants. You let him mate with who he wants. That little spotty dog, well he's cute as hell. I'm left with the Cribbin's sisters." Ken snorted.
"When do I get to have my own choice!?"
Dalton Sr. froze. His son didn't want this life? But.....but....his son had always towed the line....
"Ken....why.....why didn't you say....."
Ken laid his ears back and bared his teeth at his father. "Tell you what. That I didn't want to be like you, that I wanted Dal's life? Hell mom had a better life. All I do is tend fields, drink coffee, and screw the nearest filly. I want MORE dad!"
"Um...." Dalton Sr. Froze, then unfroze.
"You listen here you damned colt! You pretend to your place, you pull the load, fine. Don't complain when the cart you accepted is too big! Dammit son, speak to us! Talk!.....Andrew..."
For the first time...Dalton Sr. looked down at the young stud. He was putting his clothes on his stocky frame. He was not happy. Before Dalton Sr. could say anything Andrew turned on Ken...
"And when do YOU get to say I bottom for you hay-breath!? Just because once I blew you in the barn does not mean you get to mount me like a filly!"
The young pony snorted putting on his overalls.
"And another thing, your brother Dal? At least he RESPECTED me!"
Andrew stalked out.
Crap. This is not going to be easy. Dal Sr. thought to himself. Ken had his ears back, a defiant look in his eyes.
Not easy at all.