meeting back up with friends
#50 of kingdom hearts
So they got back onto the ship and change back to the normal self , as Jake and tsume fell to the floor in exhaustion
Tsume: I don't think I could take this anymore
Jake: me too I want to go home
Sora: you too did great I'm glad that you're here to help me look for my friends
jake: all in a days work
tsume: do you mind if we take a break
Donald: no breaks we have to go to the next world
jake: shut up duck or else I'll cook you
tsume: jake stop threatening the duck
jake: he's the one that starting it - ah who cares I'm too tired to fight with him
Goofy: maybe you to do need a break you guys look dead tired. how about a nap
jake: Night !
Sora laughed as tsume and jake laid on the floor and went straight to sleep. An hour later tsume woke up in sora arms.
tsume: ohiyo sora
sora: Morning to you to, how was your nap?
tsume: it was alright but why are you cuddling me?
sora:(light blush) well your brother got up before you woke up so I thought I'd just keep you company
tsume: that's really sweet.... by the way where is jake?
sora: Uh I think he's in the kitchen trying to cook something
tsume: (sigh) that boy needs to stop cooking I don't even think we have any food
just when she said that the door open and jake ran in
jake: Tsume tsume tsume !
tsume: What?
jake: .....we're out of food
tsume: oh no not food we need food
jake : I think it's time for us to go shopping
sora: and where exactly do you guys expect to get food?
tsume: Duh we can go to Twilight Town they have everything we need
sora: Twilight Town ?
tsume: its were me and jake was in before we came to look for you, and trust me it's an awesome place
jake: can we go sora, can we can we can we ?
sora: Uh sure , next stop Twilight Town
jake: Yay ! we're going back to Twilight Town !
tsume: the only reason why he wants to go back is so we can see olette
sora: Oh really
jake:(Blush) w-what that's not true
sora: I'll really then why are you blushing?
jake: shut up Sora and tsume you shouldn't be talking I'm pretty sure you can't wait to see hayner
sora: oh and who is this Hayner?
tsume: he's just a friend and just ignored jake he's just jealous that olette doesn't like him
acword slicnts)
an hour when buying it finally made it to Twilight Town , jake and tsume was so excited I think jump off the ship and ran into town with sora and the others following them
tsume: I can't wait for you guys to meet the others
jake: I can't wait to see olette
tsume: Yeah me to , I just hope she's not too mad that we -
Tsume was cut off as they heard a voice calling for help
vivi: Help ! the Sandlot! its seifer! somebody please help us!
jake: What the hell?
tsume: Oh no seifer
jake: who cares the little douchebag deserves to get beat up
tsume: (Sigh) well I'm going to help him see ya
Tsume took off running with sora and the others followed as well leaving jake alone. Tsume showed sora to where the Sandlot was ,when they got there they saw seifer and the other is knocked out as 3 nobody's was dancing around them
tsume: im may regret this !
Tsume and sora some summoned there keyblade and fought off the nobody's after the battle they heard a voice as they turned and saw a guy in a black coat
guy: impressive princess
tsume: Uh oh
guy: by the way have you seen a man named axel? I expect him being around you
tsume: what do i look like, his keeper?!
guy: You see axel is no longer acting in our best interest
Goofy: is he with the organization to?
guy: Yes
Donlad: you having a fight?
sora: not a very organized organization
guy: don't let your guard down axel will stop at nothing to get your friend there and turn you into a heartless
sora: gee thanks for looking out for us mister but I'm sure we can take care of ourselves just fine
guy: glade to hear it. axel aside it would break our hearts to hear something happen to you
donald: Hearts? you don't have any hearts!
guy: truly don't have hearts, but we remember what it's like .that's what makes us special
he said as he took down his head and it turned out to be a man with blue hair and golden eyes
goofy: What do you mean?
guy: we know very well how to injure a heart. Sora you just keep on fighting those heartless
so pretty much a lot of talking blah blah blah until he mention Riku and then vanished
sora: what did he mean by end up like riku?
tsume: (Sigh) I don't know I'm just glad that he's gone
seifer: hey, how about you get out of my town now you've caused enough trouble
tsume: seifer we just saved your ass and this is what you're going to say to him you should be thanking him
seifer : Tsume I don't even know why your back you left without a word ,how dare you step foot back into this town
tsume:last time I check I have the right to come and go as I please.
donald: come on guys let's get out of here
seifer : hold it
donald: make up your mind
he pulled out a trophy and said it goes to the strongest guy in town but search object it but it was too late he gave the trophy to goofy and walked up with the others
voice: Sora !
a boy called out as tsume was surprised to see pence but how the hell does he know Sora
sora:....uh seifer right?
tsume: hi pences
pence : tsume...your back
tsume: yep and jake is here to
pence : that's great um do you know a girl named Kairi
sora: Kairi? I sure do
pence : then you better to come to the station
he said as they all followed him to the train station. once they got to the train station olette and hayner came up to them . Tsume was so happy to see him that she tackled him to the floor