Ep16-Freeing the Navratna Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine
The team did their thing and wrecked another one of the granite organizations' bases running them out.
Trailblazer Part 10
The corrupted mystic charges him, he swings his organic blade which magnum catches with his, magnum blinks as he realizes his sword isn't cutting, he looks and sees a faint red field over the sharp bone... an organic power sword?
Teaser 3
Site meridian was a research facility studying organic biology, but had so much more.
meeting back up with friends
Sora: not a very organized organization guy: don't let your guard down axel will stop at nothing to get your friend there and turn you into a heartless sora: gee thanks for looking out for us mister but i'm sure we can take care of ourselves just
RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!
Paleokinesis...make living organisms older 119. paludemkinesis...manipulate wetlands 120. pannokinesis...manipulate fibers 121. papyrokinesis...manipulate paper 122. pathokinesis ... manipulate emotions 123.
Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1
She's learned to only use the organic eye quite well.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 25)
As with every other sunday morning, i went straight to the organ and switched it on.
They were organ trees. "it's good work."
_ _the best of the best virtual reality gaming directors got to collaborate with the new simulation invention that the organization was able to build up, full dive vr!
D.E1 Chapter 31 Lone Great Canine
They are strong and intelligent, but they still need help on organizing themselves." "oh, so you and bo plan to organize the d.e project for them? cobalt, you are an engineering scientist.
Creating a character
The jackal tribes are organized into clans; the clans then organize into one of the seventeen tribes. a patriarch heads each clan, and each tribe is headed by a chieftain.
Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark
To organic minds, their caress would not be perceptible.