Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 3: Hanging on a thread
Even clawhauser wanted to get a dart gun and go give him a piece of his mind himself, true story. chief bogo had to put order in there a few times. - i'm sure he didn't like to do that. - of course not.
A Child's Need Drakonian part 6
This one is based off another one and i sadly saw that i was there to know the true story and pains my heart.
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 10
"i hope that this will be the first of many true stories, firebreather," strong soul said with a smile.
Chapter 10: Awakened
The true story starts now.
Trophy Assistants
It is also to celebrate the fourth anniversary since i began this series with what i thought at the time would be just a one-shot, and my first true story too. then, four years later... !
Seekers Tale Part 33
But then everyone enjoys hearing about king arthur and merlin and i know the true story behind the legend." he leans back as he looks out the window at the valley currently bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.
The Ultimate Prey
The saddest thing is this is a true story about me and coffee... well, as far as the need for that brown elixer of life. anyway, comments and thoughts are always appreciated. i don't bite (if i've had my coffee xd)
No Work For Today
(writer's note: true story about the being ninja in the bathroom with no tp. don't ask me because even i don't know how he pulled it off.) tiffani: so what do you want to do now?
A noob roleplay about dragons. Hurray!
And this rp doesnt affects my original story so, this didn't really happen :p i'll soon start working on my true story though... oh yeah, it will contain dragons fighting, hunting, roaring, flying and even dragons mating!... erm...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 66 - The little boy next door
But i suppose only time will tell what really happened there in sercia and even then it's quite possible that it's not the true story... i think that no one will ever really know what went down there...
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 39
Maybe the true story would never come out. "get back, you filthy bastards! have you no shame!?" "backrollers! every last one of you!"
Inside, Outside, Clear
true story." "i'm just saying ... come and chat with the pit crew." "i do that after the race." "mm." a nod. "well ... i'm gonna wander the pits a bit." "well, she's gonna be stopping in ... like, ten laps from now.