A noob roleplay about dragons. Hurray!

Story by Komyeta on SoFurry

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Original tittle abobe is awesome! Anyway, this is my first RolePlay me and my friend Miklazteles did, he is not part of the SoFurry comunity though. We did this in spanish so translating it to english to make it look acceptable was tricky, I did my best to translate but I still feel it could have been better. Hope that's understandable. This RolePlay is a total different setting from Komyeta's original story(Wich is yet to come, soon).

Here the starrings!:

-Miklazteles as Ache: A cyborg dragon. Green scales and silver for his metallic parts. Find his DeviantArt profile here: http://hakkamon.deviantart.com/

-Komyeta as Komyeta(duhh): A common wild dragon. White scales with Black stripes along his back and orange details.

And this RP doesnt affects my original story so, this didn't really happen :P I'll soon start working on my true story though... oh yeah, It will contain dragons fighting, hunting, roaring, flying and even dragons mating!... erm... I mean cuddling, yeah dragons cuddling... a lot... snickers

Translating this was a nightmare, Google Translator didn't help at all so I had to re-write entirely from spanish to english. but finally its done! faints Please DO NOT forget to rate and comment! It would help me greatly.

Alright! No more delays, get reading and enjoy!

First Blood

<Komyeta> *The ruins of a long abandoned building served as shelter against a storm strike, all other buildings were either too small, or were in very poor condition. A winged creature was sheltered in one of such buildings, despite the fact that those had already spent several years without being used, the place reeked of humans. The white dragon leaned up over the dirt, licking his soaked scales to dry them as fast as he could, the cold he felt was terrible and he's been shivering for several minutes already. The driest he was, the less cold he would be. The dragon frowned, most of his body was very stiff and he curled up putting his paws closer to his body, struggling to maintain temperature. With eyes closed and breath visibly steaming off of his snout, he began to feel tired, his eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier, and his senses became duller. God damn weather*

<Miklazteles> *Anyone would think that that white dragon was the only one caught in the eye of the storm, but no, inside one of the ruined castle besieged galleries lay another dragon with greenish scales, slightly smaller. He laid curled up with its synthetic wings covering the winter-cold air, trying to preserve heat the best he could. His whole body was pale from the lack of food in such a desolate place, and his shivers denying him sleep*

<Komyeta> *A thunder that fell uncomfortably near of his position startled the white dragon greatly, his head turns left and right several times to realize what was going on. After noticing that the storm still continued, he groaned showing his frustration. With much regret, he rolled placing his feet on the floor and pushed to get up, letting the cold air reach his warm belly and flank. He cursed under his breath, this was not the rainy season, he knew very well, so this sudden rain shower had taken him by surprise. A few hours ago he was following a deer through the forest after not finding anything for a half hour flight, seeing that solitary deer brought him a predatory smile to his face that only a dragon could express, but the moment he pounced and gave it a swift death and began to feast between skin, bone and muscle, raindrops began to fall around deliberately. After satiating his appetite, he rose to a flight, immediately realizing it was a bad idea as the wind speed had increased, violently changing direction without warning forcing him back down. The dragon recalled during the previous flight, not far from there, he saw a couple of human structures that seemed to be abandoned, he had decided to go there. After an hour of uneventful trotting he arrived to the place, soaked and muddy, and trembling as if he had just come out of a freezer, at least the building protected him from the wind*

<Miklazteles> *The green dragon shuddered, clenching his teeth trying to sleep, but to his mind came only sad memories of human wars, in which he was unfortunately implicated in... Those conflicting images made him lift his head, forcing his neck to maximum length because of numbness, he yelped as he opened his eyes and gasped due to a nightmare. -Wasn't real... - He whispered a bit grateful, repeating the words several times. He rose with difficulty trying to unstiffen his muscles and joints, its metallic wings had been frozen and he stretched them to break the thin ice that enveloped them. - Hmph ...- He let out a snort watching his terrible condition.- I need to eat something...- He looked around for his companion*

