Abaddon's Black Mist (screenplay)
Violence does not bring peace. suri there is no peace when abaddon is out there murdering innocent lives. the raft travels deeper into the thick black mist.
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 8 - The Peace of Hope
#9 of kbm the storms had passed and the peace had stirred from it's long rest as the team assembled back at the lair, successful in their goal to rescue all their lost companions.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 9
Hope you enjoy this chapter, this one is going to be short but hopefully not too short. I'm using this chapter to help explore different characters and plot tangents and see where they go from there. Almost forgot, I do not own zoroark, copyright...
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 6
I know i should have killed you the second you walked in asking for a position at the advisor panel all those years ago but i had grown soft from years of peace and happiness.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 5
Feeling somewhat depressed at the moment, school isn't so great anymore and my grades are reflecting it. Thought that maybe if I try to start another chapter it'll help me get out of this funk. Kenshi Sherro and all of the others are mine but in no...
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 4
Now thinking back this really wasn't the only reaction he got when he thought of her, just being around her made him feel more at ease, like all in the world was peaceful and there was no such thing as pain or sorrow.
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 3
**Thanks for the comments and advice, I'll definitely try to make my chapters longer, but also because I think that I tend to cram too much information and description into each paragraph I'll try to simplify things so that the flow is...
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 _70 years after the fall of the old hierarchy and coronation of Sherro lo Kempura Himora-Tan_... The sounds of gentle snoring was coming from a room down the hall as a shadowy figure silently made its way closer to the room...
Not a Masterpiece
(grey, if you are british) until another masterpiece is fulfilled; my feelings will revert to skittish i will never reach my master peace, for i am not skilled.
The Quest for the Lost King: Prologue
I really want peace to exist between our lands." gaia nods, "i have seen the thought of peace in your mind. you speak truth, but i suspect your general would have me killed if i were to come unannounced.
A Life Worth Living - Chapter 7 - Restless Night of Peace
We laid back down with a sense of peace now knowing something that had remained elusive till now finally made sense.
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 1 -- Peace? Or Quiet Unrest?
Spyro: return of darkness chapter 1 -- peace? or quiet unrest? "see anything, spyro?" "no...but i've got a bad feeling..." "mmmm...me too..."