Mission to Live

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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A new day rises, another Mission ahead.

A different beginning, another fission of emotions

An earlier start time, another wave of blistering heat.

An evening of sweat and crime, another one down.

It is this time, this wave of unending heat

The truth calms you, relieves you of fatigue.

It is that goal, this crave for unyielding dream.

The draught drains, robs you of desire.

Desire to change, to become your best.

To undo the barrier, walls you've built around you.

Destroy to pass, to succumb to your crest.

Crest of hope, you move the wall, insurmountable.

To let yourself free, to see the world in ernest.

Vision unclouded, single objective, a "life goal"

Roads are made, maps drawn. not one error.

Errors perceived as steps, to reach the final floor

To reach the level of achievement-to be remembered.

Not for your wealth, crimes, or spirit unyielding.

Not for your heritage, color, or appearance unmarred

Only for your emptiness, dry wellspring

Only for your disrepair, cry this spring.

For you gave freely, unending grace.

For you have truly, spending every trce.

Of humanity, of truth and lies.

To give yourself, wholly for others.

Is your only mission, rest well friend.

Copyright <Ephemeral_dreams>

Do not distribute or vend without my express permission.

Thanks =3