Fragmenting Courage (Otherwise Untitled)

~ whatever valor was left in her heart diminished to a flicker at the sight of a bismuth cannon's beam finding purchase and cutting its way out from the far side of the cruiser that had been her home for so many months.

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All the Little Things Intro!

-\> [click this]( "chapter 1") * * * show support and purchase the finished copy: [18+ version]( [clean version]( when it is released, there

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Pundamental Contest Story

He purchased a particularly bright scarf, red and gold, streaks of blue and purple, and pulled his hood down to wrap it around his neck. he froze when he heard the gasp and knew immediately he'd been recognized.

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Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

The nose of the fighter leveled for a moment, ftl engines sputtering to try and find purchase in the moments before another weapons lock was detected.

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A Soldier's Heart Chapter Five: John

I finished my purchase and took the bouquet of roses as well as a plastic bag. i left the store and went to the car. the weather was great; it was cloudy gray sky with a breeze.

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Chapter 3 of: Not your Average School Year

Quentington purchased it after being run down for 10 years. only the best of the best furs get into quentingtons.

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It's Just a Game

And with the new gaming sytem they had just purchased, gaming day was set to become a whole lot better.


Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 12-Resorcue Management

Here are some military grade cartridges for use in the market downstairs, i recommend you purchase a rifle, ammunition and any other miscellaneous gear that you could need. i feel that you will be in the field much in the coming weeks."

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 8

_ she thought, desperately seeking purchase. were the gods watching this right now? did they deem this a rightful punishment for going against her parents wishes?

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His oversized paws fought for purchase with each slippery step. through the black pads on their bottoms, he felt in tune with the living world.

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Wide Open World Chapter 1: A Kiss and A Journal

He'd been told several stories of their old lands, before the kingdom had handed them the title and the money to purchase suitable lands for themselves, but he had never seen them. only stories, stories and...

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New Threads: Halloween pt. 1

"would you like to try on your purchase? if you're waiting on someone, that'll pass the time and it'll be fun." lola said; flashing jennifer a toothy smile, a_fanged_ toothy smile. "yeah, that'll do."

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