the war begins part 4: BRING IT ON !
#55 of kingdom hearts
jake: get away from her
Jake yelled at Red and he turned his attention to Jake as he Dodge all his attacks as he swung his Keyblade at him
red: You should really learn to give up kid
jake: if I give up then there's no way we're getting you back I should just end you just to get it over with but I know she wouldn't forgive me so I'm doing what she wants and if you won't come willingly I guess I have to take you by force
Red gave a chuckle as he snapped his fingers and nobody appeared
red: You're quite delusional if you think you can beat me
Jake used all his strength to defeat the nobodies but they just keep on coming he was running out of options whether to keep fighting them or just to attack red but he had to get to his tsume first , he was getting no were fighting them or just attack head on . soon he was out numbered as the nobody's had trap him at the end of the piller
red: now if you excuse me i have work to do
red got back to tsume and Before he could land a blow pain struck his body as he looked down at his chest and saw a keyblade going through him he easily pulled it out and turned and looked at Jake standing behind him
red shouted as he punched him Just when red was about to kill jake he felt a pulse beating within him something deep inside him started to open up things that he never felt before as he clenched his head screaming and falls to his knees trying to stop what's happening a light surrounded him breaking him out of a dark shell , jake went to his side to see if he's alright not seeing a black heart flow into the sky disappearing
red: What happened?
red: Red are you OK?
Jake asked as he looking into the boy that had dark brown hair red eyes and with ears and tail from NANAK and was dressed in A black and red assassin outfit with black pants black shoes
jake: dude you look awesome
red : Jake, what happen I -
Red turn to see Tsume unconscious as he started to freak out Jake tried his best to calm him down as he explain to him what happened , tears started fall as he red cried and apologize to Jake , now he wanted to make things right as he held tsume in his arms as a light shined on her healing her instantly . Jake was surprise with the power he had
tsume: what happened?
Tsume asked as she opens her eyes and saw Jake and red smiling down at her
red: Are you OK my princess
Red asked as he helped her up
tsume : I'm fine but ....i feel like i was hit with a bus and why do you look different ?
red: That's because you and jake helped me broke the spell Maleficent put it on me
tsume : really ! cool ! im so happy
Tsume hugged him as he hugged her back Jake just rolled his eyes knowing red was doing this to make him mad
red: No need to be jealous Jake if you want a hug I will give you one to
Before Jake could react he was pulled into a bear hug and couldn't break free
red: I missed you Jake my love
tsume: Aww how cute
tsume: so cute
jake: TSUME HELP ME !!
tsume: Sorry I am NOT allowed to get it in the way of True Love
Tsume said with a giggle as red cup Jakes face
red: Now how about a kiss
jake: AHHHHHH !!!!
voice: JAKE , TSUME !
everyone turned and saw Julian and Tsuki with Leon ( julian who is known now to be silver is KH powerful knight and tsuki is the princess of darkness )
jake: Hey guys !
silver: Are you OK ?
jake: Yeah were fine
tsume: its good to see you guys are alright
leon: Listen , you 2 better get to sora he needs you now
tsume/ jake: Right !
Tsume and Jake took off running as red followed along to once Tsume and Jake got to the battle field and saw sora with goofy and Donald Surround by heartless
tsume: We're here guys
goofy: Good to see you
jake: Let's do this
voice: Don't start the party without me
Red jumped down next to Jake and hugged him
sora: Who's he?
tsume: That's red
sora: You freed him?
tsume: Yep cool right , red stop making out and get your ass into gear
red: OK my princess
Tsume teamed with sora and Jake was stuck with red seeing he was using a double keyblade as the battle was going on red still tryed to get a kiss from him but it was just surprising to tsume to see them fight heartless and each other . once the battle was over they follow Dora down the pathway they've been spotted the Kings Landing a heartless and ran to him
Donald: Your Majesty
king: Xehanort
Xehanort: how long has it been since I have been denied name
sora: Out with it nobody were kairi , were riku
Xehanort: I know nothing of any kairi as for riku you should ask your king
tsume: Huh ?
Sora look to the king as he charge that the guy only friend that disappear in a black hole and the king followed to
Once again no clue to we're kairi was it was time for them to get moving as they unlocked a new door to the next world
tsume: I'm sorry About kairi sora I know you want to find her
Tsume said as they walked onto the ship
sora: It's not your fault , thanks tsume
He gave her a small smile as they were off to the next world was back to mulan place
jake: Dammit
tsume: What's wrong?
jake: Red is here
tsume: So
jake: Why is he here ?
tsume: Jake don't be mean we need all the help we can get
jake: Yeah but why him?
tsume : Well he's a knight
red: im really a heartless assassin
tsume: cool
jake: But I'm not a knight in fact i dont know what I am
tsume: Dose it matter. , what matters is we have to put an end to this now
jake: But what about -
tsume : He can come
red: Yes ! (Hugs him) Now I can be next to my lovely Jake Ikashi forever