<Komyeta> *The white dragon rose up , looking out of the structure. Grey. It was all that could be seen, water droplets could barely get to where you'd expect to see a welcoming carpet, he did not know what time of day it was, or how long he had been there. But the white dragon was grateful to be dry now and could stand the cold, barely. Still trembling, he turned and went deeper into the structure, trying to find something to amuse himself, all he could see were rotten old furniture and some appliances and rusty tools, the dragon ignored them. There was nothing to look at, he returned to where he was resting before, completely tired of the cold weather, and he was not feeling well enough to go back outside and expose himself to the rain again, so he leaned close to the building entrance, waiting and watching the grayish landscape until he fell into a dreamless sleep once again*

<Miklazteles> *The green dragon had not eaten in weeks, to the point that his energies were few and his senses faint, he walked weakly through the halls of the building, his cybernetic eye thoroughly looking for something edible, it was also malfunctioning as a small presence of static disrupted it more like his biological eye's gray cloak.- There got to be something, whatever... a rat or a bug...- He searched through the pile of rubble with the help of his front legs, but didn't find anything that could be useful. He looked down and came to think that he would have to leave the building to find food, the storm was still present, but sooner or later it could get worse, so he did not waste any more time and prepared to leave his shelter. As he neared the exit which was a huge hole in a wall of solid stone, it smelled of another living being, a dragon.- Yeah ... I knew I was not alone...- he muttered softly, his words were his only company in this desolate place. He kept his head low trying to figure out the location of that stranger with whom he had inadvertently shared his refuge, he thought if sooner or later he would return to this place, he should ensure that no one else invaded his territory, as they may steal his food and anything they could find. He stepped cautiously into the hallway adjacent to where the cold wind blew, where the smell grew stronger. "It's an adult male... Ache... focus... this is your refuge and no one else's..." His senses prepared now more than ever for a surprise battle with the intruder dragon and took a look on his cybernetic right foreleg, his most lethal of weapons, as it had the quality of transform into any weapon he wished, unfortunately, it was not in top condition for a fight, it threw out sparks and the synthetic skin was worn out, but his sharp claws remained in place, and despite his weakness and starvation, he was determined to give everything to defend his land*

<Komyeta> *Komyeta woke again, crouched as before, shivering with cold, he didn't want to open his eyes, but still he did. His pupils didn't take long to adjust to the light, it was getting dark... and the damn rain was still there! This couldn't be true, perhaps he would have to spend the night here? He put one foreleg over its head groaning in annoyance, his breath blowing some dust into the air. The dragon wanted nothing more than to be warm now, anything to keep him warm, but he needed it now! ...maybe... his gaze fixed on the old furniture... no, not worth wasting the fire breath on this, it was supposed to be only for emergencies. He knew that every time he used it, an enormous amount of energy was consumed and would leave him hungry and weak... Weaker than what the cold does to me? He thought. Soon decided he would do it, got up again, letting the cold air completely surround his body once again and picked up some furniture fabric and old wooden parts, piling them in a safe spot to keep a controlled fire place, he didn't want to burn the entire structure. After stacking what would shortly turn into charcoal, the dragon focused, took a deep breath and... wait, no, a full exhalation would incinerate everything in mere seconds, he needed a small slow flame, which would grow slowly... the dragon readied himself again, this time with much less air in his lungs, and unleashed the small inferno. The wood and fabric despite being a bit wet and moldy, were caught in flames immediately, not too much but just enough. The dragon does not use all his breath in the exhalation which was good, but he still felt slightly tired afterwards. Minutes passed and the furniture burned, fortunately, part of the building had a section of the ceiling completely ruined, allowing the smoke to escape freely. The white dragon was satisfied, sitting to let the fire between him and the entrance of the building, purring happily down his throat.*

