Pundamental Contest Story

Story by danath on SoFurry

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Tall white ears disappeared into a rough woolen cap, bound tightly under the chin by a few felt straps. A few pawfuls of dirt applied liberally to the cheeks completed the effect. The royal prince grinned as he leaped to the window and shimmied down the rain pipe to the ground a few dozen feet below. The full moon shone overhead, bright enough that he cast a shadow against the old gray bricks of the castle. Curling his cloak tightly around his shoulders, he hunched over as he joined the stream of people entering and leaving the castle. The guards didn't spare him a second glance.

The city was marvelous. His heart beat in his chest. Sights and scents he'd never experienced swirled around him: food stalls selling various pies and dishes, entertainers singing or juggling or dancing for pennies on the street corners, vendors of newspapers and drinks and clothing calling out for customers. He'd never been in the city by himself, never experienced the crush of people, the movement of carts and goods, the constant noise. He loved it.

He lingered over a booth selling silk scarves and fingered the few coins he had in his pocket. Royalty never had any need for money, but he'd managed to squirrel away a few coins over the past few months as he planned his night out. He purchased a particularly bright scarf, red and gold, streaks of blue and purple, and pulled his hood down to wrap it around his neck.

He froze when he heard the gasp and knew immediately he'd been recognized. He bolted away, down an alley, back towards the castle, his adventurous night cut short, as cries rang out after him.

"It's the hare apparent!"