Mission to Live

A new day rises, another Mission ahead. A different beginning, another fission of emotions An earlier start time, another wave of blistering heat. An evening of sweat and crime, another one down. It is this time, this wave of unending heat The...

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Not a Masterpiece

(grey, if you are british) until another masterpiece is fulfilled; my feelings will revert to skittish i will never reach my master peace, for i am not skilled.

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The God Dragon

Element dog observed the masterpiece existing all round him and became awestruck with its immense complexity and wonder. he sought to witness the entirety of this work of art, and with his elements he created a rounded surface adrift in the masterpiece.

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Lines of Crimson

She was beautiful; yet it would take his help for her to be a masterpiece. and so as he placed the last stroke in his masterpiece her face opened up into a warm smile for the deed he had granted to her.


Ride of your life

The two masterpieces of machinery came into the home stretch before the finish line.

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I raised my arm, slowly, reaching out to touch the frame as if, by this gesture, i could touch the painter's soul or even go back in time to watch him, fascinated, finish his masterpiece.

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Jesters Chapter 2

The beaming smile of the artist as she sees her masterpiece all in one piece--that's what this job is about. but now, that job is much more complicated... "are you truly sure about this?" the artist asks us.

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A Drop in the Pool

Taking the tool from his lips, he dabbed it voraciously in the small pool of gold and began working at his masterpiece.

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The masterpiece below is proof:_ **sauce** july thick now june fry cow saturday cheese sunday is bees road wet block toad eat rock blanket done sock wood pine flock august vacuum bat april pickle cat tuesday chair



Colours meshing flowing blue flaming crimson tears of black and green specks of orange and yellow and violet pulled from my very soul imaginary images coating an empty canvas so many different masterpieces along the faded walls of my endless mind


Pro-Choice Song

What a girl does with her xana is none 'o busieness, none 'o business, yeah what a girl does with her xana is none 'o business, none 'o business, yeah live things can come in, live things can come out but nobody should be a battery, to reduce your masterpiece



#4 of final masterpiece he easily made it into the mansion, since the security was so lax that he could get in while he was asleep. that, and he installed kill switches on each of the security features.

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