the war begins part 4: BRING IT ON !

jake: get away from her Jake yelled at Red and he turned his attention to Jake as he Dodge all his attacks as he swung his Keyblade at him red: You should really learn to give up kid jake: if I give up then there's no way we're getting you...


the war begins part 3

Demyx: DANCE WATER DANCE ! He shouted as iteams of music formed from water , tsume and jake worked together with sora and kicked his Ass! it was a hard battle seeing he was much syrong now then he was last time after the battle he fell to his knees...


the war begins part 2

tsume: RED ! Maleficent: heartless leave the white ones turn your attention to sora and his friends jake: Crap sora and other other summoned there weapons ready to fight the freaking heartless. as they were fighting the Heartless red took...


the war begins

tsume: Were never doing that again jake: Yep after a whole lot of talking and blah blah nonsense everything we type it was just data corrupt, data corrupt. Tsume got mad and started to bang on it with sora until an info on a person pulled up ...

goodbye friends and Ansem computer room

tsume: Hayner , I'm so happy to see you Hayner: hey stop that! tsume: you don't know how much I miss teasing you ! she said as she snuggled Hayner like a dog Hayner: WILL YOU LET GO OF ME ! sora: so how do you guys know Kairi? ...

, ,

meeting back up with friends

So they got back onto the ship and change back to the normal self , as Jake and tsume fell to the floor in exhaustion Tsume: I don't think I could take this anymore Jake: me too I want to go home Sora: you too did great I'm glad that you're...

Walmart Digi-Blast : undercover and the meeting

Tsume asked him "I'll tell you later, but right now we need to move fast and stop the people that are in the digital world." "Whats going on?" asked Jake. Ryuichi sat down next to Tsume and explain to them about what he saw. " it seem...


the magic school bus: OUTER SPACE !

the day started like any other day except for when tsume gets kicked out of class again for not turning in her homework and misses apple bottoms didn't like that A.B: TSUME ,GET OUT OF MY CLASS ROOM ! tsume: ok bye class tsume said as she got all...


fight for peaces and justice!

Jake: what happened? Sora: what is it? Lion: I told raffiki you might be able to help us for scar and the hyenas out of the Pride lands. but he says it won't work Jake: what?! Lion: you see whoever saves the private land will be our next...

Walmart Digi-Blast :the next mission

Their digimon changed into their champion form and attacked the meramons from destroying the place. "I know this is just me but , where did all the meramon come from?"Jake asked as he and the others look over "That's a good question ." "Do you think...

Walmart Digi-Blast :back home but not for long

As they got back to the real world with their digimon in their arms, they sighed and fell to the ground as they wanted to rest a bit, but knew they had to get home fast. So Tsume and Jake said bye to Ryuichi and ran off home, once they got home their...


Pete: too bad for you guys you won't make it out alive Tsume: again with you, man your annoying ! Sora: what are you doing here pete?! A black smock append and out came Maleficent and red who had a chain collar around his neck and he looks...