<Miklazteles> *The green dragon was slowly stalking the smell given off by its rival, closer and closer he got, but suddenly one second scent came to his senses, the smell of ash and smoke. "Something could be burning with the last lightning fall? The smell was so intense that it didn't seem to come from the forest, over time, the smell of the second dragon disappeared completely, giving a sense of relief for Ache as now he would probably enjoy a good source of heat, which could spend the night with no problems and wait for the storm to stop so he could get some food soon. Lowering his guard to reveal a smile on his face, finally a break after so many hardships! The green dragon proceeded more rapidly, following his nose as the thermal sight of his cybernetic eye was unreliable at the moment. -Wait a minute...- Ache muttered shaking his head and stopped walking, it seemed that at the mere sniff of the fire he had lost his common sense, thoughts ran through his head until he came to the conclusion that something must have provoked the fire and if it wasn't the lightning, surely would have been the dragon he detected before. Ache again lowered his expectations; his opponent was more comfortable than him! Despite having arrived first to this place. It was a pity that his weakness prevented him to breathe fire, he probably would have done the same. He looked away, full of irony. -...Damn...- Muttered between his teeth followed by a rabid growl, then made the innocent act of stepping forward without looking, accidentally kicking a small open can to the wall where the corridor was divided tin, the metallic sound was perfectly heard, piercing the mind of the green dragon like it was the worst of his mistakes*

<Komyeta> *His eyes were focused on the gray landscape on the other side of the door, then fixed on the graceful dance of the flames and the smoke that produced intricate shapes in the air which then dissipated , calm threatened to pounce, the only sound to be heard was his own breathing, the raindrops hitting the soil surface outside, and the crackle of burning wood. But then something dragged him out of his trance, his ears spun towards the origin of the new sound and then his snout followed. What was that? He asked... his mind raced trying to figure out a conclusion... the rain, perhaps saturated part of the house, or something else to the point of collapsing under its own weight? Rats marauding around? Humans?! For the sake of the ancestors... the dragon began to push the ground beneath its feet and immediately felt that uncomfortable feeling of cold air flowing between its legs and belly, he cursed and simply decided to ignore the sound, he was too comfortable to move from his spot... but instinct always wins in the end, this better be worth the effort. The dragon stood up, feeling a thoroughly unpleasant shiver pass through his body from the top of the neck to the tip of its tail. The dragon frowned and growled again, and ventured to investigate. There were two corridors, right, or front? Soon realized he did not know from which direction came that strange sound. The rain used to always to dull the senses, the dragon cursed once again, he wasn't in the mood for this. Undecided, he chose to stay in the room with the fire between him and the two corridors, he could only see darkness in them*

<Miklazteles>*After such a disastrous mistake, Ache thought the other guy had noticed he was close and would pounce on him with the intention of killing him any time soon. But apparently, the sounds of the storm had obscured the tin can's noise. Ache sighed and took a deep breath again, filling his lungs and then exhaling his visible cold breath.-Couldn't have been that bad...- He muttered to himself with his head between his front legs.- Maybe he fell asleep. Perfect chance to slice his neck in half... I have to finish this... I'm dying of cold and I need that heat source, maybe... I could eat him too... the size would sate me for the rest of the whole winter- His compulsive instincts completely dominated his demeanor, he wanted to end this nightmare. He walked down the hall without showing fear, focusing on taking a frightening and aggressive stance. He reached the crossroads and turned his whole body to the room where the fireplace was, seeing the dragon lying against the warmth of the flames. He swiftly spread his wings and roared waking him from his nap. -This is my refuge! - He shouted angrily*

<Komyeta> *The white dragon expected to see something come through the doors, but to actually see another dragon step in took him completely off guard. Almost automatically, he rose to face the intruder, growling and showing its row of sharp teeth. His body tensed, instantly ready to fight if necessary. Luckily, the flames were in the middle of the two, but he couldn't see his form clearly as the flames between the two were disrupting his vision, it seemed to be pale green and some other color.. almost metallic. What the hell? Slowly, the white dragon paced around the campfire, to get a better view of the rival, he didn't want to fight. Did he say: His shelter? This is bad, if what the intruder said was true, then it meant that the white dragon was the intruder itself, but something was off, there were no telltale indications that another dragon was staying here around the area, he soon realized that he was lying, if this new dragon really lived here, his scent would be scattered everywhere... "You lie " he replied, his sinuous tail waving back and forth behind him, spending his fire breath on the fire camp was a bad idea after all...*

