Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 5

Story by Shade Fox on SoFurry

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Feeling somewhat depressed at the moment, school isn't so great anymore and my grades are reflecting it. Thought that maybe if I try to start another chapter it'll help me get out of this funk. Kenshi Sherro and all of the others are mine but in no way, shape, or form do I own pokemon or any other copyright stuff. This chapter is going to be really short, but it's really all I can think off at the moment. I'll probably go back and edit this one some more when inspiration does hit me through this funk (I hope). :(

Chapter 5

(Sherro POV)

This wasn't like Toshi, usually Toshi was level-headed, not scared out of his wits. What could have scared him like this?

"Toshi what's the matter? I haven't seen you this spooked in years." Toshi was looking at Sherro but he had this far off look like he was looking past him. Sherro turned around to see what his friend was looking at and he gasped at what he saw. Tom was coming towards them surrounded with shadow figures. Thinking that Tom was in trouble Sherro stepped forward and drew his sword and ran at the shadow figures. He got no closer than ten feet before Sherro's attack was parried.

"Toshi back me up! They've got Tom!" Hearing this Toshi snapped out of his reverie and drew his sword and took his place besides his king. The odds weren't in their favor, even though both Sherro and Toshi were powerful so were there opponents. Sherro glanced at Toshi and smirked thinking back to the old days when they were fugitives and had to fight just to survive. "Brings back old memories don't it Toshi!"

"Yeah it does except in the old days we were the ones doning the ass kicking not the other way around." Said Toshi through a half smile while their swords clashed with the shadow figures. Their blades dancing and clashing in a shower of sparks as each side tried to find an opening to deal a fatal blow.

(Tom POV)

While Sherro and Toshi were busy combatting the shadow warriors they didn't notice Tom making his way into position behind Sherro with a knife that was covered with a sickly purple substance. Tom watched closely as Sherro slashed, parried and dodged the blades of his warriors with ease. Tom quickly realized that in order for his plan to work he'd need to give his warriors an advantage. Creeping into the shadows Tom watched as one of his shadow warriors was cut down by Sherro as a second one came up in the shadow of the first to catch him off guard. Sherro couldn't react in time to dodge or block the attack, but just as the shadow warriors black blade was about to bite into Sherro's neck Toshi's blade flashed and the shadow warrior's arm went flying followed by a peircing scream as the shadow warrior clutched its stub of an arm and staggered back, its thick black blood oozing from the apendage in quick squirts before its screeching was silenced as Toshi whipped his blade back across the shadow warriors neck, decapitating the now twitching shadow warrior as it collapsed on the ground twitching as it melted into a puddle of black ooze before compeletly dissolving into nothing.

"I need to get him now, while his guard is down!" were Tom's thoughts as he threw his poison drenched blade at Sherro. Tom watched as the blade flew towards Sherro's exposed side but cursed himself as he saw Toshi looking at him with a look of surprise quickly turned into a look of pure anger. Toshi flicked his blade free of the black tar-like blood of the shadow warrior and started towards Tom. But stopped as he saw the target of the blade. He quickly shouted at Sherro to move but knew Sherro wouldn't turn in time so he would do the next best thing. Take the knife for Sherro, but Toshi only ran a few steps before he tripped and fell hard, looking down he was shocked to see that one of the shadow warriors had tackled his legs. Toshi turned to look at Sherro only to see the blade plunge deep into Sherro's side. Toshi let out an anquished cry as he slashed the face of the shadow warrior at his feet with his claws before getting up and rushing to the staggering Sherro. He looked down at his friend in horror as he could already see the poision spreading through his veins as a black fluid.

(Toshi POV)

He gently let Sherro down on the ground and looked at his friends eyes, already they were getting cloudy.

"Dammit Sherro you're not dying on me!" yelled Toshi as tears started to roll down his face and down his muzzle. "We're gonna get you through this just hang on!" His throat was choked up as his tears fell faster. The poison destroying Sherro's internal organs and causing internal bleeding.

"Damn I must be getting old. I didn't even see that thing coming." said Sherro as he started a coughing fit. His blood flying out of his mouth as the poison did its job. Sherro reached up and Toshi grasped his hand, not letting go as Sherro's breath started to go in ragged and weaker. "Toshi I need you to get my family out of here, please protect them as you have me. Thank you my friend" Were Sherro's last words as his last breath escaped his lungs with a soft sigh.