vinyl i look into your eyes
it's like seeing the night sky
or a beautiful sunrise
you make me happy every time i see you
my heart skips a beat when we talk
i love you more then all the miles that separate us
you are all i ever want in my life
vinyl winked, nodding warmly.
Cute, Drama, Equine, F/F, Horse, Lesbian, MLP, Music, My Little Pony, Pony, Relationships, Romance, octavia, slice of life, vinyl scratch
Thirdly, vinyl was subject to do whatever octavia told her to do. the stuck up mare seemed to view it was over watch, or something. vinyl just took it as arrogance.
MLP, My Little Pony, Not the Titanic, Pony, Romance, Unicorn, Vinyl, cruise, octavia, vinyl scratch
Lyra, bonbon, octavia and vinyl were lucky enough to be at the front of the line; from the length of the felt ropes, vinyl was sure it would get packed.
MLP, My Little Pony, Pony, Romance, Unicorn, cruise, octavia, vinyl scratch
He was a plush toy, smooth and vinyl and infectious... he wanted to hug others, to squeeze them and make them like him!
Demon, Halloween, Magic, Multiple-characters, Petrification, Possession, Story-Series, Transformation, crux
He had been told to doublecheck the files to see if the downsampling from high-quality vinyl rip to cd-quality was done properly, since the kit's results were puzzling.
Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Audiophool, Fox, Horror, Husky, Hyena, Kit, Placebo effect, Story Series, Vinyl, Vulpine, voice
Turns out i'm the only one around who sells vinyls of their fav'rite band." mel waved at umbre, then pointed at flynn, and made some weird shapes with her hands.
umbre turned.
ASL, Anthro, Chronic illness, Flareon, Lupus, Pokemon, Sign Language, Story, Umbreon, deaf