<Miklazteles> *Ache growled baring his teeth and keeping his head down, taking a few more steps toward the fire, the intruder seemed to be ready to defend his position, this would not be an easy fight, the green dragon could barely disguise his own lack of energy and showing weakness was the last thing he wanted to do. -I'm not a liar, when the storm got worse, I fell asleep in the depths of the building... there's no food, I promise you will prove to be useful in my stomach- he stated after another furious roar, Ache wanted to kill this dragon right now and then, raising his right foreleg and trying to transform it into a gattling gun, but it was in a bad shape and the transformation system was malfunctioning. -Grr...- He growled in frustration as pain surfaced once again on him, he gasped, collapsing to the ground without taking his eyes of the intruder*

<Komyeta> *Despite the warmth on his body thanks to the fire place, the words he heard from the hostile dragon made him feel another shudder. Eating him? To consume another dragon's flesh? This poor fellow must have lost his mind, or actually he was so hungry to the point of saying nonsenses. The white dragon growled, sounding much like a very low and rumbling bark, warning the intruder to keep his distance... but he didn't seem to catch the message. Is this some kind of bad joke? obviously this opponent looked much weaker than him, and still, he came to challenge him... he nearly felt sorry for him, but tried to maintain his composure, the green dragon was shaky and certainly was numb for the cold weather, he was not a real threat. Without losing sight of his rival, he let out a snort "You don't seem to be able to do what you say" The white dragon makes it look like a challenge rather than a statement*

<Miklazteles> * - Y-you want to make me look like a weakling? - Stuttered the green dragon angrier than ever, he saw every word he was being told as a way to make fun of him! He launched himself towards the white dragon with all his strength without even thinking about it, raising its front claws menacingly to strike on his opponent, accompanying his desperate attack with an enraged roar*

<Komyeta> *The white dragon underestimated strength of his rival's attack, and tried to absorb the impact, but those claws managed to scratch his shoulders, its bite came afterwards and Komyeta managed to pull back his neck just in time, saving his throat from being shredded by those sharp like razors teeth. Instead the white dragon arched his neck down, aiming to bite the back of his rival's head. *

<Miklazteles> *The Green Dragon had little time to react and couldn't even plan his strategy due to his weakened state, the deadly bite of the white dragon managed to break through the delicate flesh of his neck. Closing his eyes shut tight and howling in pain, his mind was clouded by his own rage and desperation, and he continued pushing his enemy with the help of his metallic right wing to smash him into bookshelves and wooden furniture. After the crash, Ache pulled back, gaining distance from his dizzy opponent, droplets of blood flowing out of his injured neck and panting heavily -Yeaagh... get up you ungrateful lizard... come on! - He shouted bravely, still bleeding, the heat from the fire kept him up and awoke, if they were struggling under the cold rain right now, he wouldn't even last 5 minutes*

<Komyeta> *The bite hit, digging its teeth deeply past his scales... scales? No, this was bare skin! And the first thing that crossed his mind was... cold, he could feel it through his maw, this dragon was close to be frozen!, how was it even possible that he would be willing to fight in such conditions?... Soon his green scaled foe started to push him, he reacted forcing his hind claws to grind into the wooden floor with all his might, but he slipped when a hit of the enemy's wing caught his snout, his vision blurred for a few seconds and got rammed against something on the wall, causing him to fall on his back, he was angry now and tried to kick back with his rear legs, but failed. The white dragon rolled and tried to stand up but he found it hard due to the bunch of debris on the floor beneath. This dragon seemed to have an iron will, it was literally frozen and yet he still challenged him "You're freezing..." He manages to get up and take a few steps forward "...wounded and hungry, if you think you'll get away with this..." he did not bother to finish the sentence, and accelerated full force towards the green dragon, using his wing to make a swinging attack.*

<Miklazteles> *His cybernetic eye barely managed to analyze the movement, so the first reaction he had before this sudden attack was to take cover with his metallic wings, feeling a terrible knockback, the force of the impact was enough to send Ache to the ground, disoriented by the loss of blood. If it wasn't for his bionic eye, he wouldn't be able to counter the enemy attacks, his right eye was completely blind. "Do not give up... you cannot die here... Ache- He said with his mouth open and panting. -Grr... you never faced cyborg dragon, did you?...- He took his time to get up, noticing that the white dragon was now focused on his wounded wing, he roared back and stroke him again with his claws, catching his rear leg and leaving deep cuts on it*

<Komyeta> *If he was angry before, he was enraged now, he tried to stay calm, to avoid aggravating this dragon. The last thing he thought he could use now was his fire breath, but he already used it to ignite the flames of the fireplace, and it wouldn't replenish until he takes a rest and eat something. And he couldn't fly away with a damaged wing either, great... the wing took a hard hit, but it was nothing that some rest and care couldn't fix. Komyeta had decided that this must end now. Its green opponent lunged to his side and stroke with his claws, making him howl with of pain. The white dragon snarled and rose on his hind legs, ignoring the throbbing pain on his side, taking advantage of his weight, he crushed his opponent with both of his forelegs right between the rival's wing shoulders, collapsing. Using his own weight to pin down his opponent*

<Miklazteles> *Ache roared as he tried to take his opponent off of him, but it was useless! The green dragon was lighter and had no strength to push him away, he wriggled on the ground seeking for a chance to escape, waving his elongated tail and slashing it against the white dragon, but he ignored it. Ache looked back at him - .Gaawwgh get off me!*

<Komyeta> *The white dragon snorted, showing his disapproval, and brought his head in front of the other dragon's, growling loudly and baring his teeth towards him, his answer was clear. "No" that was all he needed to say for now, mere words were not as worthy as actions, they were used to persuade and lie, just another tool for the dishonest, and the actions of this stranger showed all Komyeta needed to distrust him. But this dragon wouldn't learn to behave, it almost seemed that he wasn't a dragon at all, it was bothersome, he should have yielded by now. The green dragon tail was whipping in every direction, the white scaled dragon only ignored, it wouldn't do any damage there. His rival continued to resist and he just earned himself another bite on his neck to keep him still, but didn't gave much pressure as before, he wasn't feeling like having to sleep with a dead body nearby, and the damn rain kept going!*

<Miklazteles> *He had no other choice, Ache was completely helpless against the white dragon's threat, and now his bloody neck was shackled between sharp teeth, the green dragon let out one weak yowl of pain after another, his voice almost changing to a pleading one. He didn't even bother resisting anymore. He frowned clenching his teeth once more, growling and showing all his hate towards the white one. - . Gagh ... damn you... damn it all...! - Trying to transform his cybernetic foreleg into all the available weapons he had in mind, any of it! Hoping that one of them could be used successfully, but all of them failed to achieve the desired shape because it was too badly damaged to respond to his commands. Ache launched another growl, thinking about the death that would soon come to claim him, and began to move his hind legs - . Let me... Gagh... - On his last attempt, he managed to reach the white dragon's belly and began to tear at it repeatedly with his claws - . Die... die... - He whispered, using his last bit of strength to cause serious damage*

<Komyeta> * The reckless green dragon managed to reach his belly with its hind leg and scratch it twice, making the white one to raise out of his reach, the wound was deep, but his belly scales did their job well, he would survive, but the pain was tormenting!. Komyeta had had enough. While still biting the neck of his opponent, he opened his jaws slightly and shut them down swiftly again, this time rubbing the green's throat. If this was not a clear signal that he had lost this fight, then death would come to him, regardless of his reluctance on killing another dragon.*

* <Miklazteles> With that last ferocious bite. Ache lay still, and his breathing and pulse slowed to a stop, his body laying on a small puddle of his own blood, and his eyes remained open and dilated*

<Komyeta> *That was it, the green dragon froze, at long last. Komyeta had given more than enough chances for the other dragon to surrender, to continue living, to see the sun rise again after the storm. But that didn't happen after all, he fought to the end, the only thing that passed through his mind now was: Fool. This dragon... if he can be called one, suffered something unnatural during his past, something horrible, maybe death was better for him, to end his suffering. The body of the green dragon lay still in a corner the room, of his so called refuge. Waiting for scavengers to soon take care of it, that's how life worked in the wild, the strong will take what they need from the weak, no one would know who was the one who ended the life of this cyborg dragon, and nobody would care, why? Because in the wild there are no rules or laws, only, things that happen. That night, the white dragon, a bit anguished for destroying the life of a brother, began to lick his wounds clean next to the fire, until the rain ceased, and continued his travels*