chapter nine

In london there are several brothel clans that compete with the each other . there are several brothel by name the cat house, sporting house, the slithering massage parlor, the house of ill repute, the house of sinful flesh these main brothels.

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Abaddon's Black Mist (screenplay)

brothel dining room - night lupa, wearing a corset, in a dimly lit room. lupa serves a man some wine. man hey beautiful, wanna get dirty? lupa dizzily collapses. cut to: int. brothel stage - night lupa passed out on the stage of the brothel.

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A Queen of Koroth

My older sister worked in one of the brothels in jeapool." "a brothel?" "working in a brothel in koroth is very different from working in a brothel in harashk.

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Brothel: Money Conversion

Real Life 1 pound = $1.60 1 pound = 240 pence 1 pound = 20 shillings 1 pound = 4 crowns 1 crown = 5 shillings 12 pence = 1 shilling Inflation to Story Line (Story Value) 1 pound = around $20 US 1 crown = $5 US


Cody Fuhsaz - Character Detail

The village was a well know trading town, filled with as many brothels as market places. his father owned one of these brothels, his mother one of the whores that worked there.

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PAE - Rape City Background

In rare circumstances, a female has gained enough value through the use of her body that she becomes a 'boss' over two or three brothels.

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The Unintended Curse ch7

But fate must have smiled on me that day, as by the end of the night all his friends came to the brothel and joined him in a good many drinks.

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Death's Blood Ch. Four: Paving The Way

"if you give me what notes act as leverage, i can lure her outta her brothel, enraged, by making sure her dealers had their last day."

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Brothel: Chapter 9 (Teaser)

It was something that was normal in the brothel as we saw each other nude quite often, but i supposed it wasn't the best way to greet a britari on a ship. "it seems to be an ongoing problem i am having" i replied trying to make a joke out of it.

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Brothel: Chapter 9 (Teaser)

It was something that was normal in the brothel as we saw each other nude quite often, but i supposed it wasn't the best way to greet a britari on a ship. "it seems to be an ongoing problem i am having" i replied trying to make a joke out of it.

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The Unintended Curse ch5

A resounding thump is heard throughout the brothel, as all the people who aren't drunk or passed out, look up to the stairs and wonder what caused the sound.

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The Wastes- Chapter 5: Get yourself acquainted, son.

One half of the building was reserved for the brothel, and the other half was charles' bar